SEVEN DAYS: That final pre-marathon week - ALL ABOUT RUNNING: Blogs and Beyond - Forum Home - TrainingPeaks Forums 3.0 The Seven Days The week before a marathon is critical to performance; the week after, to recovery For three, four or more months, you have focused your training on the marathon, that elusive 26 miles 385 yards of silliness that on a single day will define you as a hero. Now, it is time to plan for performance. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 0. - 1. -2. -3. -4. -5. -6. -7. For even more information on how to recover from a marathon, check out my Marathon Recovery Programs, available for free on and in an interactive version through TrainingPeaks.
Cool Running | The Couch-to-5K ® Running Plan By Josh ClarkPosted Saturday, 1 January, 2011 Couch to 5K ® | Beginning Running First off, you may be asking, "exactly how many miles is a 5K?" A 5K is 3.1 miles. You should ease into your 5K training plan gradually. It's easy to get impatient, and you may feel tempted to skip ahead in the program, but hold yourself back. Start Your 5K Training | A Few Minutes Each Week Each session should take about 20 or 30 minutes, three times a week. Be sure to space out these three days throughout the week to give yourself a chance to rest and recover between efforts. Run for time or run for distance There are two ways to follow this Couch to 5K ® training program, to measure your runs by time or by distance. Before setting out, make sure to precede each training session with a five-minute warmup walk or jog. Cool Running’s Couch to 5K ® Program is available for purchase online through iTunes or the Google Play Store. 5K Training Schedule
Marathon Training Program With Only Three Runs a Week Train Less, Run Faster Marathon Training Program With Only Three Runs a Week Achieve your marathon goal with only 3 running sessions per week a speed workout, a tempo run, and a long run plus 2 cross training sessions. This marathon training program appears to defy conventional wisdom because it tells runners theyll get faster on fewer workouts. The training program was developed by the Furman Institute of Running and Scientific Training (FIRST) and was featured in the August 2005 issue of Runners World magazine. To read more about the background to the FIRST marathon training program click here To go straight to the "Three Runs a Week" marathon training programs please click on the following links: Novice Program Experienced Marathoners Program Half Marathon Program To go back to our traditional marathon training program with 5 - 6 runs per week please click here Attention athletes... Ever Wish You Could Perform Athletically Like You Did In Your 20's? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Back to Top
Mental Tips for Marathon Running by Miles Updated October 17, 2014. Running a marathon requires mental strength as much as it does physical fitness. Each part of the marathon has its own mental challenges. Here are some tips on how to maintain your focus and win the mental battles throughout the marathon: First 10 Miles: Start out slow. Run your own marathon. Don't get too emotional. Miles 11-20: Break up the marathon. Stay mentally tough. Beat boredom. Miles 21-26.2: Think outside the body. Set small milestones. Talk to yourself. Also see: 26 Motivational Quotes to Get You Through Your Marathon 4 Ways to Be a More Resilient Runner 7 Ways to Deal With Marathon Anxiety
Cool Running | Beginner 10K Program Posted Sunday, 7 September, 1997 First things first: bookmark this page so that you can check on your progress. You can also add daily run reminders to the Cool Running homepage as you roll through the weeks of this training program (to do this, edit your start page preferences). This program contains some speed workouts. (For more information on the types of speed workouts, we lay it all out in "The Runner's Building Blocks"). A few quick notes on how speedwork is described here: The distance in parentheses below fartlek runs includes a mile each of warmup and warmdown, in addition to your fartlek sessions. All other workouts (including the long runs) should be run at an easy training pace -- emphasis on "easy." Finally, the pre-training schedule. The schedule peaks at about 25 miles per week.
The World's Simplest Marathon Training Plan Many people who have a dream of running a marathon push it to one side because they are filled with the fear that it’s too much training, they don’t have the time, or they aren’t fit/strong enough. Well I am here to dispel that fear by showing you in the simplest way possible a training program for anyone who can currently run 10km without stopping. If you are an experienced marathoner wanting to run a PB (personal best) then this program may not be detailed enough for you. The five ingredients for a successful marathon training program 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The 16 week training plan in Kilometers Click here to view a larger, printable version of this program. The 16 week training plan in Miles Click here to view a larger, printable version of this program . Training notes: Shorter distances are to be trained at a faster pace. Training tools Heart rate monitor with GPS: These can be expensive (around AU$400) but I wouldn’t train without one. It’s as simple as that!
Pon un cochinero en tu vida - La Bolsa del Corredor Seguro que muchas veces hemos oído o leído que el rodaje clave del corredor de fondo es la tirada larga. Quizás alguien te haya comentado que para mejorar hay que introducir calidad en tus entrenamientos en forma de series, fartlek, cuestas, etc. Todo esto está muy bien, pero te voy a contar cuál es en verdad el entrenamiento clave del corredor de fondo: el rodaje cochinero. Sí, el rodaje cochinero, ese trote amable propio de jogger de camiseta de algodón y chándal con llaves y monedas en los bolsillos. La única forma de mejorar como corredor es darle estrés al cuerpo. Dentro de las etapas evolutivas de un corredor, normalmente se empieza como jogger. En una segunda etapa, leemos en los blogs lo que hacen otros, hablamos con amigos y llegamos a la conclusión de que debemos introducir variaciones en nuestro entrenamiento. En una tercera etapa, nos proponemos correr una maratón, ya hemos corrido un par de Medias, y empezamos a seguir un plan. ¿Qué es lo que nos ocurre? Sosaku runner
Bluefin Software Blog Specifically designed for 5K graduates. Pick up where Ease into 5K app leaves off and get to the 10K distance in just 6 weeks. Please note: If you’ve never run before, please consider starting with Ease into 5K app ( since it is designed for beginners. Bridge to 10K® plan in a nutshell Designed for Ease into 5K graduatesAlternates between walking and runningTakes 6 weeks to completeWorkout 3 days per weekEach workout session is from 53 to 70 minutes long If you’ve completed the Ease into 5K and now wish to train for the 10K this is the app to have! Select your own music and skip tracks without leaving the app! **This feature requires iPhone 3.0 update Copyright 2010 – 2012 Bluefin Software, LLC Purchase this app directly at for just $2.99 For questions regarding this app please fill out this form below. Like this: Like Loading...
Marathon Training Plan - 100 Day Program | Olympian Marius Bakken's Marathon Schedule Here's how it works… Dear Fellow Runner, You're taking on the ultimate challenge, the marathon, and that takes a strong level of ambition and desire to compete against others… and yourself. You train for weeks and weeks — many times by yourself — just to get ready for race day. After spending so much time and effort, it's only natural to want to do your best. Your goal may be as simple as wanting to run faster than a friend. That's why you worry about picking the "right program". Imagine being able to open up the brains of a top marathon training coach… or a 2 time Olympic runner… Imagine you could pull out every single proven tip, tactic, and technique for slashing your training and race times to the bone. You are about to grab a major competitive edge. The type of edge that can slash minutes off your best race times. Let me explain. Hi, my name is Marius Bakken. Now you may not realize it, but getting to the level of international competition wasn't easy for me. Not at all. Boy was I wrong!
How often should you change your running shoes? - Dr. Nick's Running Blog Twenty years ago in 1994 when I was studying to become an athletic trainer the magic number for replacing a pair of running shoes was 300-500 miles. Four years later during medical school the information we were again being taught was that if runners were having any type of injuries or issues one of the first places we were to look were how many miles they had on their shoes. Anything in the range of 300-500 miles was considered old and needed replaced. Fast forward to 2014 and what we find is that nothing has changed in regards to how many miles you should accumulate on your shoes before tossing them. It has remained 300-500 miles. Cook SD, Kester MA, Brunet ME. The change in shock absorption properties of running shoes was evaluated as a function of miles run. Obviously the engineering and materials have improved over the past twenty years so why hasn’t the life span of a shoe increased ? I know what you’re thinking. Replacing your shoes every 300 miles?? -Dr. About The Author Dr.
42 preguntas lógicas en un maratón | BLOGMALDITO RUNNING PUB Objetivos, ropa, sueño, ritmos, avituallamientos, liebres, pulsómetros, distancias, el temible muro, autoconfianza, calambres… Son un montón de dudas que se disparan a medida que se acerca la fecha de un gran maratón, más ahora que comienza a descorcharse la Maratón de Valencia, para que luego les siga la de Donosti, Castellón, Tarragona, Maratón de Sevilla, Marató de Barcelona y el casi fin de fiesta que es el Mapoma de Madrid. Algunas las intentaremos despejar aquí (aunque ya te digo que se basan en la experiencia propia y sabios consejos de gente que realmente sabe de esto, y gracias a eso tapan mis propias debnilidaes); otras son imposibles… y eso es genial: te toca resolverlas a ti cara a cara con ese coloso que mide 42,195 km 1- ¿Estoy preparado? ¿Has entrenado con la suficiente constancia y dedicación estos tres o cuatro últimos meses centrándote específicamente en el Maratón? ¿Has completado varias tiradas largas con éxito? 2- ¿Debo entrenar el día anterior?
Da esquinazo al hombre del mazo (elige tu propia aventura) | BLOGMALDITO RUNNING PUB Si hay algún personaje mitológico que no perdona en el deporte ese es el temible hombre del mazo que siempre asoma cuando nuestra confianza es más veloz que nuestras piernas. El resultado es un desfallecimiento que nos hace pasar de gacelas a simples gusanos arrastrados, y, en el caso más grave, llegar a acudir al desfallecimiento (así que, cuidado, que esto no es una broma). Y para saber como reaccionar con el objetivo de que el golpe sea lo menos duro posible hoy tiramos la casa por la ventana con una infografía y un invento. Iba a homenajear a Cortazar en su centenario (hola, profesores: si queréis arrebatar a un adolescente de un plumazo las pocas ganas que tiene de asomarse a la literatura sólo tenéis que obligarle a leer Rayuela del tirón, no cata papel tintado en años), pero prefiero rendir pleitesia al maravilloso mundo de las novelas Elige tu propia aventura porque estas seguro que todos las hemos disfrutado mil veces más. Alehop, allá vamos. - Genial (PASA AL CAPÍTULO 9)