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How To Use Filezilla to Transfer and Manage Files Securely on your VPS

How To Use Filezilla to Transfer and Manage Files Securely on your VPS
Related:  Linux server 18.04

How To Use SFTP to Securely Transfer Files with a Remote Server Introduction FTP, or “File Transfer Protocol” is a popular method of transferring files between two remote systems. SFTP, which stands for SSH File Transfer Protocol, or Secure File Transfer Protocol, is a separate protocol packaged with SSH that works in a similar way over a secure connection. The advantage is the ability to leverage a secure connection to transfer files and traverse the filesystem on both the local and remote system. In almost all cases, SFTP is preferable to FTP because of its underlying security features and ability to piggy-back on an SSH connection. Although SFTP is integrated into many graphical tools, this guide will demonstrate how to use it through its interactive command line interface. How to Connect with SFTP By default, SFTP uses the SSH protocol to authenticate and establish a secure connection. Although passwords are easy to use and set up by default, we recommend you create SSH keys and transfer your public key to any system that you need to access. exit pwd

Configure NGINX virtual server for various PHP Frameworks A portable, preconfigured, lightweight, fast and stable server stack for developing php mysql applications on windows, based on the excellent webserver Nginx. A lighter alternative to XAMPP and WAMP. In the WTServer Manager window, go to Project Setup, check Enable Local Virtual Server, then Save. Edit WTServer\conf\domains.d\projectName.conf directly or go to Project Setup and click on Edit Nginx Local Virtual Server Configuration File icon. Anchor Nginx configuration: location / { try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php; } Bolt Nginx configuration: CakePHP Nginx configuration: location / { try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php? CodeIgniter Nginx configuration: location / { # Check if a file or directory index file exists, else route it to index.php. try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php; } Drupal Nginx configuration: # This matters if you use drush location = /backup { deny all; } ## Very rarely should these ever be accessed outside of your lan location ~* \. Joomla Nginx configuration: Laravel Nginx configuration:

monitoring - How do I get the CPU temperature? - Ask Ubuntu How to Set Up SSH Keys on Ubuntu 18.04 Introduction SSH, or secure shell, is an encrypted protocol used to administer and communicate with servers. When working with an Ubuntu server, chances are you will spend most of your time in a terminal session connected to your server through SSH. In this guide, we’ll focus on setting up SSH keys for a vanilla Ubuntu 18.04 installation. SSH keys provide an easy, secure way of logging into your server and are recommended for all users. Step 1 — Create the RSA Key Pair The first step is to create a key pair on the client machine (usually your computer): ssh-keygen By default ssh-keygen will create a 2048-bit RSA key pair, which is secure enough for most use cases (you may optionally pass in the -b 4096 flag to create a larger 4096-bit key). After entering the command, you should see the following output: Output Generating public/private rsa key pair. Press enter to save the key pair into the .ssh/ subdirectory in your home directory, or specify an alternate path. The syntax is: mkdir -p ~/.ssh

Open Source : comment Docker est en passe de démoder les VM Mis au point par l’équipe à l’origine du PaaS DotCloud, « Docker est un système de packaging qui permet de prendre n’importe quel code source, n’importe quelle application et de l’envelopper, avec toutes ses dépendances, dans un objet unique, « self-contained », que l’on peut déplacer et faire tourner sur n’importe quel serveur, n’importe où sur la planète », explique Solomon Hykes, le diplomé d’Epitech en 2006 à l’origine de DotCloud et qui vit désormais en Californie, là où Docker vient d’être gratifié de 15 M$ de capital-risque qui s’ajoutent au 11 M$ déjà accordé à DotCloud depuis 2010. Red Hat s’embarque Trop beau pour être vrai ? Enfin, et surtout, Red Hat, dont vingt développeurs travaillent avec Docker depuis l’été dernier, a commencé à supporter Docker dans RHEL 6.5, paru en décembre. Exploiter une fonction de Linux Mieux que les VM traditionnelles Bien sûr, les VM sont l’outil idéal pour virtualiser les applications déjà existantes.

How To Install Nginx on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Introduction Nginx is one of the most popular web servers in the world and is responsible for hosting some of the largest and highest-traffic sites on the internet. It is more resource-friendly than Apache in most cases and can be used as a web server or a reverse proxy. In this guide, we'll discuss how to get Nginx installed on your Ubuntu 14.04 server. Prerequisites Before you begin this guide, you should have a regular, non-root user with sudo privileges configured on your server. When you have an account available, log in as your non-root user to begin. Step One — Install Nginx We can install Nginx easily because the Ubuntu team provides an Nginx package in its default repositories. Since this is our first interaction with the apt packaging system in this session, we should update our local package index before we begin so that we are using the most up-to-date information. sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nginx You will probably be prompted for your user's password. Conclusion

Optimizing servers - nginx speedup & optimization guide nginx is a small and fast webserver which generally outperforms most of the alternatives out of the box, however there is always room for improvement. In addition to operating as a web-server nginx can also be used as reverse HTTP proxy, forwarding requests it recieves to different back-end servers. General Tuning nginx uses a fixed number of workers, each of which handles incoming requests. You can count the CPUs available to your system by running: $ grep ^processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l With a quad-core processor this would give you a configuration that started like so: # One worker per CPU-core. worker_processes 4; events { worker_connections 8096; multi_accept on; use epoll; } worker_rlimit_nofile 40000; http { sendfile on; tcp_nopush on; tcp_nodelay on; keepalive_timeout 15; # Your content here .. } Here we've also raised the worker_connections setting, which specifies how many connections each worker process can handle. worker_processes * worker_connections (= 32384 in our example).

How To Create a Self-Signed SSL Certificate for Nginx in Ubuntu 16.04 Introduction TLS, or transport layer security, and its predecessor SSL, which stands for secure sockets layer, are web protocols used to wrap normal traffic in a protected, encrypted wrapper. Using this technology, servers can send traffic safely between the server and clients without the possibility of the messages being intercepted by outside parties. The certificate system also assists users in verifying the identity of the sites that they are connecting with. In this guide, we will show you how to set up a self-signed SSL certificate for use with an Nginx web server on an Ubuntu 16.04 server. Note: A self-signed certificate will encrypt communication between your server and any clients. A self-signed certificate may be appropriate if you do not have a domain name associated with your server and for instances where the encrypted web interface is not user-facing. Prerequisites Before you begin, you should have a non-root user configured with sudo privileges. Output sudo ufw app list

Initial Server Setup with Ubuntu 18.04 Introduction When you first create a new Ubuntu 18.04 server, there are a few configuration steps that you should take early on as part of the basic setup. This will increase the security and usability of your server and will give you a solid foundation for subsequent actions. Note: The guide below demonstrates how to manually complete the steps we recommend for new Ubuntu 18.04 servers. Step 1 — Logging in as Root To log into your server, you will need to know your server’s public IP address. If you are not already connected to your server, go ahead and log in as the root user using the following command (substitute the highlighted portion of the command with your server’s public IP address): Accept the warning about host authenticity if it appears. About Root The root user is the administrative user in a Linux environment that has very broad privileges. The next step is to set up an alternative user account with a reduced scope of influence for day-to-day work. You can see this by typing:

Un NAS dans le cloud? Mieux encore! | Conciergerie Phoceos Aujourd’hui nous allons parler d’un nouvelle façon de travailler sur l’un des domaines les plus vieux et les plus communs de l’informatique: les fichiers. Dès 1983, le serveur NetWare de Novell inclut le NCP. En 1984, Sun Microsystems développe NFS qui permet le partage de fichiers à travers un réseau. Mais aujourd’hui les besoins évoluent. Les utilisateurs sont nomades et ne sont pas toujours dans l’entreprises pour accéder directement au NAS, ni même connecté à internet (avion, train..) pour accéder au travers d’un VPN.Les volumes de données atteignent facilement le TERA, pas facile d’embarquer cela sur un ordinateur portable ou une clé USB.Le mode collaboratif est courant et chacun veut pouvoir simultanément modifier tout ou partie des fichiers de l’entreprise. Bien sur des solutions comme Google Apps avec son drive permettent de contourner ses problématiques mais aujourd’hui je veux vous parler d’une autre solution: GetSync Un NAS P2P et « Cloudless » Alors si:

Tutorials Tutorial How To Automate Your Node.js Production Deployments with Shipit on CentOS 7 Shipit is a universal automation and deployment tool for Node.js developers. It features a task flow based on the popular Orchestrator package, login and interactive SSH commands through OpenSSH, and an extensible API... Tutorial How To Package and Publish a Snap Application on Ubuntu 18.04 Snap is a modern application packaging format with powerful sandboxing and security features, including file system isolation, automatic updates and integrated dependency management. In this tutorial, you will create ... Tutorial How To Install Linux, Nginx, MySQL, PHP (LEMP) Stack on CentOS 8 [Quickstart] In this tutorial, you’ll install a LEMP stack on a CentOS 8 server.

How To Fix 504 Gateway Time-out on Nginx - idroot If you run a Nginx web server you may have already encountered the annoying 504 Gateway Time-out errors. This is pretty common error, are generated most probably by the PHP max execution time limit or by the FastCGI read timeout settings. This tutorial shows you how to fix nginx 504 gateway timeout on the nginx webserver. Changes in php.ini Try raising max_execution_time setting in php.ini file (CentOS path is /etc/php.ini): Changes in PHP-FPM Try raising request_terminate_timeout setting in php.ini file (CentOS path is /etc/php-fpm.d): request_terminate_timeout = 150 Changes in Nginx Config Finally, add fastcgi_read_timeout variable inside our Nginx virtual host configuration: Reload PHP-FPM and Nginx service php-fpm restart service nginx restart Congratulation’s! Nginx Manage Service Offer If you don’t have time to do all of this stuff, or if this is not your area of expertise, we offer a service to do “Nginx Manage Service Offer”, starting from $10 (Paypal payment).
