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14 Google Tools You Didn't Know Existed

14 Google Tools You Didn't Know Existed
Now that you've written your eulogies for Google Reader, it's a good time to remember that Google has an abundance of other resources that may not be as popular but still deserve a spotlight. We rounded up some lesser-known Google tools and applications that could help you cope with the loss of Reader and rekindle your love for Google. From fun tools like Google Ngram Viewer to useful resources like Full Value of Mobile Calculator, you'll find an array of tools for developers to small business owners to the average consumer. Take a look at the gallery and let us know what your favorite Google tool is in the comments. Image courtesy of Flickr, Scobleizer.

The Best Security Apps for Android to Protect your Mobile Phone Meet some of the best security apps that protect your Android phone and also make it easier to locate the device in case the phone is lost or stolen. Your mobile phone is probably your most important digital possession that holds your contacts, emails, text messages, personal photos and other confidential stuff that you would not like anyone else to see. Yet, it is so easy to lose one as you are carrying it everywhere you go. There are a plethora of security apps in the Google Play store that help you safeguard your Android phone and offer options that increase your chances of locating your lost (or stolen) device. The Lookout app was the most popular choice for determining the location of a lost phone but with Google’s own Android Device Manager available, Lookout can be skipped (unless your phone is running an older version of Android). Android Device Manager requires that the device is online – connected to mobile data or Wi-Fi – for you to remotely ring, lock or erase the phone.

Guide sur la publicité Facebook: comment bien annoncer? Facebook, tout le monde connait. Et comment ! C’est devenu depuis peu le site le plus visité au monde, dépassant même l’indétrônable Ainsi, plus de 500 millions d’utilisateurs échangent quotidiennement sur le réseau social qui a révolutionné la toile. Ces 500 millions d’utilisateurs sont également le gagne pain de Facebook : en intégrant un moyen d’annoncer unique et d’une puissance inégalée, Facebook a trouvé le modèle économique en or avec sa publicité ultra ciblée. Il est toutefois extrêmement facile de s’y brûler les doigts et de voir son budget s’envoler en 2 petites heures. Comprendre le potentiel de Facebook Les avantages La première chose à faire avant de rentrer son numéro de carte bleue, c’est comprendre le potentiel réel de Facebook. Et Facebook a une caractéristique que personne ne peut égaler : un ciblage extrêmement puissant et ultra précis. Les inconvénients Enfin, si vous êtes familier d’Adwords, vous connaissez surement les « negativ keywords ». Le titre L’annonce

Measuring Link Authority | Tools and Tips There are seemingly endless ways to measure the effectiveness of your content marketing efforts. From the basics such as traffic and conversions to more expansive KPIs and social engagement, tools and analytics programs are available to help tell the story of a successful content marketing campaign. But for some it can be difficult to figure out how to measure the link authority of your content. As link building changes and morphs from its old school ways to being more focused on content it’s imperative to recognize the value content can play from a link building perspective. Tracking Backlinks to Content Arguably one of the most important factors in ranking a website or piece of content high in search results is still quality of links. Moz’s Open Site Explorer and Fresh Web Explorer are two tools that aid in discovering newly acquired backlinks to content on your site. Ahrefs can be used just as the other tools mentioned here. What value the tool places on the link. Website Analytics

How to Convert Email Messages to PDF through Email Itself An email based file conversion service lets you convert email messages, Office documents and web hyperlinks into PDF files. Supports text and HTML mails. Google Chrome has a built-in PDF writer so you can easily convert any email message into a PDF file within the browser itself but if you are reading your emails on a mobile phone or a tablet, you would need some sort of a PDF conversion app. Alternatively, you can forward the original email message to and the service will send a PDF version of the message back to you in a second or two. I tried converting a plain text email message as well as one with HTML tags and the conversion was almost perfect in both instances. If there are any Word, Excel or Powerpoint attachments inside the mail, you can forward the files to and they’ll come back to you in PDF format. You may also use the service to retrieve web pages as PDFs. Also see: Most Useful Email Addresses

Gamification : en finir avec les badges Selon une rumeur persistente, la gamification consisterait à distribuer des badges. Malgré de nombreux démentis, il reste difficile de faire comprendre que gamification n’est pas égale à badgification. Aujourd’hui El Gamificator vous dit comment gamifier autrement. En 2009, l’application géolocalisée Foursquare est pionnière d’une tendance qui deviendra mondiale : la gamification. Les célèbres badges Foursquare Ce que la gamification doit à Foursquare, c’est d’avoir popularisé le concept. La gamification sans badge La suite de l’article sera volontairement déstructurée. Social. L’aspect social est omniprésent et indispensable en gamification. Rétroaction. Le feedback (nom anglais pour rétroaction) donne du sens aux agissements des utilisateurs. La rétroaction la plus célèbre au monde Quantified self. “Les humains adorent les chiffres et surtout les voir bouger” a écrit Amy Jo Kim, CEO de Schuffle Brain. Évolution. Les trois étapes du cycle du joueur, selon Amy Jo Kim Flow. Trigger. comments

Landing Pages para estrategias de marketing de contenidos Una referencia infográfic a para mejorar la creación de contenido útil y relevante para nuestros usuarios web. 11/10/2013 - Hoy presentamos una imagen infográfica con la que hacer posible un mejor aprovechamiento de nuestro contenido en las páginas de destino o Landing Pages. A cargo de la firma Ion Interactive, esta nueva infografía muestra hasta cinco tácticasúnicas para sacar provecho de blogs, documentos, infografías, webinars y presentaciones. El marketing de contenidos es la técnica dirigida a entender qué necesitan saber tus usuarios y entregárselo de forma pertinente y convincente. Bien aprovechada esta información nos permitirá mejorar el rendimiento de todas nuestras estrategias en relación al marketing de contenidos que redundarán en más y mejores usuarios. Interesados pueden acceder a Landing Pages for Content Marketing desde la infografía que dejamos al final de este mismo post.qué experie

How to Keep your Google Contacts Up-to-date with Google Scripts Your Google Contacts can now add or update their contact information in your online address book directly with this simple Google Script. You have several incomplete entries in your Google Contacts. Some contact are missing phone numbers, others don’t have any mailing address associated with them while in the case of close friends and family members, you don’t even have a record of their birthdays and anniversaries. How do you get this missing information from your contacts and complete your address book? The one alternative is that you send them an email, or make a phone call, requesting the information and fill-in the missing details in your address book manually. It works like this. Also see: Export Email Address of your Facebook Friends To get started, go to your Google Contacts and create a new group (say Personal). Click here to create a copy of the contacts app in your own Google Drive. That’s it. Awesome Google Scripts → Custom Google Scripts → Need help?

E-marketing: les outils ne font pas les Stratégies Cet article a été publié il y a 2 ans 1 mois 17 jours, il est possible qu’il ne soit plus à jour. Les informations proposées sont donc peut-être expirées. T’y connais rien au rock! Moi: “tu n’y connais rien au e-marketing” – Lui, plus tard: “visiblement, toi tu n’y connais rien au rock!”. C’est la grosse claque que j’ai pris dans la tronche il y a quelques jours lors d’une discussion avec un décideur dont le talent et la pertinence des questionnements sont pour moi un modèle à suivre. Non pas que j’ai été mortifié par la remise en question de ma culture musicale, ou que lui m’ait asséné un coup de boule zidanesque pour sanctionner l’impertinence de ma remarque, mais parce que les deux échanges que nous venions d’avoir sur des sujets diamétralement opposés témoignaient de similitudes troublantes dans leur dénouement. Notre métier… ? Stop au “me too” E-marketing Premier constat, il revêt des noms incroyablement différents, rivalisant de subtilités sémantiques. Et vous, qu’en pensez vous ?

Facebook's New Algorithm If you’ve managed a Facebook page for a client then you know how difficult it can be to get your posts seen by fans. Just because your page has 10,000 likes, doesn’t necessarily meant that your posts are going to be seen by 10,000 people. In the past, your post reach was determined by an algorithm called EdgeRank (which marketers were finally starting to wrap their head around). Not unusual for Facebook, they’ve made some interesting changes recently, including the ability to embed posts on your website. That being said, Facebook has officially replaced the news feed algorithm from EdgeRank to Story Bumping. What is Story Bumping? With EdgeRank, Facebook news feeds used to be organized based on freshness. Story Bumping helps change this, and takes into account all posts a user has seen and pushes unread stories to the top. Facebook stated that in testing, story bumping has already resulted in an increase in interactions (likes, comments and shares) with different stories. Image via Flickr.
