Web 2.0 tools Google+ en action Samedi 23 juillet 2011 6 23 /07 /Juil /2011 15:50 Je ne me suis pas encore exprimé sur Google+ auquel j'ai eu accès dès le 1er juillet car beaucoup en ont parlé mais surtout parce que je ne me suis pas encore forgé une opinion ferme et définitive sur le devenir et les usages de Google+ lancé seulement le 29 juin et qui va encore énormément évoluer vis à vis des plans de Google et des retours des utilisateurs, puis l'arrivée prochaine des pages professionnelles va révéler beaucoup du devenir de Google+ et des réels impacts sur son principal adversaire Facebook. Un premier bilan peut toutefois être tiré après les 3 premières semaines d'existence de Google+ : Pour me suivre sur Google+ : Billets en relation : Partager l'article ! inShare Par Julien Bonnel - Publié dans : Web Social 9
Homework Help | Waukegan Public Library Read to Achieve Tutoring Program Trained volunteer tutors meet one on one to read to and with Waukegan elementary, middle school and high school students. Volunteers are recruited, trained, and scheduled by Waukegan to College. If you would like to schedule a one on one tutor, please call 847-775-2547 or email. Here are links to some of the database services we offer for students in grades 3 and up. America the Beautiful 3rd Grade and up. Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia Grades 6 and up. Lands and Peoples 3rd grade and up. New Book of Knowledge 4th grade and up. New Book of Popular Science 5th grade and up. General homework-related resources Homework Spot A homework information portal that features the very best K-12 homework-related sites together with engaging editorial in one high-utility, educational spot. Fact Monster 2nd grade and up. Homework Helper 3rd grade and up. Great Websites for Kids Tons and tons of great websites about lots of different topics Encyclopedias & Dictionaries Return to Top
Google nous fait-il perdre la mémoire? Une étude américaine conclut que les internautes utilisent les moteurs de recherche comme une mémoire externe, réduisant ainsi leurs efforts de mémorisation. Retrouvez tous nos articles de la rubrique L'explication ici. L’ÉCRIVAIN NICHOLAS CARR s’était déjà demandé si Google nous rendait stupide, les scientifiques s’interrogent désormais sur l’influence des moteurs de recherche sur notre mémoire. Elle démontre également que quand il ne connaît pas la réponse à une question, il se tournera quasi systématiquement vers un moteur de recherche. L’étude oublie de préciser que les moteurs de recherche renvoient souvent vers des sites comportant des éléments de texte, des photos, du son… Ces multiples supports facilitent la mémorisation car ils sont plus susceptibles de toucher les différents types de mémoires (visuelle, auditive, motrice…). Une mémoire adepte du tri sélectif La mémoire n’étant pas infaillible, le cerveau n’est pas capable de tout enregistrer machinalement. Emmanuel Daniel
Homework Help Got homework? Get online help from real tutors! Live Homework Help offers online tutoring for 4th grade and up in English, Math, Science and Social Studies. Don't waste your precious after-school hours surfing the web for homework help. Why? Because, we've found the best totally FREE homework help sites for you already! Many subjects covered here and there is a good section on study skills and note-taking. Teaching and learning resources from the Library of Congress, National Archives, NASA, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Park Service, National Science Foundation, Peace Corps, Smithsonian, and more than 30 other federal agencies. Along with free math lessons, including a series of video lessons, this website also provides a worksheet generator and some math games. Great tutorials, a searchable common compound library and glossary, and even a chemistry exam survival guide and much more. Your first stop for internet resources to help complete your homework assignments.
Google+ : utilisation en enseignement Google+, le nouveau réseau social proposé par Google, a été lancé en version bêta le mardi 28 juin. J’ai eu la chance d’être rapidement invité à tester le service, par l’entremise d’étudiants qui y étaient déjà inscrits. Voilà donc trois semaines maintenant que j’expérimente cette nouvelle expérience sociale. Aperçu des usages que nous expérimentons d’ores et déjà en pédagogie (et ce, même – et surtout – si nos étudiants sont désormais tous partis en stages !). L’originalité majeure de Google+ par rapport à bien des réseaux sociaux existants (Facebook, Viadeo, LinkedIn, etc.) est la suivante : il n’est pas nécessaire d’avoir des relations mutuelles (« je suis ton ami, tu es mon ami« ) avec les personnes que l’on suit, ou qui nous suive. Un élève peut tout à fait suivre le flux d’information d’un enseignant sans que ce dernier n’accède à ses données personnelles. Si Google+ n’est pas encore officiellement lancé, sa version bêta a d’ores et déjà réuni près de 20 millions d’utilisateurs.
Voki Voki is a free web 2.0 tool used to create talking avatars. Characters can be customized to look like historical figures, animals, cartoons, and even one's self. For a fee, users can join Voki Classroom for more access to options and the ability to control privacy settings. Vokis are limited to 60 second recordings of either a user's voice or a computer generated voice, so I use Voki for quick assignments or part of a larger project. Creating a Voki is very easy and can be done quickly. My 9th grade Honors students incorporated Voki as part of their Create a Hero Project, creating a profile of their hero character and give him/her life using Voki. Here are some examples from my students. My students could also create Vokis of characters explaining concepts taught in class or summarizing chapters in a novel.
Google+ : Obtenir + de vos cercles Using Google+? Add Mashable to your circles. You'll get the latest about new Google+ features and tips and tricks for using the platform as well as top social media and technology news. Organizing your circles in Google+ can be the most confusing part of the new social network. We spoke with some Google+ mavericks about how they've corralled their circles to be more effective. 1. Technology writer +Mike Elgan will directly address people that circled him. 2. +Steve Rubel, EVP/Global Strategy and Insights for Edelman has organized his circles to focus on early adopters and thus access valuable feedback and information. 3. Many Google+ early adopters are curious about their followers. Mashable's +Ben Parr regularly asks his public circles for responses and insight. Google+ users are finally able to put faces to their followers and interact with them in meaningful (and sometimes hilarious) ways. 4. 5. 6. 7. Many Google+ users have already begun to think about future uses for circles.
As You Plan… Dear Teacher, A new week approaches. A new performance. A new show. You do the research. You do your best to be ready for when the curtain opens. You breathe through the Sunday night “butterflies” as the time to go “on” is only hours away. This is the weekend for you, a teacher. Breathe, Teacher. And let some of the worries go. Let them go? Yes. Go. Why? Because you know that as soon as you step in the door on Monday, your plans will already be changed. Great teachers do not let plans and preparations rule the week. (c)DearTeacherLT2013 (You may use the image if you link back to the blog and/or give credit to Dear Teacher/Love Teacher) You, amazing teacher, know what it takes to be an amazing teacher. So, plan and prepare away, Teacher. I promise you, I am speaking to myself as much as I am to you…if not more! Let’s remember our lost goal this week as we get ready for Monday…our students and their needs. Let’s remember and breathe. Breathe in. This is going to be a great week! You are so awesome!
Social In Google’s DNA Editor’s note: This guest post is written by Tom Anderson, the former President, founder and first friend on MySpace. You can now find Tom on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ Google is an algorithm driven-company. “PageRank” (named after Larry Page himself) was the “founding algorithm” of Google—the one that gave it superior search results, and eventually led to Google “winning” the search wars of the early 2000s. I love using G+, enough so that I’m worried that Google is going to make a misstep and ruin the service. One of the key issues that will determine the fate & nature of G+ is whether Google favors an algorithmic approach over a user-controlled approach to the stream. Because of the way my posts, articles and my very presence on Google+ have been interpreted, people seem surprised when they learn I love Facebook as much as G+. Anyway, I love using G+ and Facebook. Is that the right move? G+ is so new. So to return to where we started—is “social” in Google’s DNA?
Best educational websites for teachers, parents and students (Photo credit: Wikipedia) So I have been wading through the vast resources on the Internet looking for great educational sites for teachers, parents and students. The selection is virtually unlimited but some are certainly better than others. 1. According to the operators of this site themselves: “Thinkfinity is the Verizon Foundation’s free online professional learning community, providing access to over 60,000 educators and experts in curriculum enhancement, along with thousands of award-winning digital resources for K-12 — aligned to state standards and the common core.” After using the site I can see exactly what the owners and operators mean, it is an amazing place to collaborate and share ideas with other educators through discussions and sharing of resources in groups. What can I say about education world? 3. Until I started my own blog recently, I had never even heard of Edutopia. 5. My Sources
Google+ : guide pratique officiel Début décembre 2012, la firme Google a lancé le service en ligne Google+ Communautés adossé aux comptes et pages du réseau social Google+. L’entreprise vient de mettre à disposition des internautes une aide officielle : Guide pratique Google+ Communautés librement consultable. Les communautés Google+ se veulent un « espace de rencontres et de partage » en ligne. des communautés privées ou publiques qui peuvent être dédiées à des sujets, des centres d’intérêt, des groupes, des activités… ; des catégories de discussion pour aider à y trouver les sujets de conversation qui correspondent le mieux ; la possibilité d’inviter des membres d’une communauté gérée à des « hangouts » (conversations en mode simultané) et des événements ; la possibilité de partager des contenus avec sa communauté depuis n’importe quel bouton +1 sur le Web. Chaque utilisateur de Google+ peut créer ou rejoindre une communauté dès que l’icône « Communautés » apparaît dans son flux (côté gauche de la page). Licence :
ClassJump.com Google+ : Strategic Blunder inShare5 Why not start the new year by giving you a glimpse at the future of Social Networks and show why Google is best positioned to own that future. Social networks have been mostly driven by Zuckerberg's "Social Utility" vision and that is certainly the core of Google's vision. Why will the vision of a Social Utility disappear? Just how limited is that vision? userspostsmessagesstreamsinteractions (as in like, repost, ...) The problem with that kind of vision is that: a) it's too easy to build: even I can build a social back-end like that with, say, Canappi and MongoLab (MongoDB) in minutes, entirely customized for my very own social network app. b) it has no viable business model: who could believe a single second that a hundred billion (or more) market cap hides behind people bragging about what they have done, seen, read... Let me explain. Most people have 5 to 10 major interests in their lives. Does your life look like electricity? Why does Google own the key to that world? Sight ...
Ready-To-Use flyer templates for real estate promotion (Google document) by qrcode Feb 18