Herbalism, Medieval, Magickal and Modern Disclaimer: please read Aunt Bunny's Herbal Safety Rant; this is NOT a medical advice site! (Primarily directed at Society for Creative Anachronism members- by Jadwiga Zajaczkowa/Jenne Heise) Class Handouts Making Herbal Preparations An outline of instructions for creating various basic herbal preparations Scents of the Middle Ages A handout for a class on various uses of scented materials in the Middle Ages Making Medieval-style Scented Oils and Waters A handout and background for a hands-on class. Hair Care Recipes Some pre-17th c. recipes for hair care products and treatments. Herbal Sallets and Green Pottages A handout for a class on raw and cooked greens as food, pre 1650. Making Medieval Mustards Class notes: medieval mustard recipes, instructions on making your own mustard from scratch. Making Mustard the Medieval Way-- A Youth class Instructions and handout for a class directed at pages and children's program Spices from the East Class handout for a class on spices, last updated 2/11/01 Recipes
Chakra Affirmations Affirmations for the Root Chakra I am safe and secure at all times. I am divinely protected and guided and my way is made smooth and easy. I love my feet. I love my legs. I am open to expanding my awareness of life. I am willing to release all my old patterns of fear and insecurity to live with joy and well-being now. I know that I belong. People now support me in an easy and pleasurable way. It is safe for me to enjoy my life now. I am willing to be my own good mother and look after myself properly at all times. I am responsible for the quality of my life. I am willing to consider the possibility that there are new approaches to enjoying life which will enhance my sense of being alive and give me pleasure. Life is good. I trust life supports me in fulfilling my purpose. I have a right to be me, just exactly as I am. I have a right to express myself and manifest my dreams. I can have pleasure. I trust in the process of my life to unfold for my highest good and greatest joy. I am enough. I love life.
Energy Medicine Practice Alternative healing has become generally equated with Energy Medicine, through the name being given to every modality that does not use allopathic drugs. This is an overgeneralization that creates a lot of misunderstanding and conflict. For example, any physicist would question that a homeopathic remedy is called Energetic Medicine, as a homeopathic remedy contains no known form of energy that can be measured. Inergetix clarifies this area through its use of new terminology and basic theory. Energy can be applied in the different forms mentioned above, and different clients and different diseases are differently suited to each of them. Most applications today, no matter the forms of energy used, are applied as a set of frequencies called programs. Taking this into consideration and improving on it, Inergetix offers three different modes of selecting and applying frequencies of energy. As you can see in the screenshots below, there is first a Disease Specific Frequencies Mode.
Phases of the Moon Enter a year between 1700 and 2035 in the form below and press the "Get Data" button to obtain a calendar showing the dates of the primary phases of the Moon for that year. Definitions For definitions of the phases, see the explanation of Phases of the Moon and Percent of the Moon Illuminated in the Astronomical Information Center. In addition, the explanation of Crescent Moon Visibility discusses the waxing crescent phase. Time Format In the output table, d, h, m indicate day, hour, minute, respectively, of Universal Time. Computing the Phase for a Particular Day Several of our Data Services will compute the fraction of the Moon illuminated for particular days. Les chakras de yoga kundalini Avant de traiter avec l'énergie de la kundalini et son ascendant à travers les sept chakras, laissez-nous jeter un oeil à la 3 principal ou nadis lignes d'énergie qui peut être découvert dans le corps délicat vitale qui est souvent nommée corps éthérique. En réalité, il ya une grande quantité de canaux de transmission d'énergie par lequel l'énergie des flux d'aura éthérique, mais 3 d'entre eux sont essentiels. Ce sont sushumna nadi, Ida Nadi et Pingala Nadi. La connaissance de la kundalini yoga est associé à la voie la plus cruciale ou la voie - le flux de Sushumna énergie mentale, et moins à l'Ida et Pingala. L'énergie qui traverse ces voies psychiques est souvent appelé Prana. Pour être exact, les chakras de yoga kundalini sont les 7 chakras typiques qui, si propre et bien organisé, peut agir positivement sur le processus d'avancement de l'énergie kundalini le long de la colonne vertébrale. Les sept chakras principaux yoga kundalini sont situés à sept niveaux à bulle.
Learn Energy Healing with this Beginner's Guide for Healers Learn energy healing with this beginner's guide for healers. So you want to learn to work with healing energy. Maybe you've always been interested, maybe you're facing a health crisis, or maybe you just want to find out more about it. I've created a step by step tutorial for beginners that will teach you the ins and outs of how to do energy healing. First things first. What the heck is it? There are two things that construct the entire universe. Albert Einstein, discovered that matter and energy are different forms of the same thing. He also discovered that since the two, energy and matter, are interchangeable, that they also effect each other. This is how energy healing works. Energy is not made the same. Examples of bad energy are: Stress in the workplace. Good energy effects our "matter" in a good way. Continue Next Learn Energy Healing Beginning of Series 23 4 Main Energy Healing Section... Free Energy Healing... Energy Healing Videos... Learn Energy Healing for Beginner's Series:
Healing Frequencies That Will Boost Your Spirit, Mind And Body Çakras ou Chakras Les médecins chinois, astucieux, les ont regroupés en "paquets", en "quanta" de six mille nadis, réalisant l'image des méridiens d'acupuncture, sur lesquels les points sont les lieux de transformation et de distribution énergétique. Appendices, prolongements, "antennes" des champs morphogénétiques des organes dont ils portent le nom, que ce soit le foie, le gros intestin ou la rate, ils représentent déjà une globalisation (1) des fonctionnements en évitant de se fourvoyer dans une somme de petits détails inutiles et contradictoires (2) de la pathologie parce qu'ils font référence à des concepts énergétiques et ne doivent aucunement être assimilés aux concepts occidentaux liés aux mêmes termes. (2) Pingala Nadi, canal de l'énergie Yang, masculine, symbole de l'Homme, du père, des influences héréditaires, éducatives provenant de lui et de tout ce qu'il peut représenter dans notre développement. Ida nadis Les Çakras: 1- Localisation: haut de page 2- Les critères et fonctions: 3- L'évolution:
Weighted Tuning Forks and Crystal Singing Bowls and Paiste Gongs for Sound Therapy 11 Tips for Tapping Into Your Psychic Abilities Photo: Google Images. Abra-abra-cadabra—I want to reach out and grab ya. Godfrey Devereux says something like this: the mind is always talking. It is incessantly engaging in dialogue because it is constantly seeking truth. When it hears it, connects and feels it, the truth that is, it shuts up. I imagine this would feel like the mind releasing a massive exhale. We often blind ourselves with convenient false beliefs that bottleneck our intuition, gut instincts and our psychic abilities. In reality, the truth dismantles false flocks and turns over rocks. The fact of the matter is, the truth has magical qualities. Here are 11 ways to tap into your psychic self. Note: broom, wand, magic carpet, scarf and cape are optional (or totally necessary). #1 Before you say accept your values, ask yourself, “Are they my own?” “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. #2 Use your cognitive abilities. “The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. #4 Meditate. #6.
çakra, glandes,chakra,auras,corps subtils Je vous offre quelques extraits des livres de Michel Coquet qui fut un de mes guides pendants de nombreuses années et auquel j'ai eu la chance de vivre de trés belles expériences dans le sud Inde, ainsi que ma rencontre avec Daniel Meurois et Anne Givaudan, originaire tout comme eux de la région Lilloise ! Auras, corps subtils et chakras Les diverses traditions spirituelles du monde entier, et, parmi elles, la philosophie et la spiritualité indiennes issues du yoga, nous enseignent que l’homme n’est pas seulement constitué d’un corps physique, mais aussi de corps énergétiques, dont l’ensemble est appelé traditionnellement « corps vital » ou encore « corps astral ». C’est ce corps énergétique qui effectue le lien entre l’âme et le corps physique de l’individu. La pensée, la philosophie et la spiritualité à l’origine de cette conception énergétique du corps de l’homme ont exercé une influence fondamentale sur d’autres domaines, notamment sur celui de la médecine et de la santé. Les auras
Solfeggio Scale And The Sacred Healing Tones These Solfeggio frequencies make up the sacred Solfeggio scale: UT – 396 Hz Intent: turning grief into joy, liberating guilt & fear This frequency liberates the energy and has beneficial effects on feelings of guilt. It cleanses the feeling of guilt, which often represents one of the basic obstacles to realization, enabling achievement of goals in the most direct way. RE – 417 Hz Intent: undoing situations and facilitating change The next main tone from the Solfeggio scale produces energy to bring about change. MI – 528 Hz Intent: transformation and miracles (DNA repair) Tone ‘Mi’ is used to return human DNA to its original, perfect state. FA – 639 Hz Intent: re-connecting and balancing, relationships Another frequency from the sacred Solfeggio scale. SOL – 741 Hz Intent: solving problems, expressions/solutions It cleans the cell (“Solve polluti“) from the toxins. LA – 852 Hz Intent: awakening intuition, returning to spiritual order Additional research conducted by Dr. SI – 963 Hz 174 Hz 285 Hz
10 Ways to Improve Your Psychic Abilities Most people are trained to ignore intuition, so they let their psychic potential go to waste. Few realize that everyone has psychic abilities, some more than others, but everyone nonetheless. These spiritual skills can be developed and perfected; clairvoyants need little more than inner peace and meditation to keep their abilities strong. Without following certain steps, however, even psychics would be living in suspense. Believe in Yourself Negative thoughts hinder psychic abilities.
Chakras Les Chakras Le terme " chakra " provient du sanskrit et signifie roue. Ce sont des centres d'énergie situés dans le corps astral. Il y a sept chakras majeurs, le premier à la base de la colonne vertébrale et le septième au sommet du crâne. Ils sont les points d'intersection des nadis, ou conduits astraux par lesquels circule le Prana, le Chi ou l'Energie Vitale. Les chakras accumulent le Prana et l'énergie devient de plus en plus subtile à mesure qu'elle s'élève de la base des chakras vers le sommet de la tête. Dans l'image orientale traditionnelle, le chakra est vu comme une fleur de lotus. Cette représentation, conjuguée au symbolisme de la roue, donne l'image d'une forme circulaire tournant sur elle-même tandis que les pétales de la fleur de lotus se déploient l'un après l'autre. Chaque chakra a ses caractéristiques et correspond à une couleur, à un élément et à des fonctions physiques et émotionnelles très précises. De plus chaque chakra vibre à une fréquence particulière. vous en parler.