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Architecture - Famous Buildings, Floor Plans & More

Architecture - Famous Buildings, Floor Plans & More
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Top 100 Architecture Blogs | International Listings Blog Posted in Features on October 17, 2007 If Modernism was the twentieth-century architectural trend that developed a new way of thinking, then Urbanism appears to be the twenty-first century architectural mindset. This trend is breeding urban explorers (urbex), the greening of major metropolitan areas, and a focus on merging habitats and commercial structures with politics, culture, history and the arts. Top Ten The following ten sites were plucked from this list’s topics as the ‘best of the best’ of the blogs that were chosen for this list. A Daily Dose of Architecture: Or, “Archidose,” as blogger John Hill calls it. Topics Covered In This List Aggregators | Design and Technology | Environmental and/or Sustainable | Landscape | Niche | Musings | Photography | Urbanism Aggregators While many blogs tend to pick up on news from other architectural sites, the following blogs and aggregators make it a business to keep readers informed on daily architectural happenings. Back to index Landscape Niche

House Plans and Home Floor Plans at Architectural Designs Free Architecture Courses If you have a computer, tablet, or smart phone, you can go to college for free. Hundreds of colleges and universities around the world offer free downloads of popular courses and lectures in architecture, urban design, and engineering. Yes, there are drawbacks. You can't chat with the professors or classmates. 1. Established in 1865, the Department of Architecture at MIT is the oldest and one of the most highly respected in the United States. 2. Since 1898, Notre Dame has offered widely acclaimed undergraduate and graduate programs in architecture. 3. The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering offers free online materials for several courses that explore environmental planning and the design and construction of physical works. 4. Green Building Techniques, Sustainable Cities, and Rebuilding New Orleans are just a few of many audio lectures offered by the Architecture School at the University of Virginia. 5. 6. 8.

Architectural Digest Johnny Lists — 12 Websites Where You Can Create Interactive Art by Johnny Webber 1. – Create something soothing. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. ACE-CAE Homepage > Français Print Show Archives Homepage Results Economic Trends Survey Press release (January 2014) 2012 Annual Report & 2013 Outlook The Architectural Profession in Europe 2012 A Sector Study commissioned by the Architects' Council of Europe To download ALL THE DOCUMENT click here (23,8 Mo) To download per Chapter : Click on the Title below CHAPTER 1: Architects in Europe (3,3 Mo) CHAPTER 2: Architecture: The Market (2,9 Mo) CHAPTER 3: Architecture: The Practice (2,1 Mo) CHAPTER 4: Architects: The Individual (3,8 Mo) PART 2: COUNTRY FACTSHEETS (9,7 Mo) Let's Speak Sustainable Construction - Multilingual Sustainable Construction Glossary © ACE-CAE 2010 | Contact us The Architects' Council of Europe - 29 Rue Paul Emile Janson B-1050 Brussels - T: +32 2 543 1140 - F: +32 2 543 1141 Webdesign by ProduWeb

Architecture basics This article is sponsored in part by Lexus. For More Insights On How To Admire, Experience & Savor The Best Things On Earth, Check Out Charter — AskMen's Guide To Living Life To The Fullest. Goethe once called architecture “a kind of petrified music.” And we’re not going to recommend that you repeat that quote to anyone, because you won’t have left this article with any clearer sense of what it means. You will, however, have left this piece with the requisite equipment — names and lingo to drop, trends to reference and debates to provoke — needed to approach architecture as a confident beginner. Why accumulate this kind of casual knowledge? The first step to approaching an architecture discussion with confidence is to learn some names to drop. Big name: Le Corbusier How established a name is this early 20th-century Swiss architect? Le Corbusier once declared, “A house is a machine for living in,” and therein lies both his approach to his craft and his ultimate legacy.

Origami Instructions - Instructions on How to Make Origami Great ThinkQuest As of July 1, 2013 ThinkQuest has been discontinued. We would like to thank everyone for being a part of the ThinkQuest global community: Students - For your limitless creativity and innovation, which inspires us all. Teachers - For your passion in guiding students on their quest. Partners - For your unwavering support and evangelism. Parents - For supporting the use of technology not only as an instrument of learning, but as a means of creating knowledge. We encourage everyone to continue to “Think, Create and Collaborate,” unleashing the power of technology to teach, share, and inspire. Best wishes, The Oracle Education Foundation

Eight Great Interactive Sites that let you Paint like a Famous Artist Apr 06 Here are some neat interactive websites that will allow your students to create pictures that simulate the works of famous artists. These activities would work nicely on an interactive whiteboard to demonstrate characteristics of these artists or could be done by students on a classroom or lab computer. Mr. Matisse for Kids – from the Baltimore Museum of Art, click on the “Matisse for Kids” link on right under Related Links Keith Haring Coloring Book – create colorful paintings using Haring’s familiar characters Jackson Pollack – paint with drips and splots Jungle – awesome tool to create a painting like Rousseau Surreal Painter – make a surrealistic painting similar to Dali and Picasso Still Life – create a lovely still life picture in the style of the old masters These activities and more are linked on my Learning Links website.

Sindicato de Arquitectos - Fosarq 1. Qué es fosarq2. Estudiar en otro país3. Trabajar en otro país4. Hace más o menos dos años, el Sindicato de Arquitectos presentó la I Encuesta sobre la situación de la profesión en nuestro país. Posteriormente, la “llamada alemana” hacia expertos en diferentes materias técnicas hizo que creciera la demanda de puestos de trabajo por parte de arquitectos españoles. Sin embargo, salir no es sólo trabajar. Ante la posibilidad de empezar una nueva vida fuera de nuestro país muchos de nosotros nos preguntamos ¿a quién acudir? El Sindicato de Arquitectos encuentra una nueva necesidad dentro de nuestro entorno y propone la creación del FOSARQ. Éste pretende ser un FORO DE ENCUENTRO, una RED DE CONTACTOS, nacional e internacional. - Contestar las múltiples preguntas que nos planteamos antes de decidirnos a dar el paso y abandonar el país. - Poner en contacto a personas aquí y allí. - Unir a diferentes arquitectos españoles que, sin conocerse, quieren ir al mismo país.
