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Without a Trace: Turn Your Flash Drive into a Portable Privacy Toolkit @parabellum2000: Here, Here! While I might get frustrated from time to time with the limitations of web access at my school (I have to download a YouTube video from home and bring it in if I want to use it in a lesson), I understand why they exist and, frankly, I work too hard and too much to have time to putz around with tunneling through the firewall. Not to mention that I like my job, I like the IT guys, and they know I know what I'm doing. I wouldn't be surprised, if a student set up a SSH tunnel on a library computer, if they came to me to ask if I knew anything about it. Even when I worked behind a desk entering orders all day, there were ways to make it more interesting, and I was able to keep myself busy adding value for the company. You want to play your own music in your office? @tchrman35: A CD Player?

Baixar The Walking Dead Quer baixar 600X mais rápido? Compre sua Conta Premium Planos a partir de R$ 15,99 - Entrega Imediata The Walking Dead 5,039 Comments ↓ Sinopse: O mundo que conhecíamos não existe mais. 1a Temporada (RMVB LEGENDADO): 1×01 – Pilot -> Depositfiles – Bitshare – Uploaded – Turbobit – Freakshare – Uploadable 1×02 – Guts -> Depositfiles – Bitshare – Uploaded – Turbobit – Freakshare – Uploadable 1×03 – Tell It To The Frogs -> Depositfiles – Bitshare – Uploaded – Turbobit – Freakshare – Uploadable 1×04 – Vatos -> Depositfiles – Bitshare – Uploaded – Turbobit – Freakshare – Uploadable 1×05 – In the Beginning -> Depositfiles – Bitshare – Uploaded – Turbobit – Freakshare – Uploadable 1×06 – TS-19 (Season Finale) -> Depositfiles – Bitshare – Uploaded – Turbobit – Freakshare – Uploadable 2a Temporada (RMVB LEGENDADO): 3a Temporada (RMVB LEGENDADO): 4 Temporada (RMVB LEGENDADO):

70 Things Every Computer Geek Should Know. | Arrow Webzine The term ‘geek’, once used to label a circus freak, has morphed in meaning over the years. What was once an unusual profession transferred into a word indicating social awkwardness. As time has gone on, the word has yet again morphed to indicate a new type of individual: someone who is obsessive over one (or more) particular subjects, whether it be science, photography, electronics, computers, media, or any other field. A geek is one who isn’t satisfied knowing only the surface facts, but instead has a visceral desire to learn everything possible about a particular subject. A techie geek is usually one who knows a little about everything, and is thus the person family and friends turn to whenever they have a question. If you’re that type of person and are looking for a few extra skills to pick up, or if you’re a newbie aiming to get a handhold on the honor that is geekhood, read on to find out what skills you need to know. How to become a real computer Geek? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

5 Alternatives to The Pirate Bay With all this activity surrounding the DDOS attacks and the blocking of Swedish BitTorrent website The Pirate Bay in some countries, we decided to look the 5 best alternatives to the The Pirate Bay. News surrounding The Pirate Bay is certainly a reminder that it’s great to have a back-up plan. Late last month, the UK High Court ordered all ISPs in the UK to block the site. Getting around such blocks is pretty trivial. Still, what happens when the site is DDOS attacked like what happened recently when an Anonymous defector allegedly attacked the site? Such a thing could theoretically disrupt your day-to-day downloading. For something totally different, download LimeWire Pirate Edition Here are the 5 best Pirate Bay alternatives 1. A Canadian open BitTorrent website that has really withstood the test of time. 2. 1337x Another open site, though younger by comparison. 3. An open site with lots of torrents. 4. A popular BitTorrent index and search engine. 5. Notable Still looking for more?

La Freedom Box ou la petite boîte qui voulait que l'Internet restât libre Paradoxes apparents. Peut-on simultanément souhaiter la fermeture des données et l’ouverture d’Internet ? Peut-on se féliciter du rôle joué par Facebook et Twitter en Tunisie ou en Égypte tout en affirmant que ces sites sont à très court terme dangereux pour ceux qui les utilisent ? C’est cette double problématique qui est au cœur de la FreedomBox Foundation, le nouveau projet du brillant juriste de la FSF Eben Moglen qui fait régulièrement l’objet de billets sur ce blog. Il est ici question de nos données personnelles, de notre vie en ligne, de notre manière de communiquer et d’interagir avec les autres. Personne ne nous a obligés. Que se passe-t-il le jour où ces quelques sites sont rendus volontairement ou non inaccessibles ? Et que font ou feront exactement ces sites, tous commerciaux (et tous américains), avec nos données ? C’est avant tout cela aujourd’hui le cloud computing que des marketeux de génie osent encore nous présenter comme de « l’informatique dans les nuages ».

How To Disable Touchpad Mouse On Sony Vaio Laptop For Windows 7 How to disable the touch pad on Sony Vaio laptop? Not many of us are fond of using the touchpad on a laptop, probably because the inconvenience and the relatively cheap mouse available in the market. Here’s a simple tutorial on how I disable my Sony Vaio‘s touchpad without a third party software. Step 1 – Type ‘Vaio Control Center’Step 2 – Select ‘Vaio Control Center’ Step 3 – Select ‘Keyboard and Mouse’Step 4 – Go to ‘Pointing Devices’Step 5 – Uncheck ‘Enable’ and save The screenshot above are pretty much self explanatory. Video Tutorial on Disabling Sony Vaio Touchpad I’ve created a simple video tutorial on how to disable the touchpad via Vaio Control Center.

Public Domain Movie Torrents with PDA versions LAST 5 Movie Comments/Ratings (Downloads are free, but to rate or leave comments you must sign up) LAUREL AND HARDY PREVIOUSLY POSTED HERE WERE MISIDENTIFIED I am told they are not in the public domain and they have therefore been removed from this site.TRINITY AND SARTANA PREVIOUSLY POSTED HERE WAS MISIDENTIFIED I am told it is not in the public domain and it has therefore been removed from this site. PDA SMARTPHONE PPC Sony PSP and Apple IPOD VERSIONS! see the PDA FAQ Ways to HELP support this site! What is BitTorrent? BitTorrent is a fast, powerful, and spyware-free way to download large files online. Works become part of the public domain, meaning no longer OWNED by their creators, when they reach a certain age and/or when the original creator/owner does not renew their copyright. If you believe something listed here is NOT public domain, but is owned by you or your client(s) click HERE AVI Movies are encoded in DIVX

FreedomBox Foundation Azureus : Java BitTorrent Client Petit manuel de contre-espionnage informatique » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalism GPS, téléphones portables, logiciels espions: les outils de la surveillance se démocratisent. Conseils utiles pour s'en protéger. Autrefois réservés aux seuls services secrets, les outils et technologies de surveillance, GPS, téléphones et logiciels espions, se “démocratisent” au point que, suite à un reportage de M6, Petits espionnages en famille, montrant comment de plus en plus de gens espionneraient les téléphones portables et ordinateurs de leur futurs (ou ex-) femmes (ou maris), enfants, nounous, Le Parisien/Aujourd’hui en France faisait sa “une”, début 2010, sur la question ( Votre portable devient espion), tout en expliquant qu’espionner les téléphones portables était devenu “un jeu d’enfant” (à toutes fins utiles, en France, leur commercialisation, mais également leur simple détention, n’en est pas moins punie d’un an de prison et de 45 000 euros d’amende). Nombreux sont les médias à s’être penchés sur la question, de façon souvent quelque peu sensationnaliste. Bon voyage . . .

Journalistes : protégez vos sources ! - BUG BROTHER - Blog C'est fou ce que les ordinateurs et les téléphones portables des journalistes qui enquêtent sur le scandale Woerth-Bettencourt semblent intéresser voleurs, politiques et magistrats, ces derniers temps. J'avais déjà eu l'occasion de rédiger, à la demande du CNRS, un manuel expliquant comment contourner la cybersurveillance. Puis, m'inspirant de conseils et recommandations fournis par des agences proches des services de renseignement français, un petit manuel de contre-espionnage informatique. Et, enfin, un petit guide expliquant pourquoi, et comment, fabriquer son propre Wikileaks afin de permettre aux internautes de contacter quelqu’un, facilement, de façon sécurisée, et en toute confidentialité (voir Gorge profonde : le mode d'emploi). S'il n'y avait que les ordinateurs, mais il y a aussi les téléphones portables. Je ne sais si ces journalistes avaient appris à protéger leurs télécommunications, et donc leurs sources. De Gmail à Globull Discuter par email, c'est bien.
