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11 Travel Startups You Need to Know

11 Travel Startups You Need to Know
We all know about the awesomeness of TripIt, Airbnb and Hipmunk and how they've revolutionized travel. But there's a new crew of travel startups taking flight and shaking up the industry even more. These 12 startups help you book flights, find the right hotel room, assemble an itinerary and save money — they'll help you land amazing vacations at better prices than ever. What products do you use to book your trips? Tell us about your experiences in the comments. 1. Once you've booked a flight and scored hotel deals, how do you figure out what to do when you get to your destination? 2. I'd like to take a romantic trip to Europe in August for a week. Zaptravel is your digital travel agent, and it uses a semantic search engine to scull through its database (10 million flight routes, 2,000 destinations, 10,000 trip inspirations, 15,000 events, 400,000 hotels and 10 million hotel reviews), then sources the best price from several providers. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Love Uber? 9. 10. 11.

[Living] A list of useful mobile apps for living in Korea 1. Visit Korea 2.0 - English Visit Korea 2.0 provides users with expanded travel content and information on Korea's tourist attractions, restaurants, accommodations, shops, and more. 2. The Smart Tour Guide contains audio guides for major historical sited and national museums across Korea. 3. Your best mobile solution when planning for a trip to Korea. 4. Actually Korean Menu Guide is made for Korean people who have foreign friends. 5. Korean language app for building sentences based on library of over 1100 of the most common words and phrases in Korea. 6. This application contains information of tourist attractions, hands-on experience, themed tour packages, shopping places, festival, events, food and accommodations with detailed description of each attraction. 7. MediApp Korea is your guide to medical travel in Korea, where cutting-edge healthcare is available at reasonable rates. 8. BENIKEA, operated by the Korea Tourism Organization, is Korea's first-ever-mid-priced hotel chain.

Maltraitance animale, quand l'ignorance tue La condition des animaux dans notre société est effrayante. Chaque jour, l'homme exploite torture et tue plusieurs millions d'animaux dans les domaines de l'agro-alimentaire, le spectacle, la mode, la science ou les cosmétiques ... Qui imagine la somme de souffrances qui entoure une simple tranche de jambon ? Les autres animaux d'élevage ne sont pas mieux traités. Dans la filière "foie gras" ce sont les femelles qui sont broyées, tandis que les mâles sont placés dans des cages individuelles où ils ne peuvent ni se retourner ni étendre leurs ailes. Une vache est naturellement si douce qu'elle peut se laisser traire paisiblement ; elle est si maternelle qu'elle peut aussi meugler pendant deux jours la perte de son petit. Si l'abattage rituel est plus médiatisé, ce n'est peut-être pas pour les beaux yeux de la vache ... "Si les abattoirs avaient des vitres, tout le monde deviendrait végétarien" titrait une célèbre vidéo dénonçant l'horreur des abattoirs.

Budget Travel Advice: How to Pay for Your Vacation I'm short on cash. Should I put my vacation on a credit card? Nooooooooo! Unless the trip is someone's dying wish, charging travel expenses that you can't immediately pay back is not the way to go. Not surprisingly, readers on offer some imaginative—and highly effective—ways to pay for the trips they crave. “For all our vacation spending/mad money we save any $5 bills—they all go into our vacation savings pot. “I begin planning about six months ahead and pay for as many things as possible in advance, such as theater tickets and some hotels, so that the cost will be spread over as many billing cycles as possible.” “I have a vacation savings account into which I put my credit card rewards checks, rebates, rolled change, and any found money as I get it. That goes for other kinds of borrowing as well. Does it make sense to set up a vacation savings account? The first thing to do is determine how much you can afford to stash away each month, and don't be stingy.

3 Ingredients to Stop Feeding Your Kids 1.) High Fructose Corn Syrup It’s hard to find a processed food without High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), although it’s easier than it used to be. The Corn Growers Association and other special interest groups that have a direct monetary stake in the continuance of turning genetically modified corn into a sweetener that populates seemingly every product on every grocery store aisle are constantly insisting that HFCS is the same as sugar or any other sweetener – except that it’s not. Part of what makes HFCS such an unhealthy product is that it is metabolized to fat in your body far more rapidly than any other sugar, and, because most fructose is consumed in liquid form, its negative metabolic effects are significantly magnified. HFCS has been linked to diabetes, obesity, and metabolic syndrome. HFC Infographic & Video 2.) The problem is not so much the amino acids in aspartame, but the ratios and chemical manipulation involved, which causes the body to break them down into free amino acids.

Your Ultimate Guide to Women's Travel Underwear We’re not shy over here at Her Packing List, so we’re going to discuss something you might not typically read about: women’s travel underwear! If you’re a reader of the Female Travel Underground newsletter (if not, sign up now!), you might have read about travel undies before. We even have a Cheeky Bits Pinterest board to show how much we love some travel undies! Your ultimate guide to women’s travel underwear. Why do I need travel undies? Travel underwear were created with convenience in mind. If you’re going on a round-the-world trip, you also don’t want to pack dozens of pairs since it will take up precious room in your bag. What can I expect from travel undies? While cotton are the best underwear for everyday life, they can be quite annoying while traveling because they take so long to dry. What type of travel undies do I need? There are a number of types of travel underwear on the market, each with their own benefits and styles. Underwear ExOfficio Pop N Go Bras Lululemon Ta Ta Tamer

Deux enfants laissés seuls dans un véhicule à 35°C Deux enfants en bas âge ont été laissés seuls dans un véhicule de type familial, dimanche en pleine canicule, dans le stationnement du centre commercial Place Fleur de Lys, à Québec. Leurs parents ont été arrêtés. Selon des témoins, les enfants seraient restés dans le véhicule plus d'une trentaine de minutes à près de 35 degrés. Une vitre était légèrement entrouverte. (Agence QMI) Un témoin qui passait par là a été alarmé par les pleurs des deux enfants. À leur arrivée, les policiers ont ouvert une porte et ont sorti les petits du véhicule pour tenter de les calmer. Arrivée des parents Les parents seraient sortis du centre commercial plusieurs minutes après l'intervention des policiers, accompagnés d'un troisième enfant, selon les informations recueillies. Le Journal de Québec a tenté de les interroger, mais sans succès. «Oui, c'est moi le père indigne», a néanmoins lancé le père de famille. Ils ont ensuite été libérés sur place sous promesse de comparaître par sommation.

Coaching for Creatives | Money, Money, Money | And Kathleen I’m going through 8 months of extensive life coach training with Martha Beck. My decision to become a life coach for creatives came from my own adventure in discovering the power of writing our own narrative and designing our own lives. But sometimes the stories we tell ourselves can hold us back or keep us feeling stuck. This column on & Kathleen will be exploring the lessons and concepts I am learning as I become a coach. As of today, I’ve been hired by exactly 21 creatives as a part of my Martha Beck life coach training – and all but one of them had anxiety, fear, or other negative emotions around the topic of money. Here are a few specific soundbites that have come up during these coaching sessions: • I’m not making enough money • I’m afraid the money will run out • Money is a necessary evil • I’m uncomfortable talking about money with clients • I don’t want to be a millionaire • I can’t afford to do what I love • I hate money Yowsa. So how do you get right with your money? 1. 2. 3.

Pub de biere heineken Why Young Americans Should Work Overseas I should start off by saying the reasons laid out in this article on why young Americans should work overseas are practical and not ideological. This is not a liberal argument or a conservative argument; it’s a life argument. The odd thing is that no one in the United States seems to realize this yet. One of my best friends recently told me that the prestigious multinational corporation he worked for was itching to permanently send him to India. And such is the irony for this generation of Americans. If you are college educated and under 30, there’s a significant chance that you would be better off working in a country outside of the United States and I will explain why. Reason #1 – Your market value is higher elsewhere So the primary argument of this whole piece boils down to this: We’ve all heard the horror stories about how college grads can’t find work or are stuck working a job they’re insanely over-qualified for. It’s simple supply and demand. But it’s an easy concept to grasp.
