The Celestine Prophecy The Celestine Prophecy is a 1993 novel by James Redfield that discusses various psychological and spiritual ideas which are rooted in many ancient Eastern Traditions and New Age spirituality. The main character of the novel undertakes a journey to find and understand a series of nine spiritual insights on an ancient manuscript in Peru. The book is a first-person narrative of the narrator's spiritual awakening as he goes through a transitional period of his life. Summary[edit] The book discusses various psychological and spiritual ideas that are rooted in many ancient Eastern Traditions, such as how opening to new possibilities can help an individual to establish a connection with the Divine. The story opens with the male narrator becoming reacquainted with an old female friend, who tells him about the Insights, which are contained in a manuscript dating to 600 BC, which has been only recently translated. Influences[edit] Publishing history, adaptations and sequels[edit] References[edit]
Noticias - La inesperada conexión nazi de la antropología colombiana The Multidimensional Human There is evidence to suggest that other worlds or dimensions exist just beyond the range of our normal perception, but we remain unaware of them because our minds are not objectively conscious at these higher levels. Our normal level of consciousness is restricted in some way, preventing us from tuning in to these subtler realms. If you have young children you might have noticed them looking a things that don't appear to be there or talking to "imaginary friends". Very young children can actually see into these hidden worlds, but they lose the ability as they grow older. In altered states of consciousness the censorship of the physical mind ceases. Altered states can be induced by certain drugs, holotrophic breathing techniques and meditation, but they also occur naturally every night in the hypnogogic state when we are not quite asleep but not quite awake. What am "I"? Human Experience The physical body allows us to move around and interact with things in this physical world.
Time The flow of sand in an hourglass can be used to keep track of elapsed time. It also concretely represents the present as being between the past and the future. Time is a dimension in which events can be ordered from the past through the present into the future,[1][2][3][4][5][6] and also the measure of durations of events and the intervals between them.[3][7][8] Time has long been a major subject of study in religion, philosophy, and science, but defining it in a manner applicable to all fields without circularity has consistently eluded scholars.[3][7][8][9][10][11] Nevertheless, diverse fields such as business, industry, sports, the sciences, and the performing arts all incorporate some notion of time into their respective measuring systems.[12][13][14] Some simple, relatively uncontroversial definitions of time include "time is what clocks measure"[7][15] and "time is what keeps everything from happening at once".[16][17][18][19] Temporal measurement and history[edit] World time[edit]
Michel Foucault - Obras Completas (Descargar) | Laberintos del Tiempo Hoy en Laberintos del Tiempo, les traigo las Obras completas de Michael Foucault. Poitiers, Francia, 1926-París, 1984) Filósofo francés. Estudió filosofía en la École Normale Supérieure de París y, ejerció la docencia en las universidades de Clermont-Ferrand y Vincennes, tras lo cual entró en el Collège de France (1970). En una segunda etapa, Foucault dirigió su interés hacia la cuestión del poder, y en Vigilar y castigar (1975) realizó un análisis de la transición de la tortura al encarcelamiento como modelos punitivos, para concluir que el nuevo modelo obedece a un sistema social que ejerce una mayor presión sobre el individuo y su capacidad para expresar su propia diferencia. De ahí que, en el último volumen de su Historia de la sexualidad, titulado La preocupación de sí mismo (1984), defendiese una ética individual que permitiera a cada persona desarrollar, en la medida de lo posible, sus propios códigos de conducta. Que disfruten los los Libros!
Arabic phrasebook The following phrasebook deals mostly with Modern Standard Arabic. See the Lebanese Arabic phrasebook, Jordanian Arabic phrasebook or the Egyptian Arabic phrasebook for Arabic dialects relating to those regions/countries. Arabic is the fourth most widely-spoken language in the world and is one of the six official languages of the United Nations. It is spoken in many popular destinations in North Africa and the Middle East. There are many regional dialects, but a standard Arabic language is maintained due to religious needs and region-wide media. Arabic is written from right to left. For communication purposes while travelling and using this guide, it is very important to note that Arabic is divided into Classical Arabic (mostly used in print) and Colloquial Arabic. Pronunciation guide[edit] Arabic pronunciation varies widely from place to place, almost to the extent of making it unintelligible even for native Arabic speakers. As a general rule: . , or kh while using the voice box. كيف حالك؟
Internet Sacred Text Archive Home Antropología « sociedad y cultura contemporánea Obertura: “Es obvio decir del pasado simplemente que es. Apenas un milímetro más allá, cualquier contenido que se le atribuya, no es sino una reconstrucción. La objetividad de la historia es estrictamente histórica” Carlos Pérez en algún lado. La crisis de los partidos de izquierda históricos es un hecho hace más de 15 años en el país; el PS con problemas de identidad administrando un modelo económico que no se inserta en su tradición, el PC que no logra avanzar fuera del problema no resuelto, incluso en términos judiciales, de las violaciones de los DDHH…, para que hablar de la identidad nacional o de la cultura del miedo, o del vaciamiento de contenido de la política partidista. I movimiento: Un malestar en la cultura: Hay un malestar que no tiene que ver con el problema de la culpa de Freud -aunque a lo mejor si tiene que ver, pero no es nuestro asunto ahora- pero ocuparemos la frase para narrar lo inenarrable siempre a costa de caer en paradoja. IV movimiento: “La nueva dirigencia”
This Year’s Finest Conjunction: Venus and Jupiter Two brightest planets Venus and Jupiter come as close as a third of a degree apart as seen from North America. It will be easy to spot them in the western sky as no other celestial body will outshine the beautiful tandem when the sun and the moon are down. “To the eye they’ll look like a double star,” said Kelly Beatty, a senior editor at Sky & Telescope magazine. “Anyone who hasn’t glanced at the evening sky for a while will be surprised by how dramatically tight the pairing is.” The closest conjunction will happen on June 30th and July 1st, 2015. Use Star Walk to find your way across the sky and see the exact timing for your location. Star Walk is available worldwide on iOS, Android, Kindle and Windows Mobile.
Evidence for God from Science Atheist, Gnostic, Theist, Agnostic Too many times I have informed someone that I am an atheist, only to have them reply, “Oh, but how could you know that God doesn’t exist? You’re taking a faith position!” Many headaches later, we finally come to an agreement over the definitions of these words. This arrangement is an attempt to clarify and classify these words, so that their rogue meanings no longer confuse and muddle religious debate. To begin with, here are the four key terms arranged on a graph with their opposites across from them. Now here are the terms defined. The horizontal axis concerns WHAT YOU BELIEVE: The vertical axis concerns WHAT YOU THINK WE CAN KNOW: So, to restate: These four labels can be very useful in describing the way we feel about gods. An atheist agnostic is someone who does not believe in gods and also thinks that the existence of gods cannot be known. A theist gnostic is someone who believes in a god/gods and thinks that the existence of gods can be known.
Planet Tozer Creative Review commissioned photographer Jason Tozer to shoot these pictures on behalf of Sony using its new Alpha 350 digital camera. They are, in fact, all common-or-garden soap bubbles, shot in-camera. We'll be revealing more on how Tozer obtained these stunning images later in the week. The full series is shown below and to see them at a larger size simply click on each image. Alternatively you can check out the Flickr set we've created for the project at CR's photostream page. Click here for more details on the new Sony Alpha D-SLR. For more of Tozer's work, see