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Johannes Stötter

Johannes Stötter

Judy Watson Dans son thème Mina Mina, Judy Watson ne manque jamais de peindre le motif de deux lignes qui s'enroulent. Cette figure n'est pas sans rappeler les entrelacs celtiques ou la représentation, chez les indiens amazoniens du double serpent mythique. Les lacs, les lignes de danse, la liane serpent, les ceintures végétales vues par Judy Watson Titre Lac Mina Mina, acrylique sur lin,(visible à Paris) Pour certains anthropologues dont le principal est Jeremy Narby, l'image du double serpent (le serpent cosmique) serait une vision de l'Adn, et cette connaissance de l'intime du vivant serait innée, quasiment biologique, les peuples prmiers possédant encore ce savoir que les occidentaux redécouvrent par leurs instruments. Mina Mina, 120x120 Autant le dire tout de suite, cette hypothèse a beaucoup de détracteurs, des rationalistes pur jus qui ont des mots très durs envers ce qu'ils appellent une «imposture anthropologique ».

Glass Rivers And Lakes Flow Across Beautiful Tables By Furniture Maker Greg Klassen Talented Washington-based artist and furniture-maker Greg Klassen’s beautiful river- and lake-like desks and tables straddle the line between furniture and art. Due to his relationship with a local sawmill, Klassen has access to pieces of raw wood, which means that he can make use of its natural forms and beautiful imperfections for his creative furniture. These organic forms lend natural power to the “rivers” and “lakes” on his tables, which are completed with custom-cut panes of glass and look much like features on a topographical map. Klassen, who has a degree in theology, writes, “I try to marry the natural beauty of the wood with the skilled craftsmanship of the maker. More info: Website | Facebook | Shop (h/t: colossal)

Amanda Sage Post The Most Beautiful Treehouses From All Over The World Almost every child has dreamed of having a treehouse. Some were lucky enough to have one, and some still haven’t lost this dream even if they are grown ups now. So what is it so fascinating about having a shelter up in the trees? Freedom, harmony with nature, wilderness, and most importantly – no rules. From the tiniest uneven constructions to the most magnificent mansions – every treehouse is perfect. Take a look at this collection of the most impressive pieces from all over the world and tell me you don’t want one! Show 6 more Drag Image Tip: image width should be at least 600px Select File Ooops! + add source Post

Pelusita Arte Fractal … Otra visión de las Matemáticas … ♥ Arte Fractal … Otra visión de las Matemáticas … ♥ Un fractal es “ un objeto geométrico cuya estructura básica se repite en diferentes escalas ”. Los fractales, objetos matemáticos de gran complejidad, aparecen dentro del estudio de la matemática pura, pero sus aplicaciones se han ido extendiendo a casi todos los aspectos de la vida cotidiana actual: Computación ( compresión de imágenes digitales ), Infografía ( utilización en la industria cinematográfica y en publicidad para el diseño paisajes, objetos, texturas…), Medicina, Biología, Economía, Telecomunicaciones, Meteorología, Ingeniería…. Dentro de esta diversidad de aplicaciones, los fractales han llegado también a hacerse un hueco importante en las expresiones culturales de la sociedad actual en Música, Arquitectura o Arte. En el arte fractal, las fórmulas y algoritmos toman el lugar de las técnicas artísticas clásicas. Arte fractal Esculturas de Color creadas a través del Sonido …

Dramatic Fairy Sculptures Dancing With Dandelions By Robin Wight Robin Wight, a UK-based sculptor that works primarily with stainless steel wire, has mastered the creation of enchanting and dynamic fairy sculptures that seem to dance in or struggle against the wind. Wight is very open about the process behind his beautiful fairy creations, describing it in great detail. They involve the creation of a robust steel skeleton that is then wrapped in progressively smaller gauges of wire – the thickest forms the skeleton, the next thickest forms the muscles and body mass, and the finest wraps these muscles to form the skin. Looks like our readers missed these sculptures when they created this amazing sculpture post! More info: | Facebook (h/t: colossal)

Carla Sonheim This Traffic Jam Was Stuck In Belgian Forest For 70 Years These spooky apocalyptic images are not a scene from “Walking Dead”, they were actually taken at one of the biggest car cemeteries in the world – the Chatillion Car Graveyard, Belgium. According to an urban legend these cars were left behind by US soldiers from World War II, who could not ship them back to the US so they decided to hide them in a forest until they could come back and retrieve them. The locals disagree and say that it’s simply an old car dump of vehicles made after the WWII. At one point there were four car graveyards in Chatillon with as many as 500 retro vehicles. h/t: amusing planet Image credits: Rosanne de Lange Image credits: Theo van Vliet Image credits: Marcel Wiegerinck Image credits: Marcel Wiegerinck Image credits: Marcel Wiegerinck Image credits: Theo van Vliet

Hiramatsu Reiji Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Hiramatsu Reiji est un peintre japonais « nihonga ». Il est né en 1941 à Tokyo puis a grandi à Nagoya. Il se destine tôt à être peintre selon la technique traditionnelle du Nihonga mais selon la volonté de ses parents, fait d'abord des études de droit et d'économie à l'université d'Aichi. Il commence sa carrière d'artiste après ses études. En 1994 il visite en France le musée de l'Orangerie et Giverny.
