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Can interpretation save your brain?

Can interpretation save your brain?

c. The interpreter´s code Interpreters are often working alone and have to make ethical decisions in a split second that affect people’s lives. All of the participants in an interpreted interaction, whether deaf or hearing, are dependent on the interpreters to make the most ethical and appropriate decision possible. In looking across a spectrum of Interpreter Codes, they all mention confidentiality, competency, impartiality and conduct. Some codes go further as described by the Washington State Department of Social Health Services, which mentions accuracy, scope of practice, ethical violations to name but a few. An interpreter’s adoption of and adherence to a Code of Ethics can be a way of ensuring that any decision made can be defended and justified should misunderstandings and allegations of misconduct occur. Internationally there are different ways in which interpreters are accredited and registered to work. [] Scheibe, K. and J.

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