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Lesson Plans

Lesson Plans

Related:  AnatomyGeneral Elementary ResourcesZoology

The Biology Corner This worksheet provides steps for identifying structures of the grasshopper, with a focus on the external anatomy and mouthparts. The lesson can be part of a larger unit on insects … In animals, form and function are closely related.

Kesler-Science I have been a middle school science teacher for 5 years. I have taught all three grade levels and have loved every minute of it. I am also a host on the podcast and the genius behind Science Underground Dogs bark. Cats meow. Ducks quack. Log In Video The Times’s Quentin Hardy talks with Mary Roach about her new book, “Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Canal.” Overview | In this lesson, students research the digestive system in depth, and then create a detailed walk-through model to illustrate each compartment.Materials | Computers with Internet access, projection equipment, an assortment of art supplies (butcher paper, fabric, yarn, cardboard, colored paper, tissue paper, paints, markers, glue, staplers, tape, scissors, etc.) Warm-up | When students arrive, project “Gulp! The Quiz” at the front of the room.

Grade 5.pdf Columbus City Schools 2015-2016 2 Revised 2015 body moving in the Solar System before it enters Earth’s atmosphere. The Secret To Chimp Strength February's brutal chimpanzee attack, during which a pet chimp inflicted devastating injuries on a Connecticut woman, was a stark reminder that chimps are much stronger than humans—as much as four-times stronger, some researchers believe. But what is it that makes our closest primate cousins so much stronger than we are? One possible explanation is that great apes simply have more powerful muscles. Zygote Body - Interactive Human Body Browser for your Whiteboard Biologists who wanted a human body browser in the same style as Google Earth, Google Sky, Google Moon etc got very excited a few years ago when Google brought out its Body Browser. They then got sad when Google retired it. Well it looks like it’s back (sort of) under new management and is now called Zygote Body.

Grade 4.pdf Columbus City Schools 2015-2016 2 Revised 2015 Misconceptions • NSTA offers a list of landform resources at Included are guides for formative assessment techniques that can be used to determine student misconceptions about landform formation, weathering and erosion. Education Resources STEM and Osteology Information Education is the number one priority of SKELETONS: Museum of Osteology. Here you will find useful information to enhance your visit. Feel free to download the complete guide to reading animal skulls. Earth - The making of me and you This story is part of BBC Earth's "Best of 2016" list, our greatest hits of the year. Browse the full list. • Bill Gates is actually worth $1,956• Canadian pop star Justin Bieber has five times fewer cells in his brain than in his liver• Top tennis player Serena Williams has 24.5 trillion red blood cells powering her body• Internet and social media pioneer Mark Zuckerberg’s body contains 800MB of data• President Barack Obama’s head rules his heart; his brain weighs 1.4kg, his heart just 0.4kg Welcome to The Making of Me and You, a unique, new digital interactive from BBC Earth that details extraordinary personalised facts. Just input your date of birth, sex at birth, height and weight, and choose the metric or imperial units that make most sense to you. And instantly find out:

Primary Curriculum Resources Primary Energy Infobook (e-publication) Energy Infobooks are the resource for many NEED activities and include an introduction to energy, information on major sources of energy, new technologies, energy conservation, electricity, climate change, and other energy information. They are available on four reading levels and are revised and updated annually. All About Trash Students learn about solid waste, its relationship to natural resources and energy, and options for handling solid waste including recycling, landfilling, and incineration. Blueprint for Success (e-publication) This essential gusdide helps educators develop effective energy education programs.

Virtual Labs The links on this page are all VIRTUAL LABS offered by the Glencoe textbook company. These labs give the students the adventure of laboratory experimentation without costly supplies, worrisome environmental and safety issues, or time-consuming clean up. They are from all different areas of science: Biology, Physics, Genetics, Earth Science, Physical Science, and Chemistry. Please feel free to try these at home! Life Sciences Outreach Program The following resources were developed for classroom use by high school biology teachers who participated in MCB-HHMI Outreach's Summer 2009 "Experimental Biology and Multimedia Workshop". This year's topic was "Physiology". Keep in mind that lesson formats vary greatly because each was developed with a particular classroom in mind. All lessons align with state and national science standards as described within the lesson or in an accompanying file. Understanding Your BMI and Making Healthy Choices
