13 herramientas que te permiten gestionar tus seguidores en Twitter Hoy les traigo una compilación que herramientas que nos permiten gestionar a nuestros seguidores en Twitter. A cada una le agregué una pequeña descripción del servicio que prestan. En algunos casos son herramientas simples, con un solo propósito y en otras el potencial que tienen, si se usan debidamente es inmenso. Bueno, a continuación la lista de herramientas y por si alguno tiene dudas, a veces utilizo la palabra tweeps, que significa usuario de Twitter TwitterHolic Este servicio escanea Twitter varias veces al día y te da una lista de los usuarios más populares ese día, que quizás descubra un tweep interesante para ti y puedas comenzar a seguirlo. FollowCost Este servicio es gracioso, pero a su vez te puede ahorrar un dolor de cabeza! WeFollow Encuentra nuevos Tweeps de acuerdo a una palabra que ingresas. ChirpStats Este servicio es lleva un análisis de tus seguidores, que te ayudará a conocer aún más a quienes te sigue. FriendOrFollow Just Tweet It Te ayuda a encontrar tweeps similares a ti
10 Outstanding Social Media Infographics | @NowSourcing.Com Nobody has time to read anymore, right? Every day we are all inundated with more and more information overload coming from credible and yet to be verified sources. Where can Internet users find relief? Answer: the infographic. Infographics are a wonderful mix of key data and visualization that can really bring the message home if put together correctly. Update: Check out our infographic design services 1 – World Map of Social Networks Let’s start at the 50,000 foot view, shall we? (Source) 2 – Age Distribution on Social Network Sites Is age distribution targeting more your thing? (Source) 3 – Social Media Periodic Table of Elements As we previously reported, our friend and fellow Advertising Age Power 150 member Eyecube created another great visualization called the social media periodic table of elements: (Source) 4 – The Conversation Prism No social media infographic collection would be complete without Brian Solis’ Conversation Prism: 5 – The Boom of Social Sites (Source) (Source) (Source)
27 Twitter Applications Your Small Business Can Use Today Twitter is growing in popularity by leaps and bounds lately. It seems like everyone is talking about Twitter. The neat thing is that everyone seems to use Twitter in their own unique way. Hundreds of Twitter applications can be found on numerous sites that offer cool tools to help you manage the way you use Twitter. If you use Twitter for marketing your small business, I sorted thru tons of apps to bring you the most helpful. 8 Excellent Tools to Extract Insights from Twitter Streams Twitter is now the third most popular social network, behind Facebook and MySpace (Compete, 2009). A year ago, it has over a million users and 200,000 active monthly users sending over 3 million updates per day (TechCrunch, 2008). Those figures have almost certainly increased since then. Enter Twitter Analytics, Twitter Analysis, or simply just Analytwits (in the tradition of Twitter slang). Besides Twitter Search, the following 8 Analytwits are some of the more useful web applications to analyze Twitter streams. 8 Great Tools for Social (Twit)telligence TWITALYZER provides activities analysis of any Twitter user, based on social media success yardsticks. MICROPLAZA offers an interesting way to make sense of your Twitter streams. TWIST offers trends of keywords or product name, based what Twitter users are tweeting about. TWITTURLY tracks popular URLs tracker on Twitter. TWEETSTATS is useful to reveal tweeting behavior of any Twitter users.
7 Traits of Bad Twitter Follows | Meryl.net I hit 2000 “following” on twitter. Yet, I discovered more brilliant people I wanted to follow and couldn’t because I hadn’t reached 2000 “followers”. This compelled me to do way early spring cleaning of my twitter account. Twitter puts this in place to minimize spammy accounts. It would be nice if it would use math instead of a flat 2000 number. A person with 2000 following and 1500 followers is obviously an active twitterer. The chiseling process amazed me as I found that I followed people that I wouldn’t follow today. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I do make sure the person has “settled in” twitter by looking at the followers and updates because not everyone immediately adds a picture as it takes a little time to figure out all of twitter’s features. Bonus Tip
Como Diseñar una Estrategia Social Media Paso por Paso [DIAGRAMA] | Isra García - Aventuras de un Irreverente feb8 Esta es la actualización (13-03-2012) del desarrollo de lo que fue la 1ª parte de mi intervención en II encuentro Adictos Social Media: Como integrar y rentabilizar las Redes Sociales en la PYME . Celebrado en Fundesem Business School. La Historia He estado trabajando en este “garabato” por algunos meses. El objetivo tras todo esto, es que pueda servir de guía para aquellos que quieran potenciar una estrategia social media que sea coherente, orientada a los resultados y con probabilidades de éxito reales para su negocio. Para crear este diagrama, he observado y estudiado los pasos que he seguido en los últimos proyectos en los que he estado trabajando. Powered by Luis Calabuig from Odosdesign. Cómo Desarrollar una Estrategia Social Media Paso por paso A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. J. K. L. M. N. O. Q. P. R. Nota: date cuenta como no he establecido una línea del tiempo para los periodos o etapas. S. ¿Y tú? Author: Isra García Isra García has escrito 1674 artículos.
The Internationalization of Social Media | Brian Solis If you were to look at Social Media the United States and many other parts of the world, you would believe that the world of Social Media was flat, dominated by social continents including Facebook, Twitter, blogs, YouTube, and Flickr. As we zoom in, we visualize other established and emerging social services that depict provinces and outlying settlements of our social atlas. Upon publishing the original Conversation Prism , which was the culmination of a year’s work documenting and organizing the social web by usage and conversational patterns, the world responded by creating Conversation Prisms specific to each country. I shared several new social maps in “T he Landscape for International Social Networking .” Over the years, other maps emerged that documented leading social networks around the world as well as the social behavior associated within each country. Australia 1. Canada 1. China 1. France 1. Germany 1. Italy 1. Russia 1. Spain 1. United Kingdom 1. United States Hungary – Iwiw Brazil
tweetCC | Publish & license tweets with Creative Commons Advice for Teachers New To Twitter Each day several new people start following me on Twitter. As I click through each profile, I make a decision whether or not to follow these people back. I generally follow all teachers back and will sometimes follow others depending upon what they do and the kinds of things they share on Twitter. As I was going through new followers on Saturday night, it occurred to me to Tweet some basic suggestions for teachers new to Twitter. The first 3 are really essential to building your network of followers. Go to settings and fill out your Bio! I also asked others to share their suggestions. nycrican2: More advice for new teachers on Twitter, become familiar with the vocabulary on this site: A friend who set me up on Twitter suggested using to find others by topic...like EduCon 2.1prodev: My best advice and I wish I'd discovered it sooner is