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Links für Englischlehrer

Links für Englischlehrer
Grammar Quizzes: Part of The Internet TESL Journal's Activities for ESL Students - Zusammenstellung von Grammatikübungen, z. T. mit Online-Korrektur Online English Language Quizzes © "The Fun Factor", "The Pleasure Principle", "To begin with a Smile": "Motivierende Ideen und Vorlagen für Spaß am Englischunterricht", "Lots of fun in the grammar lesson: jokes, mazes, puzzles, card games" © Bernard Brown / Rolf-D. Englische Zeitenübersicht © Unterrichtshomepage für Deutsch und Englisch: Rubrik: Englisch interaktiv: "Übungen zur Selbstkontrolle und Materialien" © Ulrich Koch / Franz-Ludwig Gymnasium, Bamberg The Blue Book of Grammar and Puctuation: "Jane Straus's easy-to-use reference guide and workbook" Linguasoft English Grammar Online: © Friedrich Legien Englische Grammatik: "interaktive Übungen zur englischen Grammatik, die für deutsche Schülerinnen und Schüler konzipiert sind" © Christian Eckhardt Guide to Grammar and Writing / Principles of Composition: Index H. Related:  Teaching English

The Seven Best Video Website for ELT Students - Kieran Donaghy As part of the launch of the website I’m organising a prize draw for my new book Film in Action. Everybody who subscribes to the website in the months of February and March will be entered into the draw. The Internet now offers students the opportunity to improve their lexical, listening and speaking skills through watching short film clips, videos and short films. Here are my seven favourite sites. English Central Possibly the best website for students to improve their vocabulary, listening, speaking and pronunciation. English Attack A aimed specifically at young students which uses clips from movies and TV series; music videos, themed visual glossaries; learning games and social networking to help language learners improve their English. Learn English Teens Film UK A British Council website which gives students the opportunity to watch innovative short films made by young people, and do a variety of activities designed around the films. Go Animate Zimmer Twins Bombay TV Clip Flair

4 Ways to Use the Internet to Improve Your English - Grammarly Blog Let’s take a minute to appreciate the Internet and all the good it’s done. It’s made us smarter by giving us instant access to a world of information. It’s made us more relaxed by giving us tomes of entertaining content. And yes, the Internet might have made us less productive by giving us cat and puppy videos, but it also saved us a lot of time by making online shopping and online banking possible. Let’s Improve Our English by Listening! There are two ways you can approach using the Internet to improve your English: you can either find English language lessons in the medium that fits you best, or learn by surrounding yourself with as many examples of English as possible. Let’s Improve Our English by Reading! Blogs that deal with the English language, websites that host grammar handbooks, and dictionaries and thesauri are all great resources for improving your English. Let’s Improve Our English by Writing! Let’s Improve Our English by Speaking!

Engelska 6, 100p | Åsö vuxengymnasium Kurskod: ENGEN06 Prövningen är uppdelad i två delar, en skriftlig och en muntlig del. Du får en bekräftelse på tid och plats till den skriftliga delen. Vid skrivtillfället antecknar du dig för en tid till muntlig prövning som äger rum en till tre veckor senare. OBS! Man kan inte flytta tiden för den muntliga prövningen. Betyget grundas på hela prövningen. För att läsa om det centrala innehållet i kursen och vad som krävs för de olika betygen, se skolverkets kursplan som finns länkad längst ner på sidan. Prövningarna bedöms utifrån de av Skolverket uppställda kunskapskraven. Om du gör provet i både Engelska A/5 och B/6 måste du på det muntliga provet redovisa allt som krävs för Engelska A/5, och allt som krävs för Engelska B/6, dvs. två romaner på Engelska A/5, två romaner på Engelska B/6, sex tidningsartiklar, och två muntliga anföranden.Översiktlig information om prövningen finns nedan. Skriftlig del Listening comprehensionReading comprehensionWriting: en uppsats på 350 ord OBS! Muntlig del

Student Instructions For How They Can Create A Cloze (Gap-Fill) I use clozes often – both with English Language Learners and with proficient English speakers. They’re excellent formative assessments of vocabulary comprehension and can promote metacognition if combined, as I always do, with pushing students to identify the “clue words” they use to fill-in the blanks. Clozes can come in many forms, including like the one in the photo at the top of this post. It’s also an option to put a “word bank” of answers at the top or bottom of the cloze, along with putting the first letters of each answer at the beginning of each blank, putting a blank for each letter as another form of clue, and the list of possibilities goes on-and-on. In my opinion, the absolute best use of clozes is having students create their own after they develop enough experience completing teacher-provided ones. • Pick a passage related to one of the chapters we have studied in this unit and seems interesting. • Copy and paste it again on another Word document. Related March 28, 2012

Quiz: Fixing Most Common Mistakes Seen in Intermediate Written Exams I must be doing something wrong. On second thought, perhaps my students are doing something wrong. Do you know when your mum tells you off over and over again for not tidying your room and you just nod your head, promise it will never happen again and then, for some unknown reason, you seem unable to keep your promise? So, you highlight the mistake, explain why it is a mistake, ask students if they have understood, they nod their head and say they do, you elicit some examples and give them exercises to consolidate and when you think you have seen the last of this mistake, here it is again, sticking its tongue out at you. Below you’ll find a quiz with some of these very persistent mistakes students at intermediate level, and probably above, make. This is how I suggest you do this quiz Do the quiz. Blog de Cristina is also on Facebook. Ready to start the quiz? I am interested in participate in a seminar I am interested in participating in a seminar Which of these sentences is correct? possible

5 TED Talks to Motivate and Inspire Teachers About ETR Community EdTechReview (ETR) is a community of and for everyone involved in education technology to connect and collaborate both online and offline to discover, learn, utilize and share about the best ways technology can improve learning, teaching, and leading in the 21st century. EdTechReview spreads awareness on education technology and its role in 21st century education through best research and practices of using technology in education, and by facilitating events, training, professional development, and consultation in its adoption and implementation. Giving Students a Well-Deserved Break- 13 Addictive Word Games Ever thought learning vocabulary or grammar was dull? I’m pretty sure this thought never ever crossed your mind, but just in case you know someone who might need a break from the traditional grammar and vocabulary exercises, let me share with you a nice alternative. Whether you have two minutes or two hours, spend your break testing your knowledge with these amazing vocabulary and grammar games, some of them from well-known dictionaries. My favourite? Blog de Cristina is also on Facebook. 1. A 10-question quiz you can try as often as you would like as they have many different versions. 2. Take this quiz from Encyclopedia Britannica to test your knowledge of English words and their definitions. 3. Select a topic -from the Animal Kingdom to Religion and Philosophy-, select a level ( 1 or 2), a timer (30 or 60 seconds) and the number of questions (10 or 25). 4. A challenging vocabulary game for the most advanced students. 5. This vocabulary game presents successively harder words. 6. 7. 8.

Teaching speaking skills 1 While it is a bit of an exaggeration, students clearly feel that classroom-based speaking practice does not prepare them for the real world. Why do students so often highlight listening and speaking as their biggest problems? Partly because of the demands of listening and speaking and partly because of the way speaking is often taught. It usually consists of language practice activities (discussions, information-gap activities etc.) or is used to practise a specific grammar point. Neither teaches patterns of real interaction. What do students need? What do students need? Practice at using L1 (mother tongue) strategies, which they don't automatically transfer.An awareness of formal / informal language and practice at choosing appropriate language for different situations.The awareness that informal spoken language is less complex than written language. Practical suggestions What language should I teach? When teaching spoken language, focus on teaching longer transactional turns.
