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Bring Three Key Stories with You to Your Next Job Interview

Bring Three Key Stories with You to Your Next Job Interview

Walk Into a Salary Negotiation with the Right List of Accomplishments 5 Interviewing Tips from Hiring Managers | Lou Adler Why You Didn't Get the Interview (Part Two) How To Tell A Job From A Career We work, we live: the two snuggle together tighter than the pixels you're viewing as you read this post--and that fact has opened up the Great Work/Life Balance Debate, with calls for integration, fit, and a feeling that the whole thing might be a big myth. Over at HBR, personality profiling expert Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic has another take: that we should have work-life "fusion," allowing for the workaholic hours he says bring success--with an argument that turns on one key claim: you need to have a career, not just a job. Finding the right match "Work is just like a relationship," Chamorro-Premuzic writes. "Spending one week on a job you hate is as dreadful as spending a week with a person you don't like." Knowing the (psychological) difference "If you are always counting the number of hours you work ... you probably have a job rather than a career," Chamorro-Premuzic observes.

why young employees quit their jobs Tuesday, September 18, 2012 The biggest reason young, talented workers leave for new jobs? They’re not learning enough, writes Diane Stafford of the Kansas City Star: “Hirers often complain that their young workers jump ship quickly. A study published this summer in the Harvard Business Review confirmed that young top performers—the workers that organizations would most like to stick around—are leaving in droves. Researchers found that high achievers, 30 years old on average with great school and work credentials, are leaving their employers after an average of 28 months. Multiple studies find that today’s younger workers have absolutely no intention of sticking around if they don’t feel like they’re learning, growing and being valued in a job. ‘Companies need to recognize that these young workers are very mobile,’ Carver said.

Work-Life "Balance" Isn't the Point - Christine M. Riordan by Christine M. Riordan | 1:00 PM June 4, 2013 Climbing the organizational ladder often requires employees to work long hours and deal with difficult and complex issues. Some days on the job are likely fun and positive and other days are tension-filled and stressful. A common dilemma for many people is how they manage all of the competing demands in work and life and avoid letting any negative effects of work spill over into their personal lives. Research has in fact shown that employees who believe they do not have time for the personal life feel drained and distracted while they are at work. However, some people appear to manage career success and a positive private life with ease. 1. Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo, came under scrutiny when she returned to work soon after the birth of her son. 2. 3. As Anna Quindlen observed, “If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all.”

10 tips voor meer zelfvertrouwen op het werk Zodra je een job gezocht hebt, verschijnt hier je laatste zoekopdracht. Voor wie de eerste lentezon niet genoeg is om vrolijk door het leven te dartelen, hebben we enkele tips om terug lekker in z’n vel te zitten. 1. Blijf gefocust op je werk. 2. Een van de beste manieren om zelfvertrouwen te krijgen, is heel goed weten wat je sterke kanten zijn en manieren te vinden om deze te integreren in je dagelijkse werkzaamheden. 3. Als bepaalde zwakke punten je zelfvertrouwen aantasten, bedenk dan een manier om die aan te pakken. 4. Makkelijker gezegd dan gedaan misschien, maar zeg tegen jezelf ‘Ik kan het’ én geloof dat ook daadwerkelijk. 5. Sta stil bij wat je iedere dag opnieuw bereikt. 6. Hier bewaar je je bedankmailtjes, complimenten van collega’s en leidinggevenden, en alle andere berichten met erkenning en waardering. 7. Vraag mensen die je respecteert wat volgens hen je drie beste punten zijn. 8. 9. Wie positief in het leven staat is veerkrachtig. 10. Meer info overGelukkig op het werk

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