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Mister Cocktail Contour Design | ShuttlePRO v2 | retail.contourdesign.com Check out Larry Jordan's review of the Shuttle Pro V2 Click Here! They say time flies when you're having fun. It goes even faster when you have to waste it by moving your mouse all over the screen or hunting for the correct keyboard shortcut to enable various functions. Contour Design knows that when you're developing a project, every second of your time is precious so why not streamline your workflow and eliminate any unnecessary actions? Sleek and low profile, the ShuttlePRO v2 is designed for the comfort of ergonomic integrity while simultaneously maximizing productivity. Visit our online forum for updated settings! Are you a software developer who would like your application to work with the Shuttle? Part #: 6000-0609-01-00498-0 Total Control With 15 buttons, a jog knob, and a spring loaded Shuttle wheel editing will never be the same again. The Perfect Match Pair the Shuttle in one hand with your mouse in the other and dive fearlessly into the toughest projects. Slim Profile
Build Your Own PC It is increasingly popular to build your own computer. In most cases, it saves money, and it guarantees you get what you want. It also assures you avoid proprietary designs many companies use to keep you coming to them for new parts. Best of all, having built the system yourself, you become very familiar with that system and with computers in general. People from all walks of life today build their own PCs. If you are a real PC enthusiast, this question may be a non-issue. But, besides the joy of it, is it worth it? Let us look at some of the key areas of interest in this: Component Selection Most commercial PC buyers (except for the ones who build higher end models) do not make a big deal of which components they use. Price In general, you can get more bang for your buck building your own PC. Support Available support is a key concern for do-it-yourselfers. Warranty Software Pre-built PCs often come with much software on it, most importantly the operating system itself.
Green Babies Organic Cotton Preparing for Civilization’s End The first edition of Shift Magazine, which is all about building resilience for a tumultuous future, and of which I am and will be a regular contributor (writing a trilogy on complexity and then some joyous short stories set two millennia from now), is now available for subscription, online viewing and (for the time being) free download. I’m thrilled to be working on theme-based editions of this edgy, unsentimental but upbeat, youth-oriented publication alongside the likes of fellow ‘collapsniks’ Guy McPherson, Carolyn Baker and Generation Alpha’s Ben Pennings. Please check it out, talk about it, and tell us what you think. cartoon by Australian cartoonist Michael Leunig As this winter (and summer in the Southern hemisphere) of extreme weather and record-setting temperatures and precipitation (at both ends of the scales) rolls on, I am sensing a significant shift in the thinking of people who are reasonably informed about what’s going on in the world. cartoon from xkcd
Dirty Martini recipe More comments Reinvent Dirty Martini posted by Mike Button @ 04:44AM, 2/09/07 Without knowing the historical background, I mixed this drink in 1968. Definition & recipe I looked for posted by Iseult @ 09:41AM, 3/20/07 Ugh, sounds disgusting; not at all what I expected. Shaking gin posted by mixologist diva @ 09:38PM, 5/05/07 You should never shake gin.... Olive and Vodka posted by Jen @ 05:19PM, 5/29/07 Much better with ice cold vodka and lots of olive juice and olives. Dirty = covering up cheap liquor posted by junipero @ 03:41AM, 6/04/07 The purpose of a "dirty" martini is to cover up the stench of cheap liquor. Dirty Martinis posted by Aaron Burr @ 08:10PM, 6/16/07 Dirty martinis are one of the most complex and unique drinks. Additionally, dirty martinis are traditionally made with gin, not vodka. You should always shake gin posted by The Sophisticate's Diary @ 11:43AM, 7/06/07 With reference to an earlier comment; in the best cocktails (i.e from The Savoy Cocktail Book) gin is always shaken.
deep green sea / work / The Carpenter The first of a series of short films regarding the art & science of professionals working with their hands. Bertran's Inkwell FAQ Q: Which lasts longer, fountain pen ink, a rolleball refill, or a ballpoint refill? A: A rollerball refill will last an average of 30 legal size pages. A ballpoint refill will last an average of 300 legal-size pages. The fountain pen is the most economical because a 12 oz. bottle of ink will typically last almost a year. So, next time someone comments on your latest fountain pen purchase, just tell them that you are being economical! Q: How often should I clean my fountain pen, and how do I know when it dirty? A: I believe it best to clean a Fountain Pen at least once a month i.e. removing all the old ink from the feed and fill system, however if you are using red or green inks in the pen probably best to clean it twice a month. Q: What is the best method for cleaning a fountain pen? A: Use a solution of 50% Windex and 50% cold water. Q: How do I travel by air with my fountain pen? A: You don't need to worry about traveling by air with modern fountain pens.