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Amnesty International USA

Amnesty International USA

PhotOH! Money that speaks for the 99% PhotOH! Money that speaks for the 99% · Monday, October 17th, 2011 at 12:35 pm You can see more money that speaks for the 99% here, at Occupy George. Brilliant: H/t: @katewarren Category:Government watchdog groups in the United States This category includes non-partisan, non-governmental groups in the United States whose stated mission includes monitoring branches of the state or federal governments for fraud, waste, abuse, corruption, mismanagement, illegal activity, campaign donor influence, abuse of authority, miscarriage of justice, and so forth. Groups whose primary mission is one of political or issue advocacy are not included; examples of such groups include the Reform Party and the National Rifle Association, both of which are categorized elsewhere. Truth in American Education Subcategories

Home Turn on more accessible mode Sign In Global update to the Human Rights Council Darker and more dangerous: High Commissioner updates the Human Rights Council on human rights issues in 40 countries “I am inspired by people standing up in many countries in defiance of the indefensible. They seek, not power or personal profit, but justice”.More informationAll Stories The 8 Most Ridiculously Badass Protesters Ever Photographed Image found by the awesome Strigoi Another protester in the anti-Mubarak riots, Flaming Scarf Guy looks like he walked straight out of an anime (that he just firebombed). The context is unclear even in the original Al Jazeera photo, so we can't say if he caused that explosion, or if he just sort of appears out of the ether whenever there is an explosion. We're going to assume a terrifying combination of the two, like a napalm-based variant of the Bloody Mary legend.

The Public Intellectual Within the last few decades, the emergence of public intellectuals as important cultural and social critics has raised fundamental questions not only about the social function of academics, but also about the connection between higher education and public life, between academic work and the major issues shaping the broader society. Truthout's Public Intellectual Project will provide progressive academics with an opportunity to address a number of important social issues in a language that is both rigorous and accessible. All too often, academics produce work that is either too abstract for a generally informed public, or they separate their scholarship from the myriad of issues and contemporary problems that shape everyday life in the United States and abroad. Articles by Henry A. Giroux Articles by (or About) Other Authors in the Public Intellectual Project

Peace Pledge Union 10 Best Photos From This Summer's Most Scantily Clad Movement An unwitting officer in Toronto “helpfully” advised women that, to not be raped, they should “avoid dressing like sluts.” His stupid comment inspired people in Toronto, Boston, Chicago, Sydney, and many more cities to organize SlutWalks, a series of marches based on the idea that sluts don’t cause rape, rapists do. Here are some of the best photos so far: Photo found on April 3, 2011, Toronto, ON. Photo by Michael Courier.

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) #3038363 SOPA Emergency IP list: So if these ass-fucks in DC decide to ruin the internet, here’s how to access your favorite sites in the event of a DNS takedown # News Citizens for Tax Justice
