Free | Mozy > MozyHome Spilled coffee on the keyboard? We’ve all been there. With Mozy, you can download all of your files with just one click (yes, it really is that easy). You can also receive emails and alerts when your restore requests are ready for download. Additionally, you can now use Mozy’s restore manager, which helps consolidate and transfer files to your computer. Access from anywhere With Mozy it’s easy to find your files quickly. If you sign into Mozy through a web browser you’ll find that our powerful file system search helps you locate specific files or folders in a snap. 30-day retention Mozy keeps unlimited versions of a file for up to 30 days. Learn More - Let's teach the machines to sing Atomic Reach Former Apple ad man Ken Segall talks Steve Jobs, simplicity in Time interview By AppleInsider Staff In an interview with Time on Tuesday, Ken Segall, a former creative director of Apple ad agency TBWA/Chiat/Day who worked with the late Steve Jobs at Apple and NeXT, discussed a wide range of topics including his time collaborating on the Cupertino tech giant's ad campaigns. The interview, a special presentation at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA, was conducted by Time editor-at-large Harry McCracken, with much of the time focused on Segall's work at both Apple and NeXT as well as his book Insanely Simple: The Obsession That Drives Apple's Success. Segall is in a unique position to offer insight into the inner workings of Apple's advertising process after being involved in the company's ad campaigns for 12 years. Among his team's accomplishments are the naming of the "iMac" and the "Think Different" campaign, the latter kickstarting Apple's initial rise following the return of cofounder Steve Jobs.
David Seah / Agenceum | Process Journal: Running a Pretend Design Agency This morning’s 15-minute writing about my website examines my personal tag cloud more closely. There are three main elements that together describe who I am. In detail: DAVE SEAH – Eccentric Creative – Emphasis on Values and Joy “Eccentric Creative” is expressed by the jumble of candy-like interests that will be organized across the website. CREATIVE SELF-IMPROVER and CREATIVE INDEPENDENCE – My Passion – My Personal and Professional Focus “My Passion”, again, will be shown. MAKER – My Projects This is a section that is a “work in progress” area. Next, there are secondary elements on the website that act in a supporting role. STORIES – This is the content from the past 7 years The articles I’ve written are structured like little stories that end with some kind of takeaway insight, example, or nugget of understanding. COMMUNITY – Making connections with people Finally there are the THINGS FOR SALE and THINGS TO DOWNLOAD. FREEBIES – Create the semblance of value and treasure, a taste, a preview
Filegoose – Un completo y profesional gestor de documentos en la web nos proporciona las herramientas necesarias para gesttonar documentos en la nube, compartiéndolos y visualizándolos sin necesidad de instalar nada en nuestros ordenadores. Podemos clasificarlos por etiquetas, ver el contenido de documentos en más de 250 formatos, dar permisos a otras personas para que los vean o para que colaboren añadiendo más archivos, encontrarlos usando un buscador avanzado, consultar estadísticas de acceso a nuestros documentos, crear mini-sites para mostrar una colección específica de archivos… muchas funciones que otros más grandes, como Google Docs, aún no incluyen. La versión gratuita ofrece un espacio limitado a 150 megas, con dos usuarios gestionando el contenido, siendo interesante así para uso personal, aunque el coste para ampliar estos límites no es excesivo teniendo en cuenta lo que ofrece. - Record your life. Store it forever. Flooved JFK RICE MOON SPEECH John F. Kennedy Moon Speech - Rice Stadium September 12, 1962 Movie clips of JFK speaking at Rice University: (.mov) or (.avi) (833K) See and hear the entire speech for 56K modem download [8.7 megabytes in a .asf movie format which requires Windows Media Player 7 (speech lasts about 33 minutes)]. See and hear the entire speech for higher speed access [25.3 megabytes in .asf movie format which requires Windows Media Player 7]. President Pitzer, Mr. I appreciate your president having made me an honorary visiting professor, and I will assure you that my first lecture will be very brief. I am delighted to be here, and I'm particularly delighted to be here on this occasion. We meet at a college noted for knowledge, in a city noted for progress, in a State noted for strength, and we stand in need of all three, for we meet in an hour of change and challenge, in a decade of hope and fear, in an age of both knowledge and ignorance. Newton explored the meaning of gravity. Thank you.
Post-It note organization system For a few months now I've been using a post-it note system to keep myself more organized and more on top of things and let me just say, I *puffy pink* HEART it. So here's how it works. I bought a full size planner (with 8 x 11.5" pages). I picked this one up at Office Max for about $20. The key is to get a planner big enough that you can fit small sized post-it notes on each day grid. Now, when I have anything that needs to be done, I make a post it and put it on the day it has to be done by. I keep a pack of small post-it notes in my purse and one or two on my desk. When I have an item that I've finished, I take the post-it off and clear off my day. With items that repeat each week, when I've done it, I just move it to the next week that it is due again. It's also great for keeping me on track with goals I want to reach. At then end of each month, I have a post-it to remind me to check my goals and record them on my yearly goal list.
Cardiio - Touchless Camera Pulse Sensor for iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (4th generation), iPad 2 Wi-Fi, iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G, iPad (3rd generation) and iPad Wi-Fi + 4G on the iTunes App Store Coub Inspirational Quote From Steve Jobs