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Habit Labs 10 Excellent Platforms for Building Mobile Apps If you've ever wanted to build an app for your business, blog, product or service, but the heavy investment of both time and money put you off, you're not alone. The good news is that entering the mobile market no longer necessarily requires thousands of dollars and months of work. There are many mobile platforms available to help you build an app on a budget — quickly, and with no coding knowledge required. With a small investment, you can create and manage your mobile site or application using one of the platforms listed below, and start reaping the advantages of offering your customers a dedicated mobile experience, including increased awareness, engagement and revenue. Show As Gallery Have something to add to this story? Image: Mashable composite. iStock, pressureUA

Brief workouts for runners: strength training Over the last few columns I have suggested a range of non-running workouts for runners that – combined with an effective running programme – should make you a better and stronger athlete. So far I've put together basic strength and core workouts, a dynamic warmup routine plus a range of routines for when you're unable to run. Now it's time for an intermediate programme that uses weights to improve strength. The plan As with most of the other workouts in this series, this workout is short but effective. As Farah told the Guardian earlier this year: "I was a lot weaker before. The science backs Farah up. Strength and core work can be very effective for runners. The routine Before any of these exercises are attempted please seek advice from a fitness professional and make sure that you begin with a sensible weight. Squat Dumbbell press Lunges We're using dumbbells here but feel free to use a barbell once you areconfident of form. Military press Deadlifts

Afternoon Energy Boosters Feeling lazy after lunchtime? Follow these tips for beating the afternoon energy slump. Why do I need to register or sign in for WebMD to save? We will provide you with a dropdown of all your saved articles when you are registered and signed in. Does this sound familiar? What's Causing the Afternoon Slump? First, you should understand where that sudden crash probably came from. WebMD's sleep expert, Michael J. But don't blame it all on your body's internal clock -- your body makes you sleepy, but your own eating habits may make you fatigued -- for a double whammy leading to a massive energy crash. If you're feeling sluggish in the early afternoon, ask yourself these questions: Continue reading below... Did I eat breakfast? Your answers may point to the problem. Foods for an Energy Boost If you want to beat the midafternoon slump, start first thing in the morning with a good-quality breakfast.

Mind Tools - Management Training, Leadership Training and Career Training Selvforsvarskurs og seminar Skreddersydd seminar: Krav Maga gir alle en mestringsfølelse, og er utmerket teambuilding. Vi tilbyr skreddersydde opplegg til forskjellige grupper. Bedrifter: Sikkerhetsopplæring for ansatte og utmerket teambuilding og HMS-tiltak! Bedrifter kan søke NAV-midler til tiltak som sikter på å øke ansattes mestring av påkjenninger i yrker utsatt for vold/utagering. Skoler:Spesialutdannede instruktører holder opplæring for barn så vel som ungdom.De ansatte oppfordres også til å prøve! Jentegrupper:Vi har holdt selvforsvarskurs for nesten 1300 jenter i klubben vår, og har meget god erfaring med slike kurs. Vennegjenger, utdrikningslag etc. Idrettslag og foreninger:Allsidig bevegelsestrening, nyttige og lærerike teknikker, samt mental trening er noe av det vi kan tilby ditt idrettslag eller forening. EldreMange eldre er bekymret for å bevege seg utendørs, dels på grunn av sensasjonsoppslag i media. En eller flere dagers seminar Krav Maga er lett å lære Teambuilding Forespørsler: Forsvar av 3 part.

Create your own virtual writing retreat | Remembering English Sadly, lately my writing has taken a backseat to everything else. So last week, I decided that I would use the long holiday weekend for an unofficial writing retreat. “Unofficial” essentially means that I didn’t need to apply, travel, or formally do anything other than pledge to write — perfect for such a last-minute decision. When I mentioned this to my friend Wendy Call, an alumna of Hedgebrook, she too was up for the idea; she’d already been part of a more formal virtual retreat, Hedgebrook Writes (a brilliant idea). Writing time is precious and necessary, but let’s face it — we can’t always leave home; we can’t always plan ahead. It was a great weekend overall, and I learned a few things that will make my next one even better. - Just do it. - Gather your fellow writers together. - Clear the decks. - Create your space. - Stay offline. - Give yourself guidelines. - Afterward, assess the pros and cons, the highs and lows. - Schedule retreats often.

Jello Dashboard Krav Maga NorgeHistorien Historien om Krav Maga og Imi Lichtenfeld (1910 - 1998 ) Imi Lichtenfeld ble født i Tjeckoslovakia i 1910. ganske bestemt i byen Bratislava. Hans far jobbet på sirkus bare fra en alder av 13 år og reiste rundt med dette i over 20 år der han opptrådte som sirkusets sterke mann. Han inviterte publikum ned i manesjen for deretter å utfordre de i bryting. Stort sett så vant han grunnet at han hadde lært seg selvforsvarsknep som kom godt med i en slik situasjon. Etter at han avsluttet sitt arbeide på sirkuset flyttet han tilbake til Bratislava der han begynte å arbeide som politi.Han åpnet også en skole for turnere, boksere og brytere. Imi skjønte snart at han hadde begrenset tid på å lære soldatene evnen til å kunne overleve i en kampsituasjon og det var nå at ideen bak KRAV MAGA ble født.

The 10 O’Clock Rule This is a nifty one, simple to implement and, in my experience, surprisingly effective. Set your watch to beep every night at 10 o’clock. When your watch goes off, get up that instant and prepare for morning. Whether you’re in the middle of watching a DVD, rushing to meet a work deadline, reading that one last blog entry, etc., get up and get rolling. Your Morning Prep Checklist In addition to brushing up, walking the dog, and otherwise getting ready for bed as usual, do as many morning tasks as you can ahead of time: Plan breakfast and make sure the fridge is stocked (if necessary, run out to the grocery store to stock up on milk, eggs, etc.) Once you’ve figured out which tasks can be done, write them down on an index card and keep it handy. Organize Your Space I inherited a lovely little stand for hanging out your outfit, wallet, and keys for the next day from my grandfather. This 10 o’clock routine might take anywhere between 30 minutes and an hour. Reap the Benefits Photo by jmv.

Mind Mapping - Create Mind Maps online How To Stay Productive After Work I've had to come to terms with this. I have ideas for things that would be cool, but I'm usually too tired in the evening. After getting everyone fed, I just want to sit on the couch and watch YouTube. My husband has been great, nudging me towards not beating myself up over needing to relax. This article is probably for the single people on this site with no kids (93% of readers). Also, why YouTube? I am seriously addicted to Let's Plays of various RPGs, especially ones that I played when I was a kid, but only vaguely remember now. I could play them, true, but then I'd be up until 4am.
