UbuWeb Ernst Haeckel: Kunstformen der Natur Diese elektronische Ausgabe wurde erstellt mit Hilfe einer Original-Ausgabe des Haeckel'schen Werkes, das freundlicherweise von Prof. Dr. v. Sengbusch zur Verfügung gestellt wurde. Alle Tafeln wurden mit einer Auflösung von 300 dpi und 16 Millionen Farben eingescannt. Wer alle Tafeln (in mittlerer Aufloesung) auf einmal haben moechte, kann sich gerne die Datei haeckel.tar downloaden. Noch mehr Geduld braucht, wer dieses Buch im PDF-Format herunterladen möchte. Für diejenigen, die lieber eine gedruckte Version vorziehen (solche Menschen soll es noch geben :-) ) existiert eine Neuauflage der Kunstformen der Natur vom Prestel Verlag: Prestel Verlag, München, New York: Ernst Haeckel "Kunstformen der Natur" (1998) ISBN 3-7913-1978-7 Der Preis liegt bei 39,80 DM bei www.amazon.de. Zum Urheberrecht der HTML-Version: Copyright 1999 Kurt Stueber und Max-Planck-Institut für Züchtungsforschung.
U.S.O Project on Sound Exploration, Unseen Noises Library U.S.O (Unidentified Sound Object) Project is defined as a continuing evolving organism of sound. Created by Matteo Milani and Federico Placidi, two sound artists working on several fields and exploring sound in many inspiring ways. Perhaps you already know about their fantastic blog, where they share lots of great things, making the site a must for anyone interested on sound experimentation, film sound design, electronic music, sound synthesis, signal processing, etc. In the last year, Unidentified Sound Object started a new series of libraries aimed to sound designers and composers, starting with Hologram Room, a package of a wide variety of sources suitable for all kind of contexts and designed meticulously by the two sound sculptors. Electromagnetic informations are invisible and omnipresent. Available at U.S.O. $30, 40 files, 48kHz/24-Bit. Below is an interview I did with Matteo and Federico, talking a bit about this new library and the ideas behind their project.
Neural.it :: new media art Preternatural The preternatural, as explored by these artists, disturb the ontological boundaries of art, nature and metaphysics. They exist within the folds of classificatory thresholds: both beyond and between nature and supernature; human and animal; vegetable and mineral; living and dead. The confusion between animate and inanimate is a primary concern, a surreality which unites with the preternatural’s love for reveling in the mysterious: bizarre fragments, unreadable words, objects of absurd scale, and distortions of the relativity of time and space flourish throughout this exhibition. by Celina Jeffery Brooklyn, NY: punctum books, 2011. 38 pages. Published: 2011-11-19 Close it punctum books relies on your support Before you start to download your new book, take this moment to think about making a donation to punctum books, a non-profit independent press. Donate now* (opens in new tab) Download "Preternatural by Celina Jeffery" book now (opens in new tab) At St. Figure 1. Figure 2.