almost Modern John Morgan studio — Museo Jumex The inauguration on 19 November 2013 of Museo Jumex, in a building designed by David Chipperfield Architects in Nuevo Polanco, Mexico City, marks a new stage in the development of the Fundación / Colección Jumex. Fundación Jumex Arte Contemporáneo was created to promote production, reflection and knowledge of contemporary art and to generate new proposals of cultural support. This is accomplished through Colección Jumex, the foundation’s art collection; Museo Jumex, a place for the exhibition and activation of contemporary art; Galería Jumex Ecatepec, an experimental exhibition space; and Editorial Jumex, a platform for publication and circulation. We worked closely with the museum’s in house team to create a graphic identity that extends through exterior and interior signage, exhibition announcement systems and advertisements to tickets and printed matter. More images soon.
DESIGN AND DESIGN | Luís Mendonça | Showcase Design And DesignExhibiting every day "the best you can get" design wise.Create your free account and submit your designs to have a chance to be published CANNED, Jose GourmetCanned, Jose GourmetCanned, Jose GourmetCanned, Jose GourmetOlive Oil And Vinegar Olive Oil And Vinegar © Luís MendonçaPorto / Portugal The International Office Hype Type Studio
Jeff Jank Pinata 64 Covers — jj @ 11:46 pm Comments (0) Next Pinata 64 Armed Forces In through the out door Elephant The Sign Endeavor on Sepulveda Welcome to the D Dallas Polaroids: 1990s Ohnomite with Munka Silent World Limonious Animals First I was like, then I was all Brigitte 88 Mulberry St. Again Books CA Covers Draw Europe H+B LA LV Made Miami NOLA NYC Paint Road SF ST Stills Sr. y Sra. Wilson — Estudi estratègic de disseny Sr. y Sra. Wilson som un estudi estratègic de disseny amb base a Mataró, Barcelona. Estem especialitzats en branding i comunicació de marques. El nostre objectiu és crear marques que ajudin a créixer els negocis, utilitzant el disseny com a element diferenciador per connectar amb la gent d'una manera atractiva i efectiva. Ens impliquem amb els nostres clients en tot el procés de disseny al complet. Som un equip petit en nombre, gran en esperit. Ens impliquem en petits i grans projectes, aplicant les mateixes premisses sempre, creant conceptes aparentment complexes des de la simplicitat, sintetitzant al màxim el missatge, el to i el disseny, però sense perdre ni diluir la seva eficàcia, buscant el millor camí per a resoldre qualsevol repte amb un resultat creatiu, original, rellevant i, sempre, buscant l'excel·lència. Hem treballat per a clients com Tous, Reebok, Club de Creativos, Magro Cardona, Ajuntament de Cabrils, Tic Tac, Letsbonus, Glenda López Jewels, Simtec, Editorial Andamio...
Opposite Leigh Bowery: A life less ordinary - Features - Art It made me wonder what Leigh would be doing now. If he had managed to live another few months, he probably would still be alive today, as the drugs that have saved so many people were introduced just after his death. In the Eighties and early Nineties I often went to the funerals of friends who had died of Aids, but I haven't been to any since Leigh's memorial in January 1995. Many of Leigh's contemporaries have become very successful in their chosen fields, and I like to think that Leigh would have joined them, maybe as an actor or a musician or, if all else failed, a regular on reality television. Leigh still affects my life every day and has opened the door to so many experiences for me. The most fantastic thing that happened to me was that my painting by Lucian Freud, Benefit Supervisor Resting, became the most expensive painting by a living artist sold at auction in May 2008. I was thrilled when I found out that I was a character in the musical, too. Happy Birthday, Leigh.