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Schoolism Booknode : Votre Club de Lecture et Communauté Littéraire en ligne QuoJS - Micro JavaScript Library - Work & Turn | Creative Workshops & Sessions FREE Andrew Loomis Art Instruction Downloads The great Andrew Loomis created several amazing and useful books on Illustration, Drawing, and Painting. These rare, out-of-print books are free to distribute, and Illustration Age is honored to offer the following free downloads in pdf format. Please help to spread the word by sharing this post with your fellow artists. Also be sure to browse our own selection of self-published ebooks and audiobooks! Creative Illustration (Click to view, Right-Click to Download) Drawing The Head & Hands Eye Of The Painter Figure Drawing For All It’s Worth Fun With A Pencil Successful Drawing Also be sure to check out 15 Steps to Freelance Illustration for a step-by-step guide on starting your own freelance Illustration business! Related Introducing the Illustrator's Survival Kit! Ready to supercharge your Illustration business for the new year? In "Stuff" New Book for Illustrators by Bobby Chiu "The Perfect Bait" is a brilliant companion for "15 Steps to Freelance Illustration." In "Editorial"

26 Places to Find Free Multimedia for Your Blog Nothing makes a blog post more eye-catching than a great header image, but not all publishers have artistic talent. And even accomplished digital creatives often crave some found material to start from or work with in a project. Luckily for all of the above, sources abound for finding a compelling photo to grab your readers' eyes and draw them in, or to locate fresh multimedia to remix. Creative Commons search You may be familiar with the Creative Commons free licenses that aim to give creators more freedom to allow sharing and remixing of their content. Here are several excellent spots to search large pools of Creative Commons-licensed images: 1. Free stock and public domain images Need a professional-looking image but don't have the budget for spendy stock photo houses? 5. WikiMedia Commons 12. Free audio sources Free video sources 20. Further resources 24. More blogger resources from Mashable: Image courtesy of iStockphoto, Johnnyscriv - A responsive template generator Networks ESD Countly | Mobile Analytics Parka Blogs | Art Book Reviews, Anime Artbooks, Animation & some Pop Culture. I'm from Singapore. - WeLoveWords jQuery Pequeñas burbujas ¿a punto de estallar? - Gestión Podría ser sólo una sensación nuestra, pero muchos proyectos empresariales nacen ya heridos de muerte al hacerlo clonando ideas –sin tener una ventaja competitiva clara– en mercados en los que ya existen otros muchos competidores que cuentan con una mayor solidez financiera. Javier Escudero 24/05/2013 Nace la enésima plataforma online de cupones o la duodécima aplicación móvil que reúne información sobre ocio o la decimocuarta plataforma de formación para particulares o el cuadragésimo comparador… y así hasta el infinito. ¿Estamos asistiendo al final de los tiempos o es que se han acabado las ideas a la hora de emprender? No hay día que no nos llegue a la redacción de Emprendedores un nuevo proyecto en esa línea y lo curioso es que todos presumen de ser los primeros. ¿Y el mercado? Puedes tener posibilidades de negocio en un mercado que, aunque atomizado, aún no tiene un líder claro Outlet online. Cupones. Cofres de experiencias. Formación. Compras en grupo. Comparadores. Otros.

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