How To Create a ‘Personal Learning Environment’ to Stay Relevant in 2013 “Our understanding of learning has expanded at a rate that has far outpaced our conceptions of teaching. A growing appreciation for the porous boundaries between the classroom and life experience…has created not only promising changes but also disruptive moments in teaching.” EDUCAUSE Review, 2012 This quote from Disrupting Ourselves: The Problem of Learning in Higher Education (Bass, 2012), gives a good a reason as any for educators to develop a Personal learning Environment [PLE]; a space where we can keep up with the experimental modes of learning, instruction, changing pedagogy and instructional methods that surfaced in 2012. Three Reasons Why Educators Need a PLEEducation is in a phase of disruption (not news to anyone)—and it’s not just a blip or a bump, but is what Harvard professor and author Clayton Christenson describes as disruptive innovation. We need to disrupt ourselves: The model of higher education is at a turning point. Closing Thoughts Resources: Like this:
Supporting Personal Learning Environments--A Definition of a PLE As part of answering Reader Questions this week, I'm going back to something that Glenn Ross asked me awhile ago: If I'm responsible for L&D in my organization, how can I help my employees identify their PLEs (personal learning environments) and what resources do I need to provide for them? Apparently Glenn likes to ask the tough questions. But I'm feeling brave, so I'm going to try for an answer here. It actually will take two posts to do this, so let's start with my definition of a PLE. The Elements of a Personal Learning EnvironmentThere is a lot of discussion about what exactly constitutes a personal learning environment. It's PersonalPersonal means two things to me. A personal learning environment is personal in the sense that WHAT is learned has to be based on what interests the learner. A PLE also has to be personal in terms of the tools. It's About Self-Directed LearningI'm sorry to report that most people don't really know how to learn. So that's how I define a PLE.
Personal learning environment This article or chapter is incomplete and its contents need further attention. Some information may be missing or may be wrong, spelling and grammar may have to be improved, use your judgment! 1 Definitions Graham Attwell defines Personal Learning Environments (PLE) as an idea that firstly integrates "pressures and movements" like lifelong learning, informal learning, learning styles, new approaches to assessment, cognitive tools. “The most compelling argument for the PLE is to develop educational technology which can respond to the way people are using technology for learning and which allows them to themselves shape their own learning spaces, to form and join communities and to create, consume, remix, and share material”.([2], retrieved 22:17, 25 April 2007 (MEST)] On also may define a PLE as a system (but some may not necessarily agree). “A PLE is characterized by the freeform use of a set of lightweight services and tools that belong to and are controlled by individual learners. .
A Simple Comprehensive Guide on The use of Personal Learning Networks in Education Personal Learning Networks, or PLNs, have been around for a long time. Originally they were your family, relatives and friends, or probably other educators and fellow teachers you work with in the same institution, but now and thanks to the development of web technologies and wireless connections, the concept of PLNs has been expanded to engulf people you have never met before in real world. Much of the learning nowadays takes place online and via a network of interconnected relations. PLNs are basically based on the concept of a learning community. Outline : What is a PLN ? What is a PLN ? Why PLNs in education ? So, why bother thinking about creating a PLN ? Benefits of PLNs in Education Here is a list of some of the pluses of PLNs in education as featured in Personal Learning Networks: Using the Power of Connections to Transform Education How can Teachers use PLNs ? Here are some of the ideas to help you leverage the power of PLNs in your classroom : Ways students can use PLNs 1- Ning
5 points about PLEs PLNs for PLENK10 @ Dave’s Educational Blog The concept of the Personal Learning Environment in all of its wondrous forms has been one that I’ve struggled with over the last four or five years that I’ve been familiar with it. I’m very excited to be taking part in the PLENK10 course in order to take the time to focus on these ideas and get a clearer sense of what I mean by the word. I would add, that I think this is one of the central values of an open course… it provides the opportunity to bring clarity to a subject in a field… even if we end up with different clarities The PLE related to the LMS (LCMS, VLE etc…) I came to the idea of the PLE as an alternative to the LMS (learning management system, blackboard, moodle, desire2learn etc). POINT 1. Personal Learning Environment vs. POINT 2 – PLEs are (to me at least) the ecologies within which PLNs operate This is not true for all people and in all circumstances. POINT 3 PLEs need not be supported by educational institutions Who put the P in learning environments/networks?
Personalized Learning - K-12 Education When learning is personalized, teachers help students find what they like and want to learn about and what their strengths and needs are. Then, the teacher sets up projects that are in line with the students’ interest and with academic standards. This growing movement is focused on changing the learning environment so students can take more ownership of their learning and teachers can work with them to discover their passions and interests. The breakthrough idea in personalized learning is the striking shift in the teacher-student team. In traditional learning, the teacher is the leader and the student is a mostly passive recipient. In personalized learning, the student is the leader, and the teacher is the activator and the advisor. In personalized learning, the teacher-student bond doesn’t matter less; it matters more. Continued Progress: Promising Evidence on Personalized Learning (2015) > Early Progress: Interim Research on Personalized Learning (2014) >
Connectivism glossary About this glossary[edit] This is a glossary of terms used in connectivism to help define how they they differ from the dictionary definitions and other learning theories. This glossary is currently under development as part of the CCK09 and CCK11 course. Please help to improve. Alphabetical index of terms[edit] agent[edit] amplification[edit] A central concept of connectivism. capacity to know[edit] This is the potential that exists in a learner and their connections. centrality[edit] A measure of the importance of a node in a network. Connected specialization[edit] In complex systems, individual agents/nodes become increasingly specialized. connections[edit] "A connection is a link between two entities [in a network] such that a change of state in one entity may result in a change of state in the second entity." connections, making[edit] "Connections form naturally, through a process of association, and are not 'constructed' through some sort of intentional action." connective knowledge[edit]
History of personal learning environments Personal learning environments are systems that help learners take control of and manage their own learning. This includes providing support for learners to set their own learning goalsmanage their learning; managing both content and processcommunicate with others in the process of learning and thereby achieve learning goals. A personal learning environment (PLE) involves both formal and informal learning experiences. A PLE may be composed of one or more subsystems: As such it may be a desktop application, or composed of one or more web-based services Important concepts in PLEs include the integration of both formal and informal learning episodes into a single experience, the use of social networks that can cross institutional boundaries, and the use of networking protocols (Peer-to-Peer, web services, syndication) to connect a range of resources and systems within a personally-managed space. 1970s[edit] 1976[edit] 1990s[edit] 1998[edit] 2000s[edit] 2000[edit] 2001[edit] 2002[edit] 2003[edit]