Violet By Ultra, Inc Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Men don’t seem to worry about skin cancer that much, but the fact is that they should. Yes, men aged 15 to 39 are more than twice as likely to die from melanoma as women. Maybe it’s time we start paying attention to how much sun we’re actually getting. Enter Violet by Ultra Inc, a new device that’s hoping to help you with just that. Violet is a piece of wearable technology that will help monitor just how much UV you’re getting. Violet will serve as a big brother that watches over you while you’re out in the sun. The device itself is a sensor that comes with a bracelet and a clip. On the whole, this device is a step in the right direction. The problem is that at around $100, it seems like it will be too pricey for the common guy. Violet’s a good idea that can save lives, but it probably won’t have the type of appeal that it should.
The Ultimate multiverse Mission Zigomar : un jeu pour découvrir les musées de la ville de Paris L’art est-il réservé aux adultes ? C’est ce que pense le terrible Zigomar… à moins que vous n’arrivez à lui prouver le contraire ! C’est la mission que vous confie Paris Musées dans le jeu Mission Zigomar. Vous incarnez Gab, une jeune parisienne qui sèche l’école pour échapper à une visite de musée qui, pour elle, est synonyme d’ennui. Pourtant, rien ne se passe comme prévu : en compagnie de l’un de ses camarades de classe et de son frère qui la suivait, Gab se retrouve dans une station inconnue du métro où elle apprend qu’elle va devoir relever les défis de Zigomar et récupérer les œuvres qu’il a dérobées dans les musées parisiens ! Actuellement, quatre missions sont proposées : “Les têtes de l’art” sur le thème des portraits ; “Même pas peur” sur les monstres ; “Au pied de la lettre” sur l’écriture et “Voyage dans le temps” sur Paris 1900. Mission Zigomar est une vraie réussite et une preuve de plus que les musées ne sont pas des lieux déprimants, s’il est encore utile de le préciser !
Museu do Amanhã | Experiência Através da ciência, cada vez mais reconhecemos hoje que somos interligados a todas as formas vivas com as quais dividimos este planeta. E, ao mesmo tempo, reconhecemos que a atividade humana se tornou uma força geológica: estamos transformando a composição da atmosfera, modificando o clima, alterando a biodiversidade, mudando o curso dos rios. Vivemos no Antropoceno. Toda a vida na Terra terá de se adaptar a estes novos tempos plenos de incertezas – e oportunidades. O Museu do Amanhã se apoia em dois grandes eixos narrativos: no campo da Sustentabilidade, perguntamos ao visitante “como poderemos viver?”; e na Convivência, “como queremos viver?”. Com curadoria de Luiz Alberto Oliveira, físico do CBPF e doutor em Cosmologia, o Museu do Amanhã proporcionará uma visão acessível a todos sobre o modo como estamos alterando o nosso planeta e como o habitamos. O amanhã é feito hoje.
TOP 10: experimentos psicológicos que salieron de control La mente humana —que de algún modo experimentamos como un teatro— se compone de elementos que fácilmente podemos manipular, sea con variaciones de la propia percepción o con agentes externos que, como los químicos, intervienen directamente en las estructuras del cerebro. Sin embargo, como con todo experimento, la posibilidad de fracaso se encuentra siempre presente. Hay ocasiones en que las cosas no se resuelven como la hipótesis inicial lo planteaba y las variables salen del control de los experimentadores. A continuación presentamos 10 experimentos que desbordaron todas las previsiones planteadas, demostrando de algún modo que la mente es, como querían los antiguos griegos, el juguete predilecto de potencias que se manifiestan solo cuando el precario dominio que ejercemos sobre ella afloja por un instante la rienda. El experimento de la prisión de Stanford Wendell Johnson y los huérfanos tartamudos Elefantes en LSD El experimento de Milgram Esquizofrénicos que dejaron de tomar sus medicinas
Level II: Universes with different physical constants Collapsus - Energy Risk Conspiracy Collapsus is an immersive web experience set in a near-future world after peak oil, where conspiracy and treason are rife. Against a dramatic backdrop of global energy politics, Collapsus combines interactivity with animation, fiction and documentary, inviting the user to embark on a quest to collect information, find solutions, and make crucial decisions that will leave their mark on a national and a global See also our interview with the creators and producers of Collapsus and our walkthrough of Collapsus with audio commentary by director Tommy Pallotta. Awards Collapsus received an Emmy nomination for Best Digital Fiction, a People’s Choice Award and Interactive Award nominations at SXSW 2011, the Dutch Spin Award, and a World Summit Award. is a Submarine Channel production in co-production with VPRO Backlight.
The Math Trick Behind MP3s, JPEGs, and Homer Simpson’s Face Nine years ago, I was sitting in a college math physics course and my professor spelt out an idea that kind of blew my mind. I think it isn’t a stretch to say that this is one of the most widely applicable mathematical discoveries, with applications ranging from optics to quantum physics, radio astronomy, MP3 and JPEG compression, X-ray crystallography, voice recognition, and PET or MRI scans. This mathematical tool—named the Fourier transform, after 18th-century French physicist and mathematician Joseph Fourier—was even used by James Watson and Francis Crick to decode the double helix structure of DNA from the X-ray patterns produced by Rosalind Franklin. You probably use a descendant of Fourier’s idea every day, whether you’re playing an MP3, viewing an image on the web, asking Siri a question, or tuning in to a radio station. So what was Fourier’s discovery, and why is it useful? Now, instead of single key, say you play three keys together to make a chord. Whew!
Level III: Many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics