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Tips: modificare un file protetto con TextEdit | SaggiaMente Pubblicato il 22/09/2010 alle 13:48 Ci sono alcune applicazioni, come il gratuito Smultron (ora Fraise) che hanno una comoda funzione integrata che permette di accedere ai file nascosti e di modificarli previa autenticazione. Questo di oggi è un trucco che però è bene conoscere per capire come ragiona OS X e perché potrebbe tornarvi utile in alcune situazioni di emergenza. I motivi per cui ci si può trovare a dover editare un file contenuto nelle cartelle di sistema sono molti. Ipotizziamo ad esempio di dover modificare il file hosts per inserire una personalizzazione sul DNS. Ricordate che questa finestrella si comporta in modo molto simile al Terminale, quindi potrete anche usare il tasto tab per il completamento, come spiegato nelle puntate 17 e 19 del podcast. Dopo aver premuto il tasto invio, vi troverete nella cartella dove è localizzato il file in questione. L'alert suggerisce di modificare i permessi del file.

Efficient substring searching There are many times when programmers need to search for a substring, for example when parsing text. This is commonly referred to as searching for a needle (substring) in a haystack (the string to search in). The most straightforward way to do this is by using search functions that your language provides: C: strchr()/memchr(), strstr()/memmem()C++: string::find()Ruby: String#index or regular expressionsPython: string.find() or regular expressions However those functions are usually implemented in a naive way. They usually go through every index in the haystack and try to compare the substring at that index with the given needle. In this article we’ll examine smarter algorithms, in particular Boyer-Moore and its variants. Before we move on, it should be noted that Python’s string.find(), Ruby regular expressions and glibc’s implementation of memmem() actually can use smarter algorithms when conditions are right, but that is besides the main point of this article. Smarter algorithms The code

GENTOOO Important Sometimes, Gentoo/FreeBSD's @system is broken. Please get latest information from "Depends on" of bug #462580. Gentoo/FreeBSD is a Gentoo system based on FreeBSD. Portage replaces ports. Note Gentoo FreeBSD is not 100% binary-compatibility with regular FreeBSD due to SONAME differences. Gentoo FreeBSD is also not 100% script-compatible with regular FreeBSD by default. Introduction to FreeBSD What is FreeBSD? FreeBSD is a free (license) Unix-like operating system. FreeBSD's current production release is version 9.1. What is Gentoo/FreeBSD? Gentoo/FreeBSD is a subproject of the Gentoo/Alt project, with the goal of providing a fully-capable FreeBSD operating system featuring design sensibilities taken from Gentoo Linux, such as the init system and the Portage package management system. FreeBSD and Linux Users migrating from Linux to FreeBSD commonly consider the two operating systems "almost the same". Besides, FreeBSD also has some technical differences which set it apart from Linux. .

Map a network drive on a Mac - OS X Daily If you frequently access a file server from a Mac it’s pretty helpful to map the network drive to your desktop. There’s two ways to do this, one method is just mapped for one time use and will reset after a reboot, and another method is a more permanent route that allows the mapped network drive to always appear and mount on your desktop after system reboots and user logins. Map a network drive to Mac OS X This method maps a network drive that will disappear if the network connection drops or if you reboot your Mac: From the Mac OS X Finder, hit Command+K to bring up the ‘Connect to Server’ windowEnter the path to the network drive you want to map, ie: and click ‘Connect’Enter your login/password and click “OK” to mount the network driveThe drive will now appear on your desktop and in the Finder window sidebar Map a network drive to Mac OS X that re-mounts after system reboot Make the mapped network drive visible on the Mac desktop

Create UML diagrams online in seconds, no special tools needed. Actor Actor and Use Case Notes Many Use Cases Actor Inheritance Multiple Actors And Inheritance <<Extends>> <<Includes>> <img src=" Registration)" > Meaty Example Create Your Own >> SUSE Studio: Crea tu propia distribución Linux ¿No eres desarrollador de software ni programador de ordenadores? No te preocupes, tus deseos de tener una distribución Linux propia están a punto de cumplirse. Con un sistema del estilo “autoservicio”, SUSE Studio es una aplicación web que te guía en la personalización de una distro Linux con cada paquete y repositorio que le quieras poner, hasta su descarga. Así que quieres tener un sistema operativo que lleve tu nombre y se base en SUSE, esta es tu oportunidad. Arch, Debian, Mint, Knoppix, Ubuntu, CentOS, Mandriva, PCLinuxOS, Slackware, Opensuse y cientos más conforman el ejército de distribuciones Linux disponibles para adaptarse a cada usuario y sus necesidades. ¿Pero qué tal si ninguna te satisface lo suficiente como para quedarte con ella de manera fija? Escoge el escritorio con el que trabajarás. Para comenzar escoge entre algunas de las plantillas, que presentan las diversas interfaces de OpenSUSE (que actúa como base). Agrega el contenido de la distro a tu gusto.

Great Tools For Your Mac By Andreas Hegenberg » BetterTouchTool & SecondBar Software Development AntiPatterns Good software structure is essential for system extension and maintenance. Software development is a chaotic activity, therefore the implemented structure of systems tends to stray from the planned structure as determined by architecture, analysis, and design. Software refactoring is an effective approach for improving software structure. The resulting structure does not have to resemble the original planned structure. The structure changes because programmers learn constraints and approaches that alter the context of the coded solutions. For example, the solution for the Spaghetti Code AntiPattern defines a software development process that incorporates refactoring. Development AntiPatterns utilize various formal and informal refactoring approaches. The BlobProcedural-style design leads to one object with a lion’s share of the responsibilities, while most other objects only hold data or execute simple processes. Read next All of the AntiPatterns are compiled there. Learn more
