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teachwithyouripad - home Embedded Instagram photos now bigger on web | SciTech | GMA News Online Here's one more incentive for Instagram users to put their best foot forward in posting photos: their works will appear bigger and clearer on the Web. A report on tech site Mashable said the Facebook-owned photo sharing service rolled out the improved look of embedded photos earlier this week. "The move to feature larger photos is a smart one for Instagram. Publishers that embed photos on websites or articles, especially media outlets, will most likely be pleased with the refreshed design and thus more inclined to embed Instagram photos," Mashable said. It added Instagram users whose photos are embedded in stories will have an easier way to gain more followers. With the improvement, Instagram photos embedded on the Web will now be bigger and cleaner, with a narrower bezel around the frame. "This will make it easier for readers to follow the Instagram account of the embedded photo's owner via a Follow button," Mashable said.

Anki: lär och repetera med "flashcards" (träningskort) på webben, telefon och platta Five social media skills millennials don’t have Don't assume younger staff will know everything about running a clever social media campaign. Photo: iStock They're the generation brought up on Facebook. Some have never known a world without the Internet. The innermost details of their lives have been exhaustively Instagramed and they get their news from Twitter, not TV. But when it comes to using social media in the workplace, millennials - the generation whose birth years can range anywhere from 1980 and 2000 - can be surprisingly, even dangerously, unprepared. For students and recent grads, some social media 101 is definitely in order. Lacking in critical areas According to Ward, who teaches a series of popular undergraduate and graduate courses on social media at the university, millennials are lacking in a number of critical areas. Advertisement "Companies hire millennials because they think they're good at social media. For students and recent grads entering the workforce, some social media 101 is definitely in order. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Teacher Guides These guides come in very handy for every teacher looking to better integrate technology into his/her teaching. They are very simple,developed in a step by step process, illustrated by pictures, diagrams, video tutorials, and examples, and concluded with a webliography containing links to a variety of other websites relevant to the topic under discussion. Needless to mention the pedagogical implications we include in the review of the web tools we feature in our guides. @import url( Custom Search Educators Technology See On About Us Educational Technology and Mobile Learning is operated by a team of dedicated teachers located in Canada. Google+ Followers Subscribe To Posts All Comments Copyright © 2011-2014.Please feel free to reuse or share content under a Creative Commons Attribution license unless otherwise noted.

Klout kommer till Sverige Patrick Thomas, brand partnerships Klout, Fredrik Båge, vd och grundare Mediapilot, Martin Wettergren, Klout Nordic/grundare Mediapilot och Joe Fernandez, vd och grundare Klout. Sociala medier-företaget Klout etableras i Sverige – som första marknad efter USA. Det har gått ett par år sedan ”Klout score” var ett buzzword bland digitala marknadsförare och sociala medier-experter. Den stora hajpen och stressen om vem som rankar högst har lagt sig, men tjänsten lever vidare och används i marknadsföringssyfte av varumärken som Spotify, Nike och Starbucks. – Klout score är både det bästa och det sämsta vi har. Han startade Klout 2008 efter att ha tvingats till tystnad efter en käkoperation vilket gjorde att han under tre månader främst använde Facebook och Twitter för att kommunicera med vänner och bekanta. – Jag blev besatt av sociala medier och hur de kan göra alla till inflytelserika publicister, säger Joe Fernandez. – Den kampanjen var ett genombrott för Klout, säger Joe Fernandez.

8 Great Free Digital Presentation Tools For Teachers To Try This Summer A mix of web apps that can help you make presentations that are fun, eye catching, and engaging (great for students too)! In this month's free online workshop, we're learning about the wonderful variety of free digital presentation tools available on the Internet today, and ways we might use them in our classroom. For the last assignment, I want to let participants select from a list of applications we haven't tried yet. I've been searching out new ones, as well as revisiting tools I've used before or known about, and I've listed a handful here. This interactive image is an example of a Glogster “poster” I tossed together in about 25 minutes, without any previous knowledge of using the tool. I have no doubt that many educators might enjoy some of these tools, so I am sharing them here, and asking for readers feedback on these and other apps. If there are other free digital presentation tools that you like to use, please comment and let us know about them!

Nu ska Klout sponsra svenska twittrare Amerikanska Klout, som rankar användarnas inflytande på sociala medier, lanserar funktionen Klout Perks i Sverige, som belönar användare som uppdaterar om ett visst varumärke. På Södermalm i Stockholm träffar Internetworld Joe Fernandez, Klouts vd och medgrundare, samt kollegan Patrick Thomas som är ansvarig för företagssamarbeten. På plats är även det svenska bolaget Mediapilots två chefer Fredrik Båge och Martin Wettergren, som ska sköta Sverigeetableringen för Klouts räkning. Vi ses på Mediapilots kontor, inrymt i samma sekelskiftehus som flera andra företag inom digital kommunikation, till exempel sociala medie-analysföretaget Gavagai har kontor. Namn: Joe Fernandez, vd och grundare av Klout Klout Score vid intervjutillfället: 72 (medel är ca 40). Relaterat: Så rankar Klout dig i sociala medier – Vi har haft en del kampanjer i andra länder, men har aldrig tidigare satsat på att etablera oss i en annan region, även om vi länge arbetat för det, säger Joe Fernandez. Vad är det då?

C'est principalement le tableau de la page 5 qui est intéressant. Elle résume brièvement les différentes applications pédagogiques qu'on peut faire avec facebook. by maximehoule Feb 6
