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Electronic Literature Organization – To facilitate and promote the writing, publishing, and reading of literature in electronic media.

Electronic Literature Organization – To facilitate and promote the writing, publishing, and reading of literature in electronic media.

Norval Morrisseau original paintings May 2018 Coghlan Art proudly presents available work by this great Canadian artist. Norval was instrumental in the creation of our studio . His presence was a reminder of what an artist really is. Norval's work is in museum and private collections around the world. Follow us on facebook to keep up on what's new in the gallery Morrisseau Chronicles a collection of essays and stories Compare Authentic and Questionable works by Morrisseau on See Morrisseau Giclee Prints Norval's Biography Norval Morrisseau breaks race barrier at National Gallery Norval Morrisseau and Bryant Ross at the opening of the National Gallery show - Feb 2, 2006 See Norval's Memo Norval Morrisseau Photo Album Painting Archive See paintings by Carl Ray Works by Carl Beam We are looking for authentic Morrisseau paintings to add to our inventory. click pic below for larger version use your back button to come back Paintings are un-conditionally guaranteed authenticProvenance back to the artist is provided

Poéticas - At Your Fingertips Locating the Text About technical editing – Technical Editors’ Eyrie Technical editing today covers far more than printed materials. Technical editors may be required to deal with: Printed materials (for example, books, pamphlets, quick reference cards, reports)Electronic materials (for example, online documentation, online help, web pages)Video scriptsComputer-based training materials In most cases, the audience for the material being edited is not composed of other technical people, and the editor is not the person responsible for ensuring the technical accuracy of the material. In some cases, the technical editor is responsible for some technical accuracy. Technical editors work in a variety of fields, including: Computer software and hardwareEngineeringMedicineSciencesLegal, banking and brokerage servicesWebsite development for any business or activity This section of the website includes the following pages. Technical writing and technical editing Working with a technical editor Who needs a technical editor? Who needs a technical writer? Telecommuting

le pC C'est quoi !? - parti Collectif Intermínimos - proyecto - prensa INTERMÍNIMOS DE NAVEGACIÓN POÉTICA(COBDC, 1996-1997 - Vilaweb, 1998-2002 - Llibreweb, 2003-2005 - Hermeneia, 2006- ) Sengai Intermínims de navegació poètica se mantiene en Internet por gentileza de Ediciones impresas de los poemas y CD-Rom del hipertexto: Poemes mínimsAlzira: Germania, 1995 (Enquadres de poesia; 1) ISBN 84-88689-32-2 2a ed.: Barcelona: Proa, 2001 (Els llibres de l'Ossa Menor; 225) ISBN 84-8437-168-9 Cima brancaA Coruña: Espiral Maior, 1995 (A illa verde; 13) ISBN 84-88137-51-6 Poemas mínimos / traducidos por Anne-Hélène Suárez Girard con la colaboración del autor Barcelona: Plaza & Janés, 1999 (Poesía; 31) ISBN 84-01-59033-7 41 de los poemas engrosan: Eurasia: palimpsesto lírico mayor, 1978-2001 México, D.F.: Ediciones Sin Nombre, 2003 Intermínims: español, català, français, english CD-Rom (Bonus track; 5). Diseño y realización técnica del proyecto WWW inicial (1996): Josep Àngel Borràs Rediseño y realización técnica del proyecto WWW multilingüe (2004): Ramon Dachs 1. The World's Leading Source of eBooks ELO 2014 - Milwaukee - Call Submission Deadline: December 6, 2013 The 2014 Electronic Literature Organization Conference will be held June 19-21, 2014 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with sessions on the campus of the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee. In conjunction with the three-day conference, there will be a juried Media Arts Show, with exhibits at UWM. The conference theme is "Hold the Light: Identity, Change, Commitment," focusing on the meaning of electronic literature in a time when nearly every form of communication is inflected by computation and networks. For the Conference we welcome contributions that address identity, purpose, and future development, along with other concerns including, but not limited to, history, critique, theory, reception, and social situation. Proposers must attend the conference. Presentations may include elements of demonstration or performance, as part of a discussion that goes beyond the work itself. Describe any technical needs beyond standard screen projection and audio.

David Farbey: Questions every technical writer needs to ask! Our expert guest blogger series continues with tech comms expert, lecturer and consultant David Farbey, who lists the kind of questions a technical writer should ask analysts, managers and engineers in order to create clear, useful support materials for users. As a technical writer – of user guides, tutorials, online help systems, reference manuals, policy and procedure guides or other business document – you need to give your readers the answers they need so that they can use your company’s products to do their jobs. To get those answers, you need to ask the right questions of the right people. Easy, right? Who to ask? A typical product development team includes analysts and managers as well as engineers. Technical writers need to know which questions to address to which people. Questions for analysts The business analyst is the person who is responsible for originating or developing the requirements for any product. What does this feature do, in simple terms? Questions for managers

La Zad de Notre-Dame-des-Landes, un bouillonnant laboratoire social et culturel Dans le cadre du processus de négociations avec l’État, des habitants de la Zad de Notre-Dame-des-Landes ont déposé quarante-et-un formulaires d’installation à la préfecture à Nantes, dont treize décrivent des activités artisanales, sociales et culturelles. Ces projets sont dans le collimateur du gouvernement, qui ne veut prendre en compte que les projets agricoles. Reporterre vous entraîne à la découverte d’un échantillon de ces ateliers et lieux de sociabilité, en deux volets : La filière bois et la forge ici, L’auberge des Q de plomb, le projet de maison intergénérationnelle et l’Ambazada aujourd’hui. Notre-Dame-des-Landes (Loire-Atlantique), reportage À la ferme de Bellevue, entre la cuisine collective, le Free Shop, le stand d’accueil et un des points Médics de la Zad, difficile de louper l’énergie communicative et la gouaille de Berthe. Berthe. Ce collectif informel se réunit un mardi sur deux à 16 h pour réfléchir à un projet de maison commune. L’auberge des Q de plomb. L’Ambazada.
