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Theopedia, an encyclopedia of Biblical Christianity

Theopedia, an encyclopedia of Biblical Christianity

Miroslav Volf Spans Conflicting Worlds When I talked to Yale theologian Miroslav Volf last summer, he was being considered as possible dean of Harvard Divinity School. He had told Harvard’s president Lawrence Summers quite clearly that if he were to head the school, he would want to lead HDS back to its roots in constructive theology and the formation of Christian ministers. Not that disciplines like comparative religion or social science would be banished. But Volf had no interest in presiding over a school where the expression of evangelical belief was unchic. As it turned out, Volf was not offered the job, so we won’t know how that partnership would have worked. "I don’t think analysis of religion suffices. Volf might seem like an unusual person for Harvard even to have considered. "Mine was a quieter type of Pentecostalism, one more associated with the holiness tradition," Volf told me when I asked about his Pentecostal upbringing. "Did you speak in tongues?’ Volf has the catholicity of a refugee.

The Holy Rosary EQUIP, Christian Articles, Bible Answer Man | CRI Os Guinness: Civility in the public square | Faith & Leadership November 2, 2009 Christianity has lost three important guide wires: integrity, credibility and, most pressingly, civility, said Os Guinness, co-founder of The Trinity Forum. Guinness believes that Christians must abandon political bitterness and fulfill Jesus’ commands to love one another. His approach to the intractable differences among world religions is to create a “political framework of rights, responsibilities and respect to which all agree.” A great-great-great grandson of Arthur Guinness, the Dublin brewer and founder of the Guinness brewery, Guinness was born in China where his parents were missionaries during World War II. Guinness earned an undergraduate degree at the University of London and a doctorate in social sciences from Oriel College, Oxford. The edited transcript and related video clip are from a conversation with Guinness in October 2009 at Convocation & Pastors’ School at Duke Divinity. Q: What is important about civility? The second difference is in credibility.

Hiram & Salomon Illustration tirée de la collection "L'Homme et son histoire", tome 1 : "Les premières civilisations", Édition du Club France Loisirs, Paris 1997. L'étude de cet épisode de l'histoire antique est possible grâce à deux sources principales : l'Ancien Testament et les ouvrages de l'historien Flavius Josèphe(1) qui vécut en Israël au Ier siècle de notre ère. Au début du X°siècle av.J.C., Hiram succéda à son père Abibaal roi de Tyr. Il travailla au développement et à la prospérité de sa cité en agrandissant les deux ports et en les reliant par un canal qui traversait la ville. Il érigea de nouveaux temples pour Melqart et Astarté. Désireux d'offrir un temple pour son Dieu, le roi David contacta Hiram pour les préparatifs. Lorsque Hiram entendit les paroles de Salomon, il éprouva une grande joie et manda ceci : "J'ai reçu ton message. Le pacte entre Hiram et Salomon fut honoré et dura vingt ans. Hiram, le maître Maçon : Cette légende marque fortement la symbolique maçonnique.

Bible Commentary – Free Online Bible Commentaries Written by well-known and popular theologians, Bible commentaries aid in the study of Scripture by providing explanation and interpretation of Biblical text. Whether you are just beginning to read Scripture or have been studying the Bible daily, commentaries offer greater understanding with background information on authorship, history, setting, and theme of the Gospel. Verse by verse exposition of the New and Old Testament can be found in commentary written by some of the greatest Christian church leaders including John Calvin, Matthew Henry, Charles Spurgeon, and C.I. Geneva Study Bible Originally printed in 1560, believers can read the Scripture along with study assistance unashamedly rooted in the theology of Calvin, Luther, Zwingli, and other Reformation leaders. John Gill's Exposition of the Bible He preached in the same church as C. People's New Testament Robertson's Word Pictures of the New Testament A.T. Scofield Reference Notes (1917 Edition) The Fourfold Gospel

Os Guinness | Socrates in the City Dr. Os Guinness is an author and speaker who lives in the Washington DC area. Great-great grandson of Arthur Guinness, the Dublin brewer, he was born in China in World War Two where his parents were medical missionaries. A witness to the climax of the Chinese revolution in 1949, he was expelled with many other foreigners in 1951 and returned to Europe where he was educated in England. He completed his undergraduate degree at the University of London and his D.Phil in the social sciences from Oriel College, Oxford. Os has written or edited more than twenty books, including The America Hour, Time for Truth, The Call, Invitation to the Classics, Long Journey Home, and Unspeakable: Facing up to evil in a world of genocide and terror. Since coming to the United States in 1984, he has been a Guest Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Studies and a Guest Scholar and Visiting Fellow at the Brookings Institution. He lives with his wife Jenny in McLean, Virginia.

LSBLR L´Arche d´Alliance. Que disent les anciens écrits ?Coffret au trésor, contenant les secrets de la Connaissance et de la Vie, il est le principe de la conservation et de la renaissance des Êtres. Il signifie aussi véhicule, navigation : Arche de Noé, le Navire Argô. Les initiés auront le privilège de sa force et leur vie en dépendra. Il était composé de bois précieux, de résine et d´or. Jérémie, un des quatre grands prophètes, né vers 643 avant JC fut également symboliquement crucifié par les Juifs. Il viendra des bords de l´Indra (Jupiter de la religion vedique). L´Ampli Théta Les éléments de détail de la technicité de cet appareil, vous seront accessibles, en demandant une copie du brevet auprès de l´INPI. Appareil émetteur d´ondes négatives L´on sait, à présent, que les maisons maudites, les maisons à cancer s´élèvent sur l´emplacement de courants telluriques néfastes, capables de perturber, leur vie durant, les occupants de ces lieux. Historique : C´est la seule intervention de l´homme du 20ème siècle.

Malcolm Muggeridge's Jesus JESUS by Malcolm Muggeridge "Jesus did not come into the world to found a Church but to proclaim a Kingdom - the two being by no means the same thing." If Jesus chose Peter to be the rock on which his church was to be founded, thereby in effect nominating him to be the first of a long line of his Vicars on earth, there have been many mundane intruders into this spiritual domain, from the Emperor Constantine onwards. To those who like myself, rightly or wrongly, have become convinced that what is called 'Western civilization' is irretrievably over, and that another Dark Age is upon us, this seeming collapse of the Church is desolating. Yet even if it is true that, despite the assurance given to Peter, the gates of Hell have prevailed, or at any rate are now swinging on ecumenical hinges, that is only a lost battle. I was hungry, and you gave me meat. And he said to them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. It effectively shut him up. How vivid the scene is!

Malcolm Muggeridge Society Probe Ministries Don Closson It’s disheartening to meet young Christians who are convinced of the immorality of capitalism and the free market system. Sincere Christians often quote the second chapter of Acts which describes how the church in Jerusalem held all things in common as proof that socialism or collectivism is more biblical than the free market. Sometimes they use the Marxist critique that “poor nations are poor because rich nations oppress them.” It’s unusual to meet students who whole-heartedly endorses capitalism. They recognize that it works well enough to make the U.S. the richest nation on earth, but it’s not something to be proud of or openly endorse. There continues to be a heated debate in our country over which economic system is the most just and best able to weather the inevitable economic ups and downs in today’s complex worldwide economy. Read more, dig deeper. . . Into the Wardrobe - a C. S. Lewis web site Christian Book Classics
