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95 Young Adult Books To Read This Summer Instead Of Reading 'Harry Potter' AGAIN

95 Young Adult Books To Read This Summer Instead Of Reading 'Harry Potter' AGAIN

Best Young Adult Novels, Best Teen Fiction, Top 100 Teen Novels It's almost a cliche at this point to say that teen fiction isn't just for teens anymore. Just last year, the Association of American Publishers ranked Children's/Young Adult books as the single fastest-growing publishing category. Which is why we were only a little surprised to see the tremendous response that came in for this summer's Best-Ever Teen Fiction poll. A whopping 75,220 of you voted for your favorite young adult novels, blasting past the total for last year's science fiction and fantasy poll at, dare we say it, warp speed. And now, the final results are in. Selecting a manageable voting roster from among the more than 1,200 nominations that came in from readers wasn't easy, and we were happy to be able to rely on such an experienced panel of judges. Summer, like youth, is fleeting.

Guide to High School Credits for Homeschool | If you are preparing a high school transcript for a homeschooler, and he or she has used a variety of different materials, outside courses and curricula to complete their coursework, then you may be wondering how to tally the credits for the courses they have taken. The purpose of this guide is to help you decide how much credit to assign to each subject by looking at good equivalents for each type of learning tool. In general, a course that takes approximately a school year, or 120-180 hours of work to complete counts as one credit. A course that takes approximately one semester, or 60 hours to complete, would receive a half credit. About Kerry Kerry Jones is the site administrator at, and is also a freelance writer and online marketing consultant in North Carolina.

Teens | - Library of Congress encourages everyone to discover the world of books. Here you'll find a variety of free teen reading resources to explore and enjoy. Author WebcastsMore Author Webcasts » Toni Morrison at the 2011 National Book Festival The Dickson Baseball Dictionary Prohibition in Washington, D.C. Booklists presents a sampling of suggested books that will spark the imagination and transport readers to new and exciting places. Other booklists from the Library of Congress include: Explore New Worlds Booklist The Great Depression Greenberg, Judith E. and Helen Carey McKeever. Hispanic-American History Cumpain, Carlos. Asian-American History African-American History Hamilton, Virginia. Native Americans Anderson, Madelyn Klein. Poetry for Teens In “Introduction to Poetry,” Billy Collins writes, "I ask them to take a poem and hold it up to the light." Contests Winners: Letters About Literature “Dear Ms. Read this winning letter Find out more about this contest

Krista Harper, PhD » Blog Archive » Kanban Style! Posted by Krista Harper on April 9th, 2013 Last week, after reading about Kanban boards after indulging in a little “productivity porn” (ie, reading academic/professional mother/geek productivity blogs), I decided to take the plunge. ”Kanban” is a term from Japanese management that simply means “signboard,” and it is simple a simple idea: use a large visual organizer to make the next tasks visible and to diagnose bottlenecks. It was made famous by Toyota’s “just-in-time” industrial systems: factory workers posted colored cards on a large signboard to indicate work that was backlogged at the factory, in-process, and shipped off. Kanban boards are now widely used by software developers and other “knowledge workers,” who updated it with that space age technology, the post-it note. Last week, I was juggling a number of complex projects at work and home. Note that I allowed myself no more than 6 “doing” cards in the center column.

Goodreads 40 maps that explain the world By Max Fisher By Max Fisher August 12, 2013 Maps can be a remarkably powerful tool for understanding the world and how it works, but they show only what you ask them to. So when we saw a post sweeping the Web titled "40 maps they didn't teach you in school," one of which happens to be a WorldViews original, I thought we might be able to contribute our own collection. Some of these are pretty nerdy, but I think they're no less fascinating and easily understandable. A majority are original to this blog, with others from a variety of sources. I've included a link for further reading on close to every one. [Additional read: How Ukraine became Ukraine and 40 more maps that explain the world] Click to enlarge. Teen Librarian Toolbox PA Homeschoolers AP Online Test Preparation Classes

SLJ | Reviewer of books, multimedia, and technology for children and teens Take the Plunge: STREAM By SLJ on October 8, 2017 Leave a Comment Thursday, Nov. 16, 2017, 3PM-4PM ET / 12PM-1PM PT Add an “R,” Reading, to STEAM and ramp up student learning. In this free session, you’ll glean insight from STREAM practitioners and tips on integrating science, technology, reading, engineering, arts, and math.Register Now! Meet Education Hurdles Head On: Tips and Tools for Success! By SLJ on October 6, 2017 Leave a Comment Helping teachers access a wide range of quality content for classroom assignments and lesson plans can be overwhelming. Bringing Coding to the Library Makerspace By SLJ on October 4, 2017 Leave a Comment In this timely webinar, you’ll learn about best practices for introducing coding to your library makerspace and how you can support coding initiatives in your school or district.
