The science of stage fright (and how to overcome it) - Mikael Cho Prinsessebryllupet Ari Behn holdt sitt livs viktigste tale til Mãrtha. Her er talen gjengitt i sin helhet. Deres Majesteter, Deres kongelige høyheter, Stortingspresident, Kjære Märtha. Kjære Martha, Vi møttes i drømmene våre da vi var små. La oss få fortsette med å møtes i drømmene våre. Takk, kong Harald. Kjære Sonja og Harald, Først og fremst må jeg takke dere for at dere er verdens beste foreldre. Jeg takker dere for fra første stund å ha møtt meg med tillit og en vennlighet som har grepet meg dypt. Å forelske seg i landets prinsesse er nå en ting. Jeg er blitt svært glad i dere begge to, og gleder meg veldig til å tilbringe mer tid sammen med dere i årene som kommer. Kjære Mette-Marit og Haakon, Dere stråler av felles kunnskap og overskudd. Nå var det riktignok ikke mye glede å spore da kronprinsen knuste meg fullstendig på en skitur i fjellet. Kjære mamma og pappa, Takk for at dere etter først å ha skjenket meg livet, ikke et eneste øyeblikk har latt være å ta meg på alvor. Kjære Anja og Espen!
True or False? Yle tackles Finland’s top ten complaints about asylum seekers More than half of all people seeking asylum in Finland are turned down and forced to leave. The average time it takes to process an asylum application is about six months, a period that can be extended if there are a large number of asylum seekers, but additional resources have been promised to help speed up the process. Since the end of July, the Finnish Immigration Service has granted asylum to 40 percent of applicants (946 people). Of those that were allowed to stay, some 500 were granted asylum outright and the rest were accepted for their secondary or humanitarian protection or other reasons. The Service handed down 633 negative decisions in this same time period, and 278 cases were dropped. 557 applications were not examined for anterior reasons, like the applicant already had the right to reside in another safe country or some other country was responsible for processing the application. 1. False. 2. False (in most cases). 3. False. 4. False. 5. False. 6. True. 7. 8. False. 9.
The Other Pair This ELT lesson plan is designed around a short film by Sarah Zorik titled The Other Pair and the themes of altruism and empathy. Students watch a short film, write a story, and speak about a story. I would ask all teachers who use Film English to consider buying my book Film in Action as the royalties which I receive from sales help to keep the website completely free. Language level: Pre-intermediate (A2) –Intermediate (B1) Learner type: All ages Time: 60 minutes Activity: Watching a short film, writing a story, and speaking about a story Topic: Empathy and altruism Language: Vocabulary related to shoes, narrative tenses Materials: Short film Downloadable materials: the other pair lesson instructions Support Film English Film English remains ad-free and takes many hours a month to research and write, and hundreds of dollars to sustain. Step 1 Ask your students to come up with as many different types of shoes as they can in 2 minutes. Step 2 Elicit boots, trainers, slippers, flip-flops, etc. Step 3
Lift Off “Education then, beyond all other devices of human origin,Is a great equalizer of the conditions of men.” – Horace Mann, 1848.At the time of his remarks I couldn’t read — couldn’t write.Any attempt to do so, punishable by death.For generations we have known of knowledge’s infinite power.Yet somehow, we’ve never questioned the keeper of the keys —The guardians of information. Unfortunately, I’ve seen more dividing and conqueringIn this order of operations — a heinous miscalculation of reality.For some, the only difference between a classroom and a plantation is time.How many times must we be made to feel like quotas —Like tokens in coined phrases? —“Diversity. Inclusion”There are days I feel like one, like only —A lonely blossom in a briar patch of broken promises.But I’ve always been a thorn in the side of injustice. Disruptive. Talkative. As educators, rather than raising your voicesOver the rustling of our chains,Take them off. I was in the 7th grade, when Ms.
Refugee crisis: eight life stories from Budapest's Keleti station ‘I want to go back to my country and teach people’ Majd Haaj Hassan is as quick with a Shakespeare quotation, reeling off Sonnet XVIII in a grubby refugee camp, as he is with a political analysis of Syria’s woes. Like many of those who could afford the steep smugglers’ fees to cross the first borders into Europe, the English literature student, who is still determined to graduate from some university, somewhere, comes from a wealthy family. “We had six houses, two cars, 1,000 hectares of land with olive trees,” he says. He is travelling with his brother, Walid, who operated a concrete-mixer truck in Idlib, Walid’s wife and two young children and several other friends and relatives. The two specific triggers for their departure were a battle between Jabhat al-Nusra and Isis that levelled two houses in their small town, and a drawing his six-year-old niece made one day when he brought her a pack of crayons and some paper. So they sold the cars, land and two houses to pay for the journey.
Beloved teen Sam Berns dies at 17 after suffering from rare disease Saturday night could have been a moment for Sam Berns to celebrate -- standing in the middle of Gillette Stadium, flanked by some of his beloved New England Patriots, and no doubt cheered heartily by the nearly 70,000 fans surrounding him. But it wasn't to be. Instead of having Berns as an honorary captain in their NFL playoff with the Indianapolis Colts, the Patriots held a moment of silence for the young man who inspired them and many others as he lived with progeria, which causes premature, accelerated aging. "Do it for Sammy!" one man yelled, piercing the quiet, in video of the ceremony on Berns died Friday evening due to complications from the rare genetic disease, according to the Progeria Research Foundation. He was 17. "I loved Sam Berns and am richer for having known him," Patriots owner Robert Kraft said. Kraft, one of the most well-respected owners in his sport, wasn't Berns' only fan. More than anything, Sam lived. "Fly High."
Malala Yousafzai tal till FN - TalarPoolen ”I Guds namn, den mest välgörande, mest barmhärtige. Ärade FN:s generalsekreterare Ban Ki-moon, högaktade ordförande för generalförsamlingen Vuk Jeremic. Ärade FN:s sändebud för global utbildning Gordon Brown, högaktade äldre och mina kära bröder och systrar. I dag är det en ära för mig attt tala igen efter en lång tid. Jag vet inte var jag ska börja mitt tal. Jag stödjer helt och fullt generalsekreterare Ban Ki-moon i hans första initiativ till global utbildning och FN:s speciella sändebud Gordon Browns arbete. Kära bröder och systrar, kom ihåg en sak. Jag talar – inte för mig själv, utan för alla flickor och pojkar. Jag höjer min röst – inte för att skrika, utan så att de utan röst kan bli hörda. De som har kämpat för sina rättigheter: Sin rätt att leva i fred. Sin rätt att bli behandlade med värdighet. Sin rätt till jämlika möjligheter. Sin rätt att få utbildning. Kära vänner, den 9 oktober 2012 sköt talibanerna mig i vänstra delen av pannan. Jag hatar inte ens talibanen som sköt mig.
Movie Segments to Assess Grammar Goals: While You Were Sleeping: Reported Speech This a very funny scene. Your students will enjoy it a lot. Tell me if you like it or give suggestions by leaving a comment, please. Before you watch the segment:Talk to a partner about the following situations. 1) What would you do if you saw someone falling on the subway tracks? 2) If you saved someone's life, would you expect a financial reward? 3) Would you hide a secret in order not to hurt a stranger's feelings? Now watch the movie segment and decide who said each of the following lines:Lucy (Sandra Bullock) A Doctor A Nurse A Police Officer1) Will you marry me? 2) Are you okay? 3) There’s a train coming and it’s fast 4) Are you family? 5) She’s his fiancee 6) I need to ask you a few questions 7) He is in a coma 8) He was pushed from the platform at the train station 9) She jumped on the tracks 10) She saved his life. _____________________________ Now rewrite the sentences, using reported speech: EX: 1) Lucy asked if he would marry her. 2) Lucy asked if he was okay.
Woman Undergoes Bizarre Body Changes In Short Film Barbara is a passionate writer and animal lover who has been professionally blogging for over 10 years and counting. While Anna is preparing for a first date with Henry, a man she has secretly loved for years, everything goes wrong until she discovers the impossible — she’s suddenly able to sculpt her appearance like clay to any shape she desires. Written and directed by Sandy Widyanata,”Plastic” is a popular short film that was released in 2008. It delves into the issue of women’s body image issues and the power of self acceptance. Watching Anna manipulate her face and body in her bathroom — pulling at her nose until it reaches the perfect point, stretching her neck like a giraffe until it’s long and thin — is bizarre, comical and even creepy at times. The more Anna changes her appearance, the more invigorated she feels. But the second Henry comes knocking at the door, Anna examines at her brand new body in the mirror and makes a stunning realization. Like our Page