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The Art Of Storytelling » Tell A Story

Get inspired by featured artwork from the Delaware Art Museum and write a story through the interactive Tell a Story activity. Look through the images below for a brief introduction on how this activity works, or click on the link below to begin telling your story. Launch the Tell a Story Activity 1) Choose an inspirational work of art First, select a work of art as the inspiration for your story. 2) Tell your story Next, you'll write a story to accompany the artwork. 3) Share your story Once finished, you have the option to send your creation to family and friends, and submit it to the Delaware Art Museum to be included in an online gallery of stories. Launch the Tell a Story Activity Related:  Skriva

Free Flash Banners Menus Buttons Maker Write About This - dramaturgi i lärande DigitalStorytelling “I know only one thing about the technologies that awaits us in the future:We will find ways to tell stories with them.” Jason Ohlar Presentation brought to you by American TESOL! Slideshow of the Presentation Download the Hand-Outs from the Presentation! *Elements of the Story- Hand-out by Kevin Hodgson *Character Development- Hand-out by Kevin Hodgson *Storyboarding- Hand-out by Kevin Hodgson *Storyboarding- Hand-out by Bernajean Porter Videos Featured in the Presentation *A Short Love Story in Stop Motion by Carlos Lascano A SHORT LOVE STORY IN STOP MOTION from Carlos Lascano on Vimeo. *How A Short Love Story was Created *Chiarastella- Stop Motion Film by Raffaella Traniello's class Chiarastella from Raffaella Traniello on Vimeo. *How Chiarastella was Created *How to create stopmotion claymation films using PowerPoint by Maryna Badenhorst. Featured Tools/ Websites from the Presentation! *Creaza - Create comics, make movies, edit audio, and more! *VoiceThread for Educators *Storybird *Vimeo *PhotoXpress

Writing Frames and Printable Page Borders KS1 & KS2 Scroll/parchment A4 page borders (Ref: SB3643) Colour and black and white portrait and landscape page borders featuring a scroll/parchment background. Includes editable Microsoft Word templates as well as resizable JPG images. Other Writing Frames and Templates Editable fold-over mini book templates (Ref: SB7366) A set of editable templates where you can customise the title and text for mini books. Print out and fold your A4 sheet into four on the dotted lines to make simple 4-page mini books. Great for pupil story writing or retelling. Simple A4 writing frames (Ref: SB4730) A set of basic A4 writing frames with writing lines and space for a picture. Writing template set (Ref: SB438) A very useful set of colour (and low-colour) A4 templates to aid and inspire your children when writing. Simple recount writing frames (Ref: SB4750) Basic A4 writing frames for recounts. Book-themed A4 page borders (Ref: SB591) Two editable A4 page borders (for Microsoft Word) featuring a book theme.

Book Creator Free Lektionsförslag – Ta en mening och gör den större Detta är en mycket rolig skrivuppgift. Jag har gjort den i alla ämnen och den sätter igång elevernas skrivande. Man tar en kort liten mening ur vilken bok som helst, den meningen ska och får eleverna välja själva. Det enda kriteriet är att den ska vara kort. Så här gör vi: Eleverna samlas och läser upp sina meningar högt för varandra. Jag gör samma uppgifter som eleverna. Elevalstren är från årskurs fyra och fem!

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