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Herbal Antibiotics

Herbal Antibiotics
Herbal antibiotics have long been used by herbal healers to ward off colds and flu, clear infections and speed wound healing. Now, they may be moving back into the mainstream as an alternative for bacteria that have become resistant to synthetic antibiotics. This post is based on the book “Herbal Antibiotics” by Stephen Harrod Buhner, and related materials. We’ll start with some background information and then discuss antibiotic herbs and their use. Note: Not all bacteria are harmful – many are essential to our health and well-being. What is an antibiotic? defines and antibiotic as: A drug used to treat infections caused by bacteria and other microorganisms. Most of us think of antibiotics as liquid or pills you pick up at the pharmacy, but these compounds were originally developed from naturally occurring sources. How do bacteria become antibiotic resistant? The TED talk below by Bonnie Bassler gives examples of some of the rapid communication abilities of bacteria. Aloe Related:  Natural Antibiotics

10 Vital Areas of Inner Purification By Openhand Contributing Writer for Wake Up World In a recent video diary Transformation of Humanity, I spoke of the pressing need for people everywhere to reclaim our spiritual power in order to transform society into a new paradigm: to prevent immanent, wholesale, takeover by the industrial military complex, fueled by a behind-the-scenes Opposing Consciousness. We spoke of the need for “non-compliance” with the unjust ways of the old fear based reality. Non compliance flows hand in hand with inner purification. So if we become intently committed to the spiritual path, we’ll find ourselves cleansing the old consciousness inwardly, which then in itself unravels the outer threads of the matrix… How can we purify our inner world? Food: For me, food must come top of the list. There is probably nothing more divisive and destructive to sentient life right now on our planet than our industrial food chain, not least now because of the surreptitious insertion of GMOs. Water: Electrosmog: Heavy Metals:

10 of the Most Powerful All Natural Antibiotics Known To Man The Facts:Below are 10 natural substances that have strong anti-bacterial properties.Reflect On:How much would we discover if the medical industry put the same amount of resources into natural medicine as it does with 'chemical' medicine? Special note to our readers: A hard-hitting documentary series explores the most powerful alternative medicines known to man – all backed major scientific studies. These remedies have been kept from us because big pharma doesn’t want you to have the power to heal yourself. That ends now. You can sign up here to watch it if interested. There’s a huge shift right now occurring within the medical industry. Mark Mattson, Chief of the Laboratory of Neuroscience at the National Institute on Aging, has explained that pharmaceutical companies can’t make money off of healthy people, which is why there is no funding for research. Arnold Seymour Relman, a Harvard professor of medicine and former Editor-in-Chief of the New England Medical Journal, has also stated:

Herbs For Heart Palpitations Top 10 Herbs For Heart Palpitations image to repin / shareHerbs background pic © Africa Studio - #34744482 Please share this page: Google + StumbleUpon Reddit Although irregular, hard, rapid heartbeats or heart palpitations are common and often harmless, chronic heart palpitations are still considered abnormal cardiovascular behaviors and can sometimes be indicators of more serious heart conditions. [1] Moreover, such irregular beats often occur unexpectedly even while lying in bed and may be accompanied by dizziness, fear, shortness of breath and chest pain. [2] Anxiety can both be a cause and an effect of heart palpitations. Hawthorn Motherwort Peppermint Like motherwort, peppermint is another herbal remedy popular for its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antioxidant and vasoconstrictor characteristics which all serve to benefit the heart. Lavender Gingko Biloba Passionflower Cayenne Garlic Garlic is probably one of the most popular herbs in many cultures today. Valerian

20 Antibacterial & Antiviral Herbs & How To Use Them Image Credit: Before you read on and start trying these wonderful alternative herbs please consult a medical professional also I would consult an herbal medicine guide or herbalist for exact dosing instructions. Using herbal remedies is easy and if you’re looking for herbs to prevent or treat bacterial and viral infections, this list can help you decide what’s best for your situation. The full article from below shows you 20 great antibacterial and antiviral herbs and how to use them accordingly. This is wonderful knowledge to have if you are looking to go more natural. 20 Antibacterial and Antiviral Herbs and How to Use Them

Keep Kidney Stones At Distance Amongst the most dangerous medical conditions, kidney stones has been occupying enough space in medical books. Although there are advanced medical treatments, many people are still living in ignorance or perhaps ignoring when they are facing urological problems. Before we dig into the details of the kidney stone treatment and remedies for the same, let me elucidate the causes of kidney stones. Kidney stone causes: Our kidneys, which are located in the lower back, helps in urine filtration. Hypercalciuria: It’s an additional grew up honing problem, will cause stones throughout over fifty percent involving instances. Other circumstances linked to a higher threat involving kidney stones consist of hyperparathyroidism, kidney ailments like renal tubular acidosis, along with grew up honing metabolic circumstances, including cystinuria along with hyperoxaluria. Bowel problems: People who have inflammatory by a bowel illness will also be more prone to create kidney stones. Some medicines: Diet:

Zioła przeciwwirusowe - 12 najsilniej działających naturalnych substancji Przeciwwirusowe zioła i substancje najsilniej działające na wirusy Wirusy mają zaledwie kilkanaście genów a stosują miliony tricków by oszukać organizm. Składające się się z białek i kwasów nukleinowych pozornie prymitywne drobnoustroje potrafią błyskawicznie uodpornić się na niszczące ich strukturę substancje chemiczne. Na wirusy nie działają antybiotyki ani dostępne środki farmakologiczne. W przeciwieństwie leków, których lista potencjalnych skutków ubocznych jest często dłuższa niż lista korzyści. Dlaczego zioła przeciwwirusowe nie leki? W leczeniu zakażeń wirusowych współczesna medycyna ma do zaoferowania jedynie leczenie objawowe w postaci środków przeciwgorączkowych, przeciwzapalnych i przeciwbólowych. Przykładem jest substancja czynna wielu tabletek i syropów – inozyna pranobeks. W czasie infekcji wirusowych bezpieczniej jest zatem nie przyjmować żadnych leków. Zioła o działaniu przeciwwirusowym Dziewanna Napar z kwiatów dziewanny Łyżkę suszonych kwiatów zalać szklanką wrzątku. Imbir

Herbs For Circulation Top 10 Herbs For Circulation image to repin / shareHerbs background pic © Elena Moiseeva - Please share this page: Google + StumbleUpon Reddit Since blood, flowing throughout your body, provides oxygen, warmth and nutritional support to all cellular activities, it is possible to imagine what conditions may arise as a result of poor blood circulation. While poor circulation may result from conditions such as diabetes, kidney, liver or heart diseases, [1] it is reported that it can just as easily come from simple deficiencies in your diet and lifestyle - where you are not getting the proper nutrients due to unhealthy foods or even habits like smoking. [3] There are some simple herbal remedies that can be found in your kitchen, garden or local store, which have been indicated by various studies to have potential to improve circulatory health. Cayenne Pepper Ginger Hawthorn Garlic Another basic herb for improving circulation. Gingko Biloba Rosemary Cinnamon Onions Yarrow Prickly Ash

ancient-ginger-garlic-soup-recipe-fights-flu-common-cold-excess-mucus-sinus-infections This fantastic article was written by Sarah Biren, a baker, cook, author, and blogger living in Toronto. We encourage you to check out her website here! Winter is nearly here and that means the flu season is on the rise. With the change of temperature, and the cold air being more conducive to spreading germs, many of us are already feeling run down. Maybe some of us are sniffling while other have a sore throat. Health Benefits of Garlic Garlic contains allicin, a compound that is known for anti-microbial, antiviral, anti-fungal, and antioxidant properties. Garlic can: regulate high blood pressure,fight allergies,diminish plaque from the arteries,regulate blood sugar levels,expel parasites,reduce inflammation,help prevent weight gain,treat sore throat,and soothe upper respiratory tract infections Garlic is a vital source of vitamins of nutrients that can combat cold and flu symptoms. Health Benefits of Ginger Flu-fighting Ginger And Garlic Soup Ingredients: Method: Variations: Sarah Biren
