Zentangle: Meditation Through Pattern-Drawing
by Maria Popova If greater creativity and more mental balance are among your new year’s resolutions, look no further than Zentangle — a type of meditation achieved through pattern-making, created by artist duo Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts. Each pattern is built one line at a time, organically combining simple patterns into complex zentangles in unplanned, unexpected ways that grow, change and unfold on the page as you enter an immersive state of flow. Totally Tangled offers a fantastic introduction to the relaxing and beautiful practice through step-by-step instructions and over 100 original tangles. We’re particularly taken with Zentagle because its basic principle — building on simple shapes and combining different patterns into complex creativity — is such a beautiful visual metaphor for our core philosophy of combinatorial creativity. Donating = Loving Bringing you (ad-free) Brain Pickings takes hundreds of hours each month. Brain Pickings has a free weekly newsletter. Share on Tumblr
TanglePatterns Strings | KunstKramKiste
Es ist Pfingstmontag, ein ruhiger, sonniger Tag, der nun langsam in den Abend übergeht. Ich habe die Zeit genutzt und meine Winterkleidung aussortiert. Es ist nicht wahrscheinlich, dass jetzt noch winterliche Temperaturen zu erwarten sind. Selbst die sogenannte Schafskälte wird kaum dicke Winterjacken fordern. Aber ich habe die Zeit auch genutzt, um mich mit Stift und Papier ein wenig zu entspannen. Alle drei Teile sind klassische 9x9cm groß und ich habe zum Zeichnen den Pigmentliner 0,05 und Bleistift 2B zum Schattieren verwendet. Hier zeigt Linda Farmer neben ihrer sehr gut organisierten Mustersammlung seit Neuestem auch Stringvorschläge, die ich nutzen möchte, um einfach Muster auszuprobieren oder mir lange nicht verwendete wieder in Erinnerung zu bringen. TP-String 001 TP-String 002
Diva's Challenge #184 2 2014
Step-by-steps & patterns
Examples of this and alternative method here I draw string a lot so it's all over the blog. See also here and here. ("Well" is an official Zentangle pattern - this is just my spin on it) See an example of Morning Glories here See samples of bloom here 2/8's HEART S (no kick) See examples of this in use here You can find this pattern in a drawing here Find this one here and here (3rd one down) See this one in action here An example in my drawing sunset
BLOG.SUZANNEMCNEILL.COM: Zentangle® Eggs - oh so easy!
View a YouTube Fun and easy for all ages! You are going to love these... everyone will be thrilled to find a Zentangle® egg in their Spring Easter basket. All ready to hide for the big Egg-Hunt!! Ahhhh... Spring is in the air. Zentangle Eggs are fun and easy to do, a great craft for children. Lauren, my biggest fan. Zentangle of the week, enjoy and create!! Zentangle #102 Artist Trading Card by Sandra Westcott CZT Garden RowsThe Zentangle® art form and method was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas and is copyrighted.
Tangle Tangle Tangle
I am the diva - Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT®)
quotes and quotations from the wise on all matters creative
Change happens, that is for sure, and not just in our modern, 21st century era. It seems that the stress of the new affects most people in every age. So the trick is not to resist it, but to go with it. See also action, business, the future, managing, progress*, resistance*, time, vision Quotes ‘If you don't like something, change it. — Maya Angelou ‘Change is in all things sweet.’ — Aristotle ‘Loss is nothing else but change, and change is nature’s delight.’ — Marcus Aurelius ‘Keep constantly in mind in how many things you yourself have witnessed changes already. ‘Observe constantly that all things take place by change.’ ‘We must change in order to survive.’ — Pearl Bailey ‘To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.’ — Henri Bergson ‘If the people don’t want to come out of the park, nobody’s going to stop them.’ — Yogi Berra ‘Those who have changed the universe have never done it by changing officials, but always by inspiring the people.’ — J.
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