Selene Media Encoder – An audio/video converter If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed and if you have questions related to your ubuntu system post question to our forums. Thanks for visiting! Sponsored Link Selene is an audio/video converter for converting files to OGG/OGV/ MKV/MP4/WEBM/OPUS/AAC/FLAC/MP3/WAV formats. Since the conversion process is driven by bash scripts, this makes Selene extremely flexible. Install Selene Media Encoder in ubuntu Open the terminal and run the following commands sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:teejee2008/ppa sudo aptitude update sudo aptitude install selene Screenshots Incoming search terms: Related posts The Ångström Distribution | Embedded power
Products | GNU/Linux Computers Embedded Linux Conference 2013 - Building a Custom Embedded Linux Distribution Guide d’autodéfense numérique Experiment with Yocto I recently had the opportunity to use Yocto. I already practiced quite a lot with OpenEmbedded before. You can see Yocto as a project derived from OpenEmbedded even it is a bit more than that. In fact, Yocto is made of Poky (a build system based on OpenEmbedded), a few added build tools (swabber, pseudo, etc.), as well as a set of meta data allowing to create embedded distributions for a number of targets. The strength but also the weakness of OpenEmbedded is that it a very flexible build system. It can make production root filesystems, but also a complete distribution with its ready to use package repository, and this for multiple hardware platforms. With Yocto, I was pleased to realize that substantial progress had been made on this side. In a few hours, I managed to develop a minimalistic BSP (Board Support Package) for a given board (in this case a AT91SAM9G20-EK). As you can see, even to support a simple embedded board, there is already a number of concepts to deal with.
L'algorithme de Google : Panda, Pingouin et les autres Par Olivier Duffez, vendredi 20 mars 2015 Google annonce régulièrement des nouveaux algorithmes ou des mises à jour (updates). Pour vous aider à vous y retrouver dans cette jungle, consultez cette liste avec des explications et des liens pour obtenir de l'aide. Il n'y a pas 1 mais de multiples algorithmes Google Pour simplifier, on peut dire qu'il n'y a pas un algorithme de classement de Google, mais une constellation d'algorithmes qui se cumulent. La plupart des algorithmes (sinon tous) ont vocation à améliorer la pertinence des résultats de recherche. pénaliser les sites ou pages qui ne respectent pas les consignes (par exemple des backlinks artificiels ou du bourrage de mots-clés)favoriser les sites ou pages qui ont une caractéristique précise (par exemple la vitesse, le protocole sécurisé HTTPS, la compatibilité mobile...) Google ajoute, modifie et supprime des algorithmes en permanence (plusieurs centaines de modifications par an). En résumé Voici une liste, avec pour chacun : Panda