Entender la importancia que aún tiene el sistema inglés en la vida diaria El sistema inglés de unidades o sistema imperial, es aún usado ampliamente en los Estados Unidos de América y, cada vez en menor medida, en algunos países con tradición británica. Debido a la intensa relación comercial que tiene nuestro país con los EUA, existen aún en México muchos productos fabricados con especificaciones en este sistema. Ejemplos de ello son los productos de madera, tornillería, cables conductores y perfiles metálicos. Algunos instrumentos como los medidores de presión para neumáticos automotrices y otros tipos de manómetros frecuentemente emplean escalas en el sistema inglés. El Sistema Inglés de unidades son las unidades no-métricas que se utilizan actualmente en los Estados Unidos y en muchos territorios de habla inglesa (como en el Reino Unido ), pero existen discrepancias entre los sistemas de Estados Unidos e Inglaterra. 1 milla = 1,609 m 1 yarda = 0.915 m 1 pie = 0.305 m 1 pulgada = 0.0254 m
Pogues Guitarist Philip Chevron Dies Of Cancer At Age 56
“After a long illness Philip passed away peacefully this morning,” read a message on the Pogues’ website Tuesday. “We all send our sincere condolences to his family. He was unique. We'll miss him terribly. Dublin town, and the world, just got smaller. His loved ones are in our thoughts.” Chevron, born in Dublin as Phillip Ryan, became a fixture of the Irish punk scene in the late '70s as the lead singer of the cult band The Radiators from Space. In 1984, Chevron was invited to join the Pogues as a guitarist, performing on the band’s breakthrough albums “Rum, Sodomy and the Last” and “If I Should Fall From Grace With God.” Chevron performed with the band for years, staying on after MacGowan left in 1991 and was replaced by Joe Strummer, the former Clash frontman. In 2007, Chevron was diagnosed with esophageal cancer.
Why Life Is Better When You Stop Trying to Do It All
"Listen to me. I am shoulding all over myself."—Stuart Smalley, "Stuart Saves His Family" (1995) Before he became a U.S. Senator from Minnesota, Al Franken created the character of Stuart Smalley, first on Saturday Night Live and later in two movies. What happens when too many things are turned into things we should do or must do? Our lives are governed by shoulds and oughts. Hypothetical imperatives are actions you should take if you want to realize certain goals, and Kant identifies two types. The defining characteristic of hypothetical imperatives is that they are contingent—if you change your desire or understanding of a happy life, then your particular demands and oughts change. Categorical imperatives are moral demands that hold for all universally, come what may. Kant would agree that we ought to “should all over ourselves” when it comes to categorical imperatives, because part of what it means to be human is to perform our moral duties.
World's Most Beautiful Trees Photography - One Big Photo
The Portland Japanese Garden is a traditional Japanese garden occupying 5.5 acres (22,000 m²), located within Washington Park in the west hills of Portland, Oregon, USA. Photo by: unknown Huge 750 years old sequoia tree, California. Photo by: Michael Nichols Kiss under a cherry blossom tree. Yellow autumn in Central Park, New York. Natural tree tunnel, California. This is not a painting, dead trees park, Namibia. Amazing angel oak tree, Charleston. Black roots on red leaves. Most beautiful wisteria tree in the world. Sagano bamboo forest, Kyoto, Japan. Jacaranda trees in bloom, South Africa. Beautiful cherry blossom road.
10 of the Worst Music Videos Ever Made - Cannot Be Unseen • Shawn Rosko
Sexo anal
¿Por qué a ellos les excita tanto? - Veintitantos
La mayoría de los hombres han practicado el sexo anal y si no… ¡lo desean! Al final les gusta tanto que quieren hacerlo una y otra vez, pues para ellos es una fantasía sexual que debe ser cumplida. Muchos de ellos lo califican como un 'regalo extra', ¿tú se lo darías? Cabe mencionar que cuando tu chico te pida tener sexo anal no lo consideres como alguien con gustos raros o prácticas homosexuales, simplemente le gusta experimentar y probar otras formas de placer. Para que puedas disfrutar al máximo de este placer necesitas mucha comunicación con tu pareja, ¡háganlo! Resistencia: Para el hombre es todo un reto que la mujer acepte hacer esta práctica, ya que por lo general siempre existe resistencia por temor a 'ser dominada' por su pareja. ¿Te atreverías a dar un paso como este?
DIY Band Stickers with Blank Labels
Playing in a band can be a lot of fun, but it is also a lot of hard work. Getting started out is invariably the hardest part when you are attempting to write good music, get exposure, and book shows. With the amount of other bands trying to do the same thing you really need to do something to stand apart so you are not lost in the noise. The internet has changed the music industry completely over the past 15 years, which is both a good and a bad thing depending on how you look at it. Getting the exposure you need is easier if you take advantage of the web but it is also important to promote yourself offline locally, regionally, and even nationally as you grow. The best ways to promote yourself offline have not varied too much over the years, it all boils down to word of mouth and band merchandise. To get started creating your own stickers you first need to settle on the size that you require them to be. Now that you possess everything you need it is time to start printing your stickers.
Study Determines This Is the Most Relaxing Song Ever
Looking for something to help you relax before bed that doesn't involve popping a pill? You might want to load up your iPod with a song by Manchester band Marconi Union. Sound therapists were able to rate ten of the most relaxing songs, with Marconi Union's 8 minute trance-inducing tune, "Weightless", coming out on top thanks to its continuous rhythm of 60 BPM, an ideal tempo for synchronization with the heart and brainwaves, making it an ideal audio accompaniment for a good night's rest. Listen to it after the jump… Lyz Cooper, founder of the British Academy of Sound Therapy notes: "While listening, your heart rate gradually comes to match that beat. The harmonic intervals - or gaps between notes - have been chosen to create a feeling of euphoria and comfort. • 10 Simple Things to Make You Happier at Home • Your Weekly Retreat: How To Relax & Eliminate Stress at Home • 4 Goals to Boost Happiness at Home • Simple Ways to Relax and Enjoy Hosting