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Aaron Koblin

Aaron Koblin

Related:  TadeoLAB

The danger of using the wrong metrics for policy making Adopted public policies affect everyone—They're called public for a reason after all. Nowhere is this truer than in the realm of defense policy. On the one hand, money spent on the military means money not spent on healthcare, education, infrastructure, or other important domestic spending priorities. On the other, underspending on defense may jeopardize the security of a nation and its people. No doubt, data plays a major role in policy formulation—that’s a good thing. Klaus Obermaier 1.3 mb / 27 x 20 cm 1.5 mb / 19 x 14 cm 1.5 mb / 27 x 19 cm

The Data Visualization Design Process: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners Visualizing data in charts, graphs, dashboards, and infographics is one of the most powerful strategies for getting your numbers out of your spreadsheets and into real-world conversations. But it can be overwhelming to get started with data visualization. Does data visualization leave you feeling like the numbers are about to topple over on you?? untitled The Master of Industrial Design program explores design as a vehicle for addressing social, cultural, environmental and other concerns, recognizing that design is not simply a professional service, but rather a way of connecting individual interests and values with a social framework. Students with undergraduate degrees in other fields or with limited design experience are invited to enter the program during Wintersession as a means of preparing to begin the two-year master’s program the following fall. ID covers a broad range of fields, from product and furniture explorations to design for aerospace and medical applications.

untitled I was toying around with the idea of multivariate beer, along the same lines as Data Cuisine. I wanted to represent county demographics with beer ingredients. The higher a value, say, population density, the more hops I use, or the higher the median household income the more of a particular grain. For contrast I brewed county ales for Aroostook, Maine (low population density), Arlington, Virginia (high median household income), Bronx, New York (high population density), and Marin, California (high education rate). Could I taste and see the difference? In short, yes. Akten - Personal projects, artworks, research and collaborations - Reincarnation Audio-visual installation 1ch HD video, 2ch sound Duration: 04:27 Dimensions: variable Created with custom software tracking the motion of the dancers and generating these visuals, abstract layers containing subtle hints of human forms and motion. When the clip starts, you probably won’t recognize a human shape at first, but your eyes and mind will be searching, seeking mental connections between abstract shapes and recognizable patterns, like looking for shapes in clouds. You’ll be questioning what you see, is that it? is it sitting?

The 25 Best Data Visualizations of 2019 Making information beautiful is an art form. Here at Visme, we are huge fans of what data artists are constantly creating. From data journalism to data art and data science in between. Last year, we published a roundup of the best data visualizations of 2018 and you loved it. untitled Readers: My friend Chuck sent me this article on income inequality for my blog. I think it is an important and timely topic to discuss. Mona Chalabi (photo, right) published an article in The Guardian back in April. She was responding to a question she received via her e-mail regarding “How would someone go about checking wage gaps? How can you check for gaps across genders and across racial/ethnic groups?”
