De l'intérêt des connexions SIG/BD Bonjour, Voici des exemples plus concrets.Personnellement, je pense que le fait d'avoir à partager des données et à les maintenir proprement oblige à passer par un SGBDR tôt ou tard. En effet, si dans le bureau d'études, vous êtes trois et que chacun a son fichier SHP de son côté, ça va être compliqué car un jour, l'un des chargés de mission va changer la structure et/ou modifier des attributs. Si c'est pour un besoin ponctuel, la gestion fichiers est OK; tu fais ta "cuisine" de ton côté.A l 'inverse, imagine par exemple que tu as fait un relevé de terrain et que vous soyez plusieurs à noter, pendant 6 mois. Tu peux aussi avoir besoin d'une application web pour partager en visualisation ta donnée mise à jour. J'espère que ces exemples t'auront éclairés. Cordialement ThomasG
DDC Home Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center Geo-Names About GeoNames The GeoNames geographical database is available for download free of charge under a creative commons attribution license. It contains over 10 million geographical names and consists of over 8 million unique features whereof 2.8 million populated places and 5.5 million alternate names. All features are categorized into one out of nine feature classes and further subcategorized into one out of 645 feature codes. (more statistics ...). The data is accessible free of charge through a number of webservices and a daily database export. GeoNames is integrating geographical data such as names of places in various languages, elevation, population and others from various sources. Figure : GeoNames Feature Density Map Support GeoNames We accept donations : Press Coverage and Quotations Most important sources nga : National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency's (NGA) and the U.S. Features for online users Wiki GeoNames Users more users ... GeoNames Messageboard, Mailinglist and Blog
OpenStreetMap: Achèvement du tracé des 36680 communes françaises Bonjour florent, (bref intro : je suis contributeur osm, en charge de l'export automatique ci-avant cité) florent vanhoutte a écrit:(...) j'aurais quelques "retouches" mineures à soumettre pour assurer une cohérence topologique complète avec le PCI vecteur.(...) Cette remarque peut s'avérer intéressante : entre contributeur osm, on fini un peu par tourner en rond* et il arrive que parfois on ne sache plus trop pour quel usage ni pour qui nous avons tracé ces limites de communes. Sans rentrer dans le détail précis du cas auquel vous faites référence, qu'entendez vous par "cohérence topologique" ? Quand vous avez comparé, vous avez superposé le PCI vecteur aux frontières extraites ? Merci d'avance pour votre aide ;-) * ça tourne autour de : faut il séparer en couches, dans le modèle osm, les éléments terrains des éléments de frontière afin de simplifier, mais au risque de voir les segments diverger.
Big Data for Sustainable Development | United Nations Big Data The volume of data in the world is increasing exponentially. By some estimates, 90 per cent of the data in the world has been created in the last two years, and it is projected to increase by 40 per cent annually. A large share of this output is “data exhaust,” or passively collected data deriving from everyday interactions with digital products or services, including mobile phones, credit cards, and social media. This deluge of digital data is known as big data. The Data Revolution The data revolution -- which encompasses the open data movement, the rise of crowdsourcing, new ICTs for data collection, and the explosion in the availability of big data, together with the emergence of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things -- is already transforming society. Opportunities Data is the lifeblood of decision-making and the raw material for accountability. Risks There is also a risk of growing inequality and bias. Big Data for Development and Humanitarian Action Resources
Internet Data Mining Total Sites Across All Domains (logarithmic scale) Netcraft has explored the internet since 1995 and is a respected authority on the market share of web servers, operating systems, hosting providers, ISPs, encrypted transactions, electronic commerce, scripting languages and content technologies on the internet. By surveying the web, collecting and collating as many hostnames providing an HTTP service as we can find, and systematically polling each one with an HTTP request for the server name, we are able to create datasets that give a clear picture of what is happening on the internet. Customers include: British Telecom, Cisco, cPanel, Datapipe, DigitalOcean, GoDaddy, Host Europe, Intel, Iomart, Microsoft, OVH, Parallels, Peer1, Rackspace, IBM/Softlayer, Symantec, United Internet and a range of investment and venture capital organisations.
Brad's Thoughts on the Social Graph Translations: [ Беларускі ] I've been thinking a lot about the social graph for awhile now: aggregating the graph, decentralization, social network portability, etc. If you've seen me at any conference recently, I probably talked your ear off about it. First off, before I explain what I've prototyped so far, and what I want to build (or see built) next, let me declare the problem statement, as I see it, and the underlying assumptions I've been making: Problem Statement: ¶ There are an increasing number of new "social applications" as well as traditional application which either require the "social graph" or that could provide better value to users by utilizing information in the social graph. Currently if you're a new site that needs the social graph (e.g. ) to provide one fun & useful feature (e.g. where are your friends traveling and when?) Facebook's answer seems to be that the world should just all be Facebook apps. Goals: ¶ Non-Goals: ¶ Assumptions: ¶ Development Status: ¶
Les Actes des 8èmes Rencontres des Dynamiques Régionales sont en ligne! Télécharger les Actes complets des Rencontres : Plus de 250 participants, responsables opérationnels, décideurs et Elus, venus de toute la France métropolitaine et d'outre-mer, étaient réunis à Ajaccio dans une ambiance amicale pour traiter de sujets de haut niveau et prospectifs pour le secteur de l'information géographique. En attendant la synthèse complète de l'évènement, retrouvez ci-dessous l'ensemble des supports de présentations, photos mais aussi les dernières publications du secteur : Publications présentées en avant-première : « L’Information Géographique au service de l’innovation des territoires, 13 élus témoignent », recueil réalisé par l' AFIGEO / GéoBourgogneLe catalogue des IDG 2014 enrichi de 4 nouvelles fiches ! Conférences, tables rondes et ateliers sur le thème "2014 : pour une politique géonumérique des territoires" : Le SI-G au service du titrement Quoi de neuf du côté des plateformes d’information géographique ?
Have the Data Wars Begun Robert Scoble reports that Facebook has kicked him off their site, citing that it appears he was running a script. In their letter, Facebook says, In addition, please confirm with us that in the future you will not scrape or otherwise attempt to obtain in any manner information from our website except as permitted by our Terms of Use, and that you will immediately delete and not use in any manner any such information you may have previously obtained. I’d just read the article in Wired about scraping, and the ways companies were building businesses around taking data from a service and building a product around it. But What About PERSONAL Use of Your Own Data? Here’s where I think Scoble’s efforts were. Robert points us to, and it’s a pretty interesting bit of info. But where will the lines go? Maybe The Data Wars Have Begun I’m not sure my take on this, but wanted to bring it to you for consideration. What’s your take? runs on the Genesis Framework