Download free PowerPoint backgrounds and templates - Brainy Betty The Teacher's Guide-Free Worksheets, lesson plans, SMARTBoard templates, and Children's Songs Générateurs de BD 1- Pré-en-bulle En guise d’introduction cette citation de Manu Larcenet [1] Dans l’art moderne, c’est vrai que si tu ne connais pas les codes (de plus en plus pointus d’ailleurs), il te sera pratiquement impossible d’apprécier une oeuvre. Moi je m’astreins à n’utiliser que les codes les plus simples afin que la lecture de mes réalisations soit la plus accessible possible, ne nécessitant qu’un minimum d’éducation graphique ou scénaristique. [2] Autrement dit avant de commencer mieux vaut avoir en tête les codes et le vocabulaire de la BD : Voici quelques pistes pour étudier le vocabulaire de la BD. savoir "comment écrire une BD" s’interroger sur tous les éléments qui constituent la BD (cases, bulles, etc.) et qui sont porteurs de sens avec le site en images "arc plastique" enfin pour en savoir plus ce "pearltrees" ou cet ouvrage "papier" : Réaliser une bande dessinée proposé par le SCEREN-CNDP. 2- Deux alternatives : Logiciel installé ou en ligne ? 2.1- Logiciel installé 2.2- Logiciel en ligne
Announcing Blogger’s Choice Open Web Awards Winners! While voting continues until midnight Sunday to decide who is crowned the Open Web Awards "People's Choice", today we announce the winners of our Blogger's Choice voting, as selected by our Blog Partners. Over 100 Blog Partners have helped make this the biggest Open Web Awards to date with over 100,000 confirmed nominations and votes so far. Our blog partners come from 25 countries and are written in 10 different languages. This year's winners will be receiving the Open Web Award, thanks to Zazzle, just in time to celebrate the holiday season. Remember: voting for the People's Choice Open Web Awards ends this Sunday night at 11:59 pm PST, with a winners announcement on Tuesday. Mainstream & Large Scale Social Networks Winner: TwitterRunner-up: Facebook Embeddable Widgets Winner: ClearspringRunner-up: Sprout Blog Plugins Winner: ShareThisRunner-up: AddThis Social News Winner: DiggRunner-up: Mixx Social Networking Applications Winner: Ping.fmRunner-up: Twitterfeed Social Bookmarking Sports & Fitness
All Certificate Templates This list shows every certificate category. Click the category name to see those certificate templates. Traditional Certificates 58 certificates Certificates of traditional design, perfect for any occasion or group. Multiple color options provided for most layouts. Educational Certificates 17 certificates Some traditional, some modern designed certificates, and all of them focused for use by teachers. Scout Certificates 32 certificates A variety of specialized certificates for use by leaders in any of the scouting programs. Family Reunion Certificates 6 certificates Family reunion contest and achievements. Sports Certificates 3 certificates This category is to celebrate and award all sports achievements and competitions. Themed Certificates 40 certificates
Tips for Engaging Parents this School Year It’s that time again for many of us worldwide to start the new school year! This time of year is very exciting, but also comes with new challenges. One of the most important challenges of the school year is how to engage parents. Larry Ferlazzo, author of Building Parent Engagement in Schools, points out that while many schools involve parents they rarely engage parents. According to Larry Ferlazzo, engaged parents are those that enter into partnerships with teachers and school staff to provide the best learning environment for children. Engaged parents make decisions and have a say in what happens in the classroom and with the curriculum. Begin the Conversation Instead of having parents sign a syllabus with difficult language try sending a personalized email. I use a blanket email I copy and paste but the first two sentences always say something along the lines of, “Dear Mr. Set-up an Online Parent Community Set-up a community for your parents to communicate with you and other parents.
4 sites pour créer un strip BD en ligne Dans la grande famille des sites permettant de faire vos propres BDs, voici Cheese9. L’idée n’est bien sûr pas de concurrencer les blogs BD sérieux, assidus et de grande qualité, mais plutôt d’illustrer vos billets et de sortir un peu de l’ordinaire. Une BD en trois cases peut en dire long et remplacer aisément un texte long et indigeste. Vos lecteurs seront ravis et la pluralité du type de médias présentés ne peut être qu’un plus. Cheese9 Après inscription rapide, vous pourrez obtenir votre propre sous-domaine sur le site. Gros point noir, les résultats ne sont pas exportables sur un blog. Pikistrips Commencez par choisir la mise en page de votre BD. Toonlet Sur Toonlet, les BDs sont épurées et en noir et blanc. Pixton Pixton propose un service très complet, avec trois types de comics à créer : des modèles préfaits et rapides à compléter, des strips à créer entièrement et des modèles « géants » pour vos affiches et tee-shirts.
Printable Awards & Certificates for Grades K-12 Highlights Bullying Prevention Resources Bullying can cause both physical and emotional harm. Put a stop to classroom bullying, with our bullying prevention resources. Learn how to recognize several forms of bullying and teasing, and discover effective techniques for dealing with and preventing bullying in school. Conflict Resolution Teach your students to how resolve conflict amongst themselves without resorting to name-calling, fights, and tattling. Immigration Resources Studying immigration brings to light the many interesting and diverse cultures in the world. Veterans Day November 11 is Veterans Day, a time to thank our military veterans for their service to our country. Thanksgiving Happy Thanksgiving! November Calendar of Events November is full of events that you can incorporate into your standard curriculum!