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DIY Bathroom Storage

DIY Bathroom Storage

10 Anime Series To Watch! - StumbleUpon // Also available in French With a huge amount of anime series produced each year in Japan, it’s easy to be lost! You’re wondering what you should watch, this list will help you out: • Plot: Female cyborg Major Motoko Kusanagi and her fellow police officers of Section 9 hunt down a host of criminals in both the real and online worlds. • Why? • Plot: Each of the stories in the series involves several unrelated plots intersecting and crossing each other as events spiral farther and farther out of control. • Why? • Plot: Satou, a 22 years old hikikomori (meaning acute social withdrawal), meets Misaki; she claims she will cure him of his hikikomori ways. • Why? • Plot: In a future where the world has been ravaged by a nuclear apocalyse, there exists salvation in a domed city named “Romdeau”, where humans and their android servants, the autoreivs, live in. • Why? • Plot: A man wakes up in a broken room with no memories. • Why? • Why? • Why? • Why? • Why? • Why?

Easy Cardboard Shelves So there is no secret about how this is made. Each tray shelf would be either a preassembled shape, like a box lid (or you could cut the top and bottom off of a taped-shut box and get two). You should leave the turned-down tray sides at about 2" for strength. 9-11" is a good depth for the shelves - no wider than you have to. If you don't have box lids or a few boxes of the same size to make lids out of, but you did rescue a refrigerator box from the trash, you can pretty easily make trays. Cut rectangles 4" wider and longer than you want your shelves to be. After your pieces are cut and scored, fold the tabs over a few times to be sure they are compliant.

Moving the Medicine Cabinet Really, it was quite funny! Jen from IHeart Organizing posted on storing medication the EXACT same day that I did. I LOVE Jen's blog - always have, always will!! Jen's post had some great advice from pharmacist, Mellissa C. and more that Mellissa writes, which totally stuck out at me... Now, I was doing something right, by storing the medicine in the kitchen! In the cabinets above my wall oven. My new medicine cabinet is now in the cabinets above my Kitchen Command Center Desk. Here is my NEW medicine cabinet: This space works just great. The baskets are from the Dollar Tree I was excited to clear the space above my wall oven, because, originally I wanted my paper tableware to be stored in those cabinets.

Bizarre Websites On Which You Can Kill Time With Style - Smashing Magazine Modern Web-building technologies allow designers to realize their most daring and creative ideas. Enhanced interactivity and a remarkable visual appearance can be achieved by means of such tools as Flash, JavaScript and Papervision3D, to name just a few. These strengths usually impress and entertain visitors and thus are often used for conceptual artistic presentations and promotional campaigns. In this post, you’ll find a collection of amusing websites that, by combining unconventional (and sometimes bizarre) ideas and clever JavaScript and Flash effects, will entice you to play on them for an embarrassing long time. Bizarre and Beautiful Websites Link Record Tripping1 Record Tripping is a nifty experimental game by Bell Brothers. Sound of Hamburg3 Here is one of the most creative and unconventional Flash websites we’ve seen lately. Echogenesis5 Echogenesis is another interactive brainchild of Bell Brothers. Bubole19 Bubole will definitely make you smile. Why Do You Stay Up So Late? (al)

How to build a kitchen compost storage container that keeps flies out One inconvenience about composting is that its generally a good idea to keep the compost bin away from the house. This keeps away potential vermin, flies and smells. The downside to keeping the compost bin out back is that it would require multiple daily trips to it without the use of an intermediate compost storage bin. Since the storage bin would ideally be located in the kitchen where the scraps are being produced it should be small enough to remain hidden and out of the way. However, the bin should also be big enough to hold about 5 days worth of scraps. Ideally the scraps also get oxygen to keep away smells produced from Anaerobic bacteria. Finally, any storage bin should keep out those pesky little fruit flies which somehow always manage to find their way into your house no matter what you do!

Children's Homework Message Center Way back, almost a year ago now, I created this area in my back entrance for my boys. If you've been reading my blog for a while now, you may remember seeing this area. It's the post titled Homework Bulletin Boards. As much as I loved the area and the bulletin boards, I've wanted to update it for a long time. #1 - My boys come home with classroom newsletters each week, which are 8 1/2 x 11 paper size. #2 - I had printed out little mini-calendars to track their months. #3 - There was NO place to track their weekly schedule, WHICH is very important for me AND for them. #4 - When I first created this section in my back entrance, I only made 3 bulletin boards. #5 - I wanted to create something that I could have available in my Shop. So this here, is what I came up with: Here's a little closer look at the dry erase boards: The Child Message Centers are available HERE. I customized my boys' prints with a recent photo of each of them and their names. and so far, it's been working well. I Love.

How to Make an Out-of-the-Ordinary T-Shirt Quilt: Part One September 7th, 2012 Email 106 users recommend Sew memories together into a warm and comfy quilt. Erika Kern Use patterned shirts and the sleeves and backs to add color interest to the graphics of the tees. My drawers were filled with memories of concerts past, so many T-shirts I rarely wear. Photo: Erika Kern Because I'm so bad at math, and the style of this quilt is so improvised, I built the blocks at my machine starting small, like the block above. To make the quilt, I joined three blocks together to form a row. Next week we quilt!

Homework Desk Area At my house, homework usually ends up at the kitchen table, and just about every night the boys have to move their homework so we can eat dinner. Well, that’s not my favorite thing (it feels a little “out of order” if you know what I mean.) Anyway, I had this empty space in my back entrance that was waiting for a little “makeover.” After a little thought, a walmart run and my dear hubby’s handiwork – the space was turned into a HOMEWORK AREA. The desk and bookcases are made from empty shelves that were just taking up space in the garage. The chair, I had kicking around (got it on sale from Ross, a while back.) The space works great and for real, my boys argue over who gets to do homework there.

French Apartment in Moroccan Style ♥ Френски апартамент в марокански стил Two apartments combined into one made it possible for the owner of this home to bring Morocco and the influence of Mediterranean Africa in a small town near Paris. From the entrance you can feel the blue mood, which goes from one room to another. Parallel with it you can feel the femininity and exoticness in the details - gorgeous wooden furniture, impressive textile and amazing decoration. I just love the arrangements with hands of Fatima on the wall. Два апартамента, комбинирани в едно дават възможност на собственичката на този дом да пренесе Мароко във френско градче близо до Париж. Аз специално особено харесвам аранжимента с ръката на Фатима - това е много популярен амулет в Средния Изток и Северна Африка, който се използва за предпазване от лоши очи и недоброжелатели.

IHeart Organizing 300 Square Foot Round Cottage Was Built in Just 8 Hours (Video) © Brandon Knapp If you can build a cottage that's energy efficient, made from sustainable wood, and makes for a fantastic getaway in the great outdoors, awesome. But can you do it in just eight hours? Like the cottage, around 80% of the buildings Mandala produces are round. "You're embraced by the space, says Rachel Ross of Mandala. The cottage was a side project for Mandala, which makes prefabricated homes for clients around the world, some of which are as large as 5,000 square feet. For the Round Green Home, Mandala focused on making everything energy efficient and non-toxic. Of course, using locally sourced wood loses much of its impact when the product is sold and shipped overseas. Watch the cottage go up in this time lapse video:

the nest effect: October Project: Conquer Paper Clutter Last Monday I introduced my project for this month: paper & digital clutter. I spent last week looking for ways to conquer paper and digital clutter so that I could start spending my time more productively in other ways. Some of these ideas that I'm going to post about may seem obvious, but as obvious as they are, it's not something I did until this week. I needed the focus to actually follow through with these "ideas" and that's what this month long project is doing for me. It's giving me accountability and focus by blogging about it, and I really hope I'm inspiring you to do the same. I started off by looking at the list I made last week of where the clutter is coming in. Today I'm talking about conquering paper clutter and tomorrow I'll share about digital clutter. Unsubscribe from credit card offers, catalogs, magazines, and Netflix. The rate that credit card offers and catalogs enter my mailbox is obnoxious. Keep an incoming paper basket by the entry with a garbage can next door.

Organization Inspiration: 10 Neat & Beautiful Closets Previous image Next image Good closet space is key to living well in any size home. But just because it's behind closed doors doesn't mean you should let your closet become a mess. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. MORE CLOSET POSTS ON APARTMENT THERAPY:• Open Closets in Small Spaces• Roundup: Closet Solutions and Alternatives• Slow Home Space Planning & Organization: The Bedroom• Budget Basics: Cheap Closet Systems• Organizational Inspiration: Neat & Beautiful Closets• 20 Ways to Organize Your Bedroom Closet (Images: 1.
