18 Best CSS Frameworks for Accelerated Development According to Wikipedia, CSS frameworks are pre-prepared libraries that are meant to allow for easier, more standards-compliant styling of web pages using the Cascading Style Sheets language. In this article we have gathered ready-to-use frameworks which will enable you to reduce your task flow and code LESS. We hope you will find the list handy and useful for your development needs. If you know any other CSS frameworks which are handy and useful, give your opinion in comment box, we would love to hear from you. Enjoy ! 1. Pure is a fresh one that is created by Yahoo!. Source 2. Fitgrd is not a framework. Source 3. Fries is a solid HTML-CSS-JS framework for creating Android-like UIs both for real-world usage and prototyping. Source 4. Markup Framework, a fresh one, is a collection of layouts, widgets, typographic styles and other UI components which can be used as a base for any web project. Source 4. Source 5. Metro UI CSS is a set of styles for creating such interfaces. Source 6. Source 7.
Top 10 Sites for Creating a Chart or Graph Charts and Graphs are an effective tool when trying to convey information in a simple and visual way. Also, it is a great way to track trends and help explain complex datasets. This is something that has been used in the business world and education on a everyday basis. Top 10 Sites for Creating a Chart or Graph Rich Chart Live - An excellent site for created animated flash based charts that can be embedded into a site. Bonus - Useful Charts - While not a chart creation tool, this site has some of the best looking charts for every subject. riddles If you’re into riddles and also like LEGO, we have something very cool for you! To commemorate the 55th anniversary of the LEGO brick, the company has issued 55 graphic riddles where LEGO bricks represent various characters from movies, songs, cultural or political highlights that occurred over the last 55 years. Some of them are a bit more obvious than the others, but constructing the right answer from the hints feels almost like a mental LEGO game. The plastic brick, that’s recognized all over the world today, was patented in its current shape on January 28th, 1958. Try and see how many of the riddles you can get, and let us know in the comments! Website: lego.com Can You Solve These 55 Lego Riddles? See the rest of Can You Solve These 55 Lego Riddles? Tags: Advertising, boredpanda, full-page, graphic design, Latest Posts, lego, lego 55th anniversary, LEGo bricks, lego riddle posters, lego riddles, minimalism, minimalist posters, posters, riddles
20 Exceptional CSS Boilerplates and Frameworks CSS frameworks have been the foundations of web projects for many years. However, in the age of responsive design, a framework has even more benefits. A well-built CSS framework or boilerplate can streamline the design process, save huge chunks of development time and ensure your website scales properly on all devices. With so many choices available, though, it can be difficult to choose a framework to build on. It's important to consider the following when making a decision: whether you require a grid, and if so, will it be fluid or fixed? This post details 20 CSS boilerplates, frameworks and systems to help you make that decision. 1. Bootstrap is a "sleek, intuitive and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development." 2. Catering for four layouts (default, tablet, mobile and wide mobile), with three sets of typography presets, Less is a responsive CSS grid system for designing adaptive websites. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 19. 1.
Official Social Media Logos As social networks grow from a bootstrapped tech start-up to a thriving social platform, they’re bound to undergo some logo changes. I have a particular sensitivity to when these social media logos change because branding is one of the things I do for a living. So when I see someone use a social media logo that is out-dated, or worse— a cheap knock-off of a logo, it really bothers me. It not only hurts my eyes, it gives the impression that the individual using it either doesn’t know better (they’re not paying attention to what they’re talking about) or they don’t know the importance of using credible visuals. So as a public service, I’ve decided to keep an updated list of the top social networks logos along with some visual assets that you can freely use to your heart’s content. Why Am I So Obsessed With This? You may have already read my post on Icontastrophes or maybe even seen my Social Media Icon set that was created for this same purpose. Social Media Logos Google+ Twitter Facebook
How to Creatively Market Yourself as a Designer Sometimes it seems like every time you jump online, you read about a talented new designer who’s making it big with their latest project. There are a lot of wonderful designers out there, and the constant showcasing of others’ skills makes it feel all the more like you’re lost in the crowd. It’s not enough anymore to have a solid portfolio and work experience; if you really want to stand out in today’s market, going the extra mile in marketing yourself can make all the difference in landing the perfect job, or getting some great freelance projects going. When you’re considering all the ways that you could market yourself, the most important thing to take into account is how much of a time commitment you can realistically make. Don’t overstretch yourself with a daily blog entry or illustration unless you think you’ll be able to do a great job on it. Start a Personal Project Artistic Projects For personal projects that have taken off, they sometimes even define the career of a designer.
UIkit Multimedia File Formats — Fondren Library - Rice University Contents: Images A single still video image, whether created by a drawing or paint program or scanned from a book or grabbed with a video camera, can be stored in any of a wide variety of file formats. Raster formats can be generally separated into two categories. The following list of image file formats is not inclusive, but describes the formats that comprise the majority of files encountered on the Internet. .gif GIF, which stands for Graphics Interchange Format, is a graphics file format originally popularized by Compuserve. .jpg, .jpeg, .jfif JPEG stands for Joint Photographics Experts Group. .ps, .eps, .epsi Postscript (PS), Encapsulated Postscript (EPS), and Encapsulated Postscript with preview image (EPSI) are all vector graphics file formats. .pdf PDF stands for Portable Document Format and is created by Adobe Acrobat. .tif, .tiff TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) files are uncompressed true color images. .tga TGA (Targa) files, like TIFFs, are uncompressed true color (24-bit) images.
Why a commercial printer wants a PostScript or PDF file - Publisher By John Giles, owner of The Giles Group Submitting a digital file to a commercial printer can be confusing, so printers are using a new technique to standardize the process. To help you save money, find out now what commercial printers may start expecting from you. Commercial printers are changing how they accept digital documents and publications created by customers. Because of new workflow methods, printers are bypassing native application files and asking customers to submit their documents and publications as PostScript or PDF (Portable Document Format) files. These new workflow methods can save you money and time. Customers use hundreds of different software programs to create publications and documents. When a commercial printer supports a file in its native form, several problems can develop due to customer design errors or printing production issues. PDF is the new commercial printing standard Software tools are available that make it easy to edit and manipulate PDF files.