Get students learning by MAKING quizzes instead of TAKING quizzes. – EDTECH 4 BEGINNERS QuizPedia is a fun and engaging learning tool that can be used in primary education and onwards. And it’s free! How is it different to a typical quiz making tool? Quizzes aren’t new to the classroom but QuizPedia’s approach is. We flip the tables and transfer the task of making quizzes from teachers to students. Tests and quizzes are traditionally made and administered by teachers or schools to test student performance and development. This makes them co-creators of knowledge; it strengthens their ICT skills and scaffolds their learning. Why quizzes? In order to create their own multi-modal quizzes students must be able to research, evaluate and validate information and they must distil their knowledge down to a few key questions. What do I know about this? Quizzes also forces students to think about alternative and plausible wrong answers. Studies show that the quality of the students’ work improves when they know that others (besides the teacher) will see and use what they produce.
Why sitting is bad for you - Murat Dalkilinç Stop! Before Digging Deeper, go take a quick walk, get moving a bit and then come back! I promise you will feel better and perhaps even learn more! Welcome back! Is there a link between lack of movement coronary heart disease, diabetes, and stroke recovery? The human body is designed for movement, and our skeleton includes 360 joints. Are you thinking about your lifestyle and what you spend your day doing? Test QI gratuit - Test psychotechnique - Tests de QI gratuits Journal of Special Education Technology | TAM | Technology and Media Division Welcome to the Journal of Special Education Technology (JSET) A publication of the Technology and Media Division of the Council for Exceptional Children JSET is a refereed professional journal that presents up-to-date information and opinions about Issues, research, policy, and practice related to the use of technology in the field of special education. JSET supports the publication of research and development activities, provides technological information and resources, and presents important information and discussion concerning important Issues in the field of special education technology to scholars, teacher educators, and practitioners. The JSET currently has an acceptance rate of 22.5% per year from those articles that are sent out for peer review. TAM Members and Archive Subscribers must login to access the JSET archives.
Innovation OECD Home › Innovation › Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) - New Millennium Learners Bookmark this page: Welcome to the New Millennium Learners (NML) pages! The emergence of digital native learners has major potential implications for education. Initially, the project is intended to focus on the demand side of the NML, thus looking at the main areas of concern resulting from the impact of a continuous use of digital devices and services. Publications Why marking your students’ books should be the least of your priorities 1. Introduction Never, as in this day and age, secondary schools in the UK have made such a big fuss about the importance of marking student books and never has giving feedback been so tiresome and time-consuming for teachers. Based on the intuitively compelling notion – supported by recent research claims by the likes of Hattie – that a more cognitively demanding student involvement in the feedback-handling process significantly enhances learning, Modern Language teachers are now asked in many cases to place marking at the top of their priorities and engage in elaborate corrective approaches. The trending remedial methodology prescribing a conversation-for-learning approach to marking, whereby the feedback unfolds in the form of a dialogue between corrector and correctee, book-marking has become a very taxing process for both parties but especially for teachers. 2. 3. The obvious answer is ‘No’ as students and parents do demand we correct. (1) the student must understand the correction;
Can you guess where people are from based on their accents? Most of Georgia O’Keeffe’s work is in storage. Nearly half of Pablo Picasso’s oil paintings are put away. Not a single Egon Schiele drawing is on display. Since the advent of public galleries in the 17th century, museums have amassed huge collections of art for society’s benefit. To paint a picture of these curatorial decisions, Quartz surveyed the holdings of 20 museums in 7 countries, focusing on the work of 13 major artists. Counting masterpieces Much of the world’s great art is housed in the vast archives of museums with limited display space. Museums don’t usually report what portion of an artist’s work they have on display. We surveyed a wide range of museums, including some of the world’s largest, like New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, Washington, DC’s Smithsonian National Gallery of Art (NGA), and Saint Petersburg’s Hermitage Museum. Lacking complete data, we chose instead to search the collections for individual artists of particular renown. Into the vault Methodology
Le TDAH expliqué aux généralistes par un généraliste TDAH Mieux comprendre les enfants qui n’arrivent pas à se concentrer sur leurs devoirs et/ou qui ne tiennent pas en place La Haute autorité de santé vient de publier une recommandation concernant le TDAH chez l’enfant et notamment son dépistage par les médecins généralistes. TDA/H est l’acronyme du Trouble Déficitaire de l’Attention avec ou sans Hyperactivité [1]. La formation universitaire initiale de la majorité des médecins actuellement en exercice ne comportait pas de cours sur le TDA/H. C’est quoi ce truc ? Plus personne de sérieux n’assimile le TDAH à une maladie, d’où ce nom ambigu de "trouble" [2]. La grande majorité des enfants diagnostiqués TDAH n’auraient pourtant aucun problème dans une société primitive, ou s’ils bénéficiaient d’un apprentissage individuel et personnalisé. Il n’y a pas de frontière entre le TDA/H et la "normalité". Voici une représentation graphique de l’impact négatif des trois composantes du TDA/H sur les autres aptitudes scolaires de l’enfant. Notes
Teknikstöd Elevers erfarenheter av gymnasiesärskolan: komplex skolform både reducerar och konstruerar hinder – Eleverna är medvetna om den särskildhet som utmärker gymnasiesärskolan, som för flertalet innebär upplevelser av både trygghet och osäkerhet, konstaterar Therése Mineur, som har följt en grupp elever i gymnasiesärskolan under två läsår. I en doktorsavhandling i ämnet handikappvetenskap, som läggs fram på fredag den 27 september, har Therése Mineur studerat gymnasiesärskolans verksamhet ur elevernas perspektiv. Gymnasiesärskolan är en skolform som riktar sig till elever som har bedömts ha en intellektuell funktionsnedsättning. Av en rikstäckande enkät som besvarades av rektorer i landet, framgick att majoriteten av alla elever som går (”är mottagna”) i gymnasiesärskolan får sin undervisning i särskilda gymnasiesärskoleklasser. – De faktorer som motiverar olika undervisningslösningar kan beskrivas som en förhandling mellan verksamhetens förutsättningar, ramar och resurser och elevernas förutsättningar, förmågor och önskningar, säger Therése Mineur. Se avhandlingens abstract/sammanfattning
Introducing Reported Speech Statements,Questions and Orders in a Different Way This week’s post was not supposed to be a grammar post, it just so happened to turn out like that. Come to think of it, I have been teaching lots of grammar lately so I shouldn’t be surprised if my brain is filled with ideas for grammar teaching. If I want my classes to be different from the ones I had when I was studying English at school (teacher-centred and book-centred), I cannot introduce all those digital tools I’m so keen on using and then go and spoil it all by asking students to read straight from a photocopy when it comes to grammar. I’m not saying it’s the wrong way to go about it, I’m just saying it’s not the way I teach or the way I’d like to be taught. Admittedly, grammar is grammar, but can we make it a bit more appealing to our students? Reported speech is probably one of my favourite grammar points and this is how I have introduced reported speech statements, questions and orders in my classes this week. To introduce statements I often use quotes from famous people.