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Welcome to The Church and School of Wicca's Homepage!

Principia Discordia | the book of Chaos, Discord and Confusion | Fnord! What are the different types of pagan Paganism is an umbrella term that is used to describe people who do not follow Christianity or Islam. It can include Wiccans, Buddhists, Druids, and Eclectic Witches in its description - to name but a small few. The basic principles of Paganism are as follows: Pagan​s rever​e the Earth​.​ Pagan​s are typic​ally deepl​y conce​rned about​ the envir​onmen​t.​ Most Pagan​s engag​e in celeb​ratio​ns of the chang​ing seaso​ns,​ and see time in cycli​cal rathe​r than linea​r terms​.​ Pagan​s tend to be fierc​ely indiv​idual​,​ but toler​ant of the belie​f syste​ms of other​s.​ The Divin​e has made Itsel​f manif​est throu​gh many Deiti​es in diffe​rent place​s and at diffe​rent times​.​ Pagan​s belie​ve in balan​ce betwe​en the Mascu​line and Femin​ine energ​ies of the unive​rse.​ Many pagan​s belie​ve in Karma​,​ and the Law of Retur​n.​ It is no more true that all Pagan​s are Wicca​ns than it is true that all Chris​tians​ are Metho​dists​.​

Welcome to the Frontpage What is Wicca? What is Wicca? Wicca. Witchcraft. The Path. The philosophy of the religion (acknowledged as such by the U.S. As Starhawk said in "Spiral Dance ": Our practice arises from a deep, spiritual commitment to the earth, to healing and to linking of magick to political action. Each one of us embodies the divine. Honoring both Goddess and God, we work with female and male images of divinity, always remembering that their essence is a mystery that goes beyond form. In honoring the Goddess and God, we acknowledge the duality that exists in all facets of life. Wicca is an Earth religion -- an accepting, open-minded faith that celebrates diversity and considers us all to be children of the same mother. Next Page Glossary For further reading Get a Rune or Tarot reading, dream interpretation or astrological report

Neokoroi - The Temple Keepers Wicca for the Beginner First, who we are not: we are not Satanists. We do not worship the devil. In fact, we don’t even have a devil. (see history of witchcraft) Moreover, we are not old crones who ride broomsticks and cast spells on unsuspecting people, perhaps to turn them into toads. We are not all women, though it may be that the majority of witches are women—this from millennium of disempowerment by the male dominated Judeo-Christian tradition. We are not evil. Really, that pretty much describes us: witches are just ordinary people who use the Powers to enjoy a good life. There is no such thing as a black witch, no matter what the color of their skin. Ever mind the Rule of Three Three time what thou givest returns to thee This lesson well, thou must learn, Thee only gets what thou dost earn! Seriously, we are not dour folks. The Ways of Wicca can be divided into two acts: Magic and Devotion. In short, devotion involves a sort of union with the Powers of the Universe. What about Goddesses and Gods? Reni

Welcome to the Modern Heathen Wiccan traditions Which Witch Are You? There are several different traditions of Wicca. Here are some of the more well-known traditions. You could practice one, none or mix and match as you see fit. If you are not immediately drawn to one, research a couple until you find the one that fits. If you are a practitioner of a tradition not on this list, e-mail Apythia the information, and we will be happy to add it. Alexandrian Tradition: Founded in England during the 1960's, Alex Sanders referred to himself as the "King" of his Witches. Amythystian : Founded in 1968 by Lady Amethyst. Aquarian Tabernacle Church : An American Tradition of Wicca based on English Traditional Wicca, and focused on service to the larger Wiccan and Pagan community through open worship gatherings. Black Forrest Clan: This is Silver RavenWolf's group and is considered Euro-Wiccan, drawing from Silver's German heritage and Pow-Wow and training she received from her Old Guard Wiccan magickal teachers. Next Page
