Social media is more than simply a marketing tool for academic research | Higher Education Network | Guardian Professional According to Jeff Jarvis, author of Public Parts: How Sharing in the Digital Age Improves the Way We Work and Live, thanks to the internet, "we all have our Gutenberg presses and the privileges they accord." For academic institutions, the internet is a largely untapped resource for shaping and sharing scholarly research. As with the Gutenberg press, maybe professors are worried about permanently penning their ideas into cyberspace. Others may worry about privacy, especially regarding social networking. But social media and the internet have transformative powers, allowing faculty to form powerful connections and reach new audiences that previously couldn't be accessed from the ivory tower. For the past year, I've been working with the faculty and research institutes at NYU's Robert F. One of the most important lessons I've learned is that social media is not just marketing for academic work. Learning through social networking platforms allows a researcher to be a lifelong student.
How Twitter in the Classroom is Boosting Student Engagement Professors who wish to engage students during large lectures face an uphill battle. Not only is it a logistical impossibility for 200+ students to actively participate in a 90 minute lecture, but the downward sloping cone-shape of a lecture hall induces a one-to-many conversation. This problem is compounded by the recent budget cuts that have squeezed ever more students into each room. Fortunately, educators (including myself) have found that Twitter is an effective way to broaden participation in lecture. Additionally, the ubiquity of laptops and smartphones have made the integration of Twitter a virtually bureaucracy-free endeavor. This post describes the two main benefits professors find when using Twitter in lecture. Increased Participation Classroom shyness is like a blackhole: Once silence takes over, it never lets go. That's why, Dr. During lecture, students tweet comments or questions via laptop or cell phone, while the TA and Dr. A Community of Learners Conclusion
Who’s Sharing What – The State of Social Sharing in 2013 It’s been a while since our friends from WebHostingBuzz released their last infographic, but they’re back! Now they’re discussing the latest trends in social sharing: the ecosystem gets busier and busier, and now everybody seems to share (and overshare) stuff all day within their social graph. They zoomed out as much as possible for us to be able to see the whole picture: the state of social sharing at the beginning of 2013 and everything you need to know about its eight major players. Click here to view full size image.
Don't let e-safety worries be a barrier to using social media in school | Teacher Network Blog | Guardian Professional Using social media in school doesn't have to cause e-safety panics. This practical guide offers great advice for those yet to embrace social networking. Photograph: • Read more on using social media in schools here It is clear that one of the major obstacles to adopting social networking is that of e-safety. However, there is very little technical knowledge required, if any at all. Social networking raises many obvious (and some not so obvious) e-safety concerns in schools. Regardless of what we do there is a risk involved; driving to and from work, lifting something off the floor and, as I found out recently to the detriment of my back, keeping fit! In all of the above examples we are taught to be safe by doing, not by sitting in front of a Powerpoint. Again going back to the driving analogy, practicing your driving skills and risk assessing hazards becomes second nature; this is a life skill, not a lesson.
10 New Ways Twitter Is Changing The College Lecture Continuing our theme of using Twitter in education this week , we bring you a look at the ways Twitter is causing the current lecture model to evolve. The following analysis is brought to you by our content partners over at Online Universities . Gone is the time when PowerPoint was the most impressive communication technology in the lecture hall. These days, students and professors enjoy the power of Twitter, a tool that allows for digital discussions to supplement and even guide lecture sessions. So how exactly is Twitter changing the college lecture as we know it? Read on to find out about 10 different ways. Mobile devices are welcome in the lecture hall once again : Not long ago, cell phones were met with intense hatred in the lecture hall, villainized as noisy distractions. Lectures become a conversation : Without Twitter, lectures are often a one-way street, with professors lecturing for about an hour, mostly uninterrupted. Bashful students are speaking up :
10 Awesome Twitter Analytics and Visualization Tools Recently Twitter rolled out their native analytics platform for all users and now you can get some quality data about your tweets directly from Twitter. After researching over a thousand Twitter Tools for the Twitter Tools Book I came across many Twitter analytics and visualization tools. These Twitter tools were designed to add value by presenting a different way to visualize or analyze your tweets, the people in your network, and the tweets from the people in your network. Many tools tried to add value and failed. At least they tried. The following tools, however, stand out in my mind as exceptional or entertaining and I recommend you check them out if you want to analyze and visualize your activity on Twitter. 1. TweepsMap is an excellent Twitter tool for both analyzing and visualizing your Twitter network. As it’s name suggests it does this by showing you how your followers are distributed on a map, in terms of percentages. You can see the distribution of my followers below. Unique. 2.
Don’t ban social media from schools By Steve Nicholls, Special to CNN Editor’s note: Steve Nicholls is the author of Social Media in Business. He is a social media strategist hired by business executives to teach them how to implement a winning social media strategy into their organization. The New York Education Department recently stated that in the first 11 months of 2011 there were 69 cases where teachers were accused of inappropriate conduct with students on Facebook. This raises a question: Is prohibiting social media in schools the right way to protect children? In my view, if the answer is yes then that would mean that as technology grows, schools are forbidden to grow with it, and that would somewhat be of a contradiction to what a school is supposed to be in the first place. I believe it is critical that social media is allowed in schools as it presents a world of opportunities that far outweigh the risks if it is implemented safely and properly. Concerned parents may point to the potential dangers and risks. 1.
The Healthcare Blogger Code of Ethics and HIPAA | The Social Medic One of the problems that early health care bloggers faced was trying to figure out what was and what was not permissible or ethical in the blogosphere. Since this post is dealing with legal matters, first a quick disclaimer: The information presented herein represents the views of the author as of the date of publication. The publication is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided in this publication, neither the author nor its affiliates/partners assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. If advice concerning medical, legal or related matters is needed, the services of a fully qualified professional should be sought. Wasn’t that fun? The Health Care Blogger Code of Ethics In May 2007 discussion of the need for an oath or a code evolved into The Healthcare Blogger Code of Ethics. Perspective – that your readers understand your professional perspective.
Paikalla, mutta ei läsnä - some heikentää etenkin nuorten keskittymiskykyä Nykymaailmassa on vaikea löytää hetkiä ilman ärsykkeitä. Älypuhelin piippaa tekstiviestejä ja Facebook-viestejä, vähän väliä on tarkistettava onko joku kommentoinut omia ajatuksia tai kuvia ja katsottava mitä kaverit ovat maailman tilasta kommentoineet. Tämä heikentää etenkin nuorten keskittymistä olennaiseen, sanoo nuorisopsykiatrian ja lastenneurologian erikoislääkäri Pertti Rintahaka. - Varmasti se hajottaa keskittymistä, kun olet tekemässä vaikkapa matematiikan tehtäviä ja kännykkä soi vieressä, telkkarista tuleekin hyvä musiikkivideo, ja tehtävä häviää hetkessä mielestä ja homma pitäisi aloittaa alusta. Some syö yöunet Rintahaan mukaan keskittymisvaikeudet eivät sinänsä ole lisääntyneet, mutta nykymeno vaatii keskittymistä huomattavasti enemmän kuin muutama vuosikymmen sitten. - Keskittymiskyky ei ole todennäköisesti muuttunut, mutta se joutuu jakautumaan niin moneen eri alueeseen: on koulu, sosiaalinen media, perhe, kaverit jne. Netti poikki viimeistään yhdeksältä
Teachers need advice on social networking Released 02/08/2012 With 14 teachers suspended as a result of their social media activity and 18 more placed on probation; it's more important than ever for schools to provide up to date guidelines for staff, advises The website - which is part of the PDC Education network - has welcomed the NUT's recent statement notifying schools of the need to implement social media policies ahead of the new term. Rebecca Jordan, founder of iTeachingResources says every school needs to make it clear to teachers what they should and should not do in the virtual space: "Social media is changing almost daily which makes it very difficult for schools to effectively police the use of sites like Twitter and Facebook by teaching staff. iTeachingResources has developed a social media policy in conjunction with internet and teaching experts, which it claims will help schools manage this increasingly important task. • Safeguards to ensure the school is not exposed to legal liability
Sosiaalinen media on uusi keino koulukiusaamiselle Koti, koulu ja kaverit kuuluvat nuoren keskeisiin sosiaalisiin ympäristöihin. Nykyään myös sosiaalisella medialla voi olla suuri merkitys nuoren elämässä. Professori Kaisa Aunola Jyväskylän yliopiston psykologian laitokselta kertoo, että tuoreissa tutkimuksissa on havaittu etenkin nuorten tyttöjen itsetunnon heikkenemistä. - Nuorten, 15-17 -vuotiaiden tyttöjen kohdalla on joidenkin tutkimusten mukaan havaittu itsetunnon heikkenemistä. Taustalla vaikuttavat ehkä nykyajan kauneusihanteet ja sosiaalinen media, Aunola sanoo. Aunola kuitenkin haluaa korostaa, että sosiaalisen median ja itsetunnon laskun yhteyttä ei ole tutkittu, eikä siitä siis ole tieteellistä näyttöä. Paineet ulkonäöstä tuntuvat hänen mukaansa lisääntyneen sosiaalisen median kuten Facebookin myötä. - Nuorilla on paineita siitä, että pitää olla tietyn näköinen. Koulukiusaaminen on tiedetty merkittäväksi tekijäksi nuoren itsetunnon alentajana jo pitkään. Sosiaalisessa mediassa voi kasvaa vääristynyt kuva omasta itsestä.
Digital media get top marks as they bring a new kind of learning into the classroom - Education Given that, it's hardly surprising that digital and social media are becoming more and more widely used in schools and universities. In fact, institutions around the UK are bringing students new learning experiences via digital media. A recent example saw 9,000 students from 140 schools watch a webcast of Tim Crouch's play I, Cinna, based on the misadventures of a lowly character from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, then writing their own poems and prose in response and taking part in a live Q&A with the actor and director. The project was the result of a collaboration between Cisco, the Royal Shakespeare Company, JANET (a government-funded research and education network) and university sector college Ravensbourne. The Q&A session was hosted by former Blue Peter presenter Konnie Huq, and many of the students taking part, aged 11-16, had never been to the theatre or written poetry. Being Twitter-literate can have unexpected advantages. Making Shakespeare relevant in the digital age