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The various domains of the Cynefin model. Cynefin /ˈkʌnɨvɪn/ is a Welsh word, which is commonly translated into English as 'habitat' or 'place', although this fails to convey its full meaning. The term was chosen by the Welsh scholar Dave Snowden to describe a perspective on the evolutionary nature of complex systems, including their inherent uncertainty ("The Cynefin framework"). The name serves as a reminder that all human interactions are strongly influenced and frequently determined by our experiences, both through the direct influence of personal experience, as well as through collective experience, such as stories or music. The framework provides a typology of contexts that guides what sort of explanations or solutions might apply. Meaning of the word[edit] A more complete translation of 'cynefin' would convey the sense that we all have multiple pasts of which we can only be partly aware: cultural, religious, geographic, tribal etc. History[edit] Description of the framework[edit] Related:  PsychonauticaHold That Wisp

Drugs and Dharma in the 21st Century In June, please join us at CIIS online in a course entitled, "Buddhism and Psychedelics." We will explore the ideas of many Buddhist and psychedelicpioneers, including Robert Aitken, Richard Baker, John Perry Barlow, Stephen Batchelor, David Chadwick, Lama Surya Das, Ram Dass, Erik Davis, Rick Fields, Joan Halifax, Jack Kornfield, and Terence McKenna. Although this is a for-credit course, you do not have to be a full time student at CIIS to join us. For more info email The following article introduces some of the strands of our upcoming explorations... Two great directions in human thought and activity have recently beencoming into sharper focus. Buddhism and psychedelics share a concern with the same problem: the attainment of liberation for the mind. Recently Ram Dass and Ralph Metzner have released a book about the birth of a psychedelic culture. The drug war leads to cynicism and apathy and, of course, blights thousands of lives.

On Cynefin as a Sensemaking Framework: Part One In earlier posts, I discussed Dave Snowden’s Cynefin framework from the viewpoint of systems classification, offered an alternative to it, and then offered some critical comments. I did this because (a) Dave sometimes used the term “system” in describing one or another Cynefin “domain” and (b) a lot of the recent discussion on Cynefin in the act-km group focused on the issue of Cynefin as a framework for systems classification. However, looking at Cynefin from the above perspective is not consistent with Dave’s primary application of the framework as a model and tool for aiding “sensemaking” for decision making. Using Cynefin is mostly all about sensemaking for decision making and isn’t focused on categorizing types of systems for purposes of studying them, or developing general knowledge about them, or better understanding the holistic character of a system. In short, using Cynefin is not about systems analysis. The DEC-KLC-KM Framework Let’s begin with routine decision making. Simple

Various ways to use social media as a facilitator or trainer This is a blogpost written for a half-day workshop for facilitators with Sibrenne Wagenaar.We thought of starting with a blogpost because it helps us think about the topic of the workshop, it is a light way of starting online, and it gives the chance for others to look over our shoulders (and give tips?). More and more often we meet trainers and facilitators who are working mainly face-to-face and would like to use the opportunity of social media to facilitate more online because it may enhance the quality of your trajectory. There are many different ways in which you can do so. A great model has been developed by Jane Hart: how to use social media in e-learningtrajectories: We believe you may also use this model to think about how to use social media in face-to-face learning trajectories. (1) Wrap-around model: socials aspects are added as extra element to organise trainer- en peer support. (2) Integrated model: social aspecten are integrated with the content of the training.

Thinking like a genius: overview Thinking and recall series Problem solving: creative solutions "Even if you're not a genius, you can use the same strategies as Aristotle and Einstein to harness the power of your creative mind and better manage your future." The following strategies encourage you to think productively, rather than reproductively, in order to arrive at solutions to problems. Nine approaches to creative problem solving: Rethink! Exercise #2 illustrates how famous thinkers used these approaches. Exercise #1: illustrates applications of the nine approaches. Text of exercise:Nine approaches to creative problem solving: Rethink! Thinking and recall series Concentrating | Radical thinking | Thinking aloud/private speech | Thinking critically | Thinking critically | Thinking creatively | Mapping explanation | Make your own map I | Make your own map II | Thinking like a genius: Creative solutions | Famous thinkers | Selected thoughts

.:ESRA On-Line - Bernard WERBER:. (1) Beyond the Course: The Learning Flow – a new framework for the social learning era | The Learning Flow Jane Hart writes about Learning Flows is her Learning in the Social Workplace blog. Reproduced here. Learning is a process not an event. Learning is a journey not a destination. We’ve heard all this for years, and yet the facts remain the same – the way that we help people learn revolves aroundevents in the form of (a defined package of content) aka courses, where the focus still is firmly on the destination – the completion of the course – as a measure of success. But in the age of Facebook and Twitter, and now Enterprise Social Networks (ESNs) like Yammer and Jive – where at the heart lies an activity stream that is used for a continuous stream of knowledge exchange, there is a place for a new learning framework – one that lies between the formal, instructionally designed course and the unstructured knowledge sharing of teams, groups and communities. A Learning Flow is a continuous steady stream of social micro-learning activities – accessible from the web and mobile devices

Radical thinking Are you looking for new ideas? Has your path reached a dead-end?Are your options limited, or just invisible? Often the way we experience the world is built on and bordered by our experiences! Most of the time, these shortcuts serve us well by providing answers based upon how we have solved problems in our past. However, these rules also can lock us into stereotypes, pre-conceived ideas, and uncritical analysis. Perhaps radical thinking may help you generate new ideas? First, briefly summarize your situation or challenge. Situation example 1: My elderly grandmother can’t get to the phone in emergencies. Situation example 2: I talk too much Opposite mode: I will be silent. Situation example 3: I am disorganized. Thinking and recall series

Pourquoi l’ayahuasca ? 1 La recette de la décoction correspondant à ce nom contient des proportions variables de Banisteriop (...) 1Ce texte s’articule autour de deux questions. Comment l’ayahuasca 1 en est-elle venue à se détacher de la multiplicité des plantes psychoactives découvertes lors de la rencontre coloniale et postcoloniale avec les Amériques ? Comment est-elle devenue la porteuse privilégiée de la circulation et la globalisation de pratiques spirituelles et thérapeutiques d’origine amazonienne, désormais emblématisées comme représentantes d’une spiritualité pan-indigène ? 2 Cette réflexion est complémentaire d’un texte récemment paru dans la revue Autrepart : Losonczy A.- (...) 2Par une approche généalogique des usages et des représentations dont les plantes psychoactives tropicales ont fait l’objet dans la culture savante euro-américaine et dans les sociétés amazoniennes, il s’agit de saisir les conditions d’émergence de nouveaux espaces d’interface symbolisés et alimentés par l’ayahuasca 2. 71M.

PKM PKM is a set of processes, individually constructed, to help each of us make sense of our world and work more effectively. PKM means taking control of your professional development, and staying connected in the network era, whether you an employee, self-employed, or between jobs. PKM Workshops are available for groups of 10 or more. PKM in 40 Days – new format for online workshops as of 31 March 2014 Personal – according to one’s abilities, interests & motivation. PKM, and my Seek > Sense > Share framework, are discussed in Dan Pink’s book, To Sell is Human: To make sense of the world, for ourselves and those we hope to move, we must wade through a mass of material flowing at us every day – selecting what’s relevant and discarding what’s not. PKM gives you a framework to develop a network of people and sources of information that you can draw from on a daily basis. Article: PKM for a Corporate Audience (Domino’s Pizza) Post: The Seek > Sense > Share Framework (2014) Link: More posts on PKM

Teaching critical thinking Benjamin Bloom (1956) created this taxonomy or classification system for categorizing "competencies" in educational settings, as defined by skills demonstrated by learner type or intelligence. This breakdown provides a useful, incremental framework of complexity in demonstrating mastery of a subject or topic. The verbs include the skills that demonstrate each: Knowledge:To know something means to be able to remember or recall facts or bits of information, though one can "know" something without understanding it or being able to put it into a higher context. This process is illustrated by recall of sequences and lists, of events and dates; landmarks on a route; pictures and their graphic details; songs and lyrics; titles and names; even memorized definitions and explanations. Verbs include: choose, define, describe, enumerate, identify, label, list, locate, match, memorize, name, quote, recall, recite, recognize, reproduce, select, show, state Curricular guides and resources:

Terence McKenna's Timewave Zero and the Fractal Time software dostadning
