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A Breathing Earth

A Breathing Earth
Here's a view looking at one year of seasonal transformations on Earth. Made possible by the tremendous folks of the NASA Visible Earth team, I downloaded the twelve cloud-free satellite imagery mosaics of Earth ("Blue Marble Next Generation") at each month of the year. I wrapped them into some fun projections then stitched them together into a couple animated gifs... Don't click this small version or this tiny version. Click here to see the irrationally large version (8.9 MB). Don't waste your time with this boring small version or this lame tiny version. I of course had some expectation of what I would see as a result of animating these frames. Why? Of course there are the global characteristics of climate and the nature of land to heat and cool more rapidly than water. But, overall, to me it looks like breathing. Related:  Årstider, natt, dag, månader och månen

EARTH :: METEOROLOGY :: SEASONS OF THE YEAR image seasons of the year Periodic climate changes over the course of a year; they are a function of the Earth’s inclination toward the Sun and its rotation around it. Sun Source of the Earth’s heat. autumnal equinox At the equinoxes, day and night are of equal length; the autumnal (fall) equinox is on September 22 or 23 in the Northern Hemisphere. autumn Season between the autumnal equinox and the winter solstice. winter solstice Shortest day of the year; it falls on December 21 or 22 in the Northern Hemisphere. winter Season between the winter solstice and the vernal equinox. summer Season between the summer solstice and the autumnal equinox. summer solstice Longest day of the year; it falls on June 21 or 22 in the Northern Hemisphere. spring Season between the vernal equinox and the summer solstice. vernal equinox At the equinoxes, day and night are of equal length; the vernal (spring) equinox is on March 20 or 21 in the Northern Hemisphere.

Intuit® | Website Building Software & Website Design The Incredible Power of Music You will be in complete and utter awe when you see how sound can manipulate gravity. power of musicscienceWater Related Posts « Your One and Only Winter Garden Resource Insomnia Causes These Ailments » Argumenterande texter Rymden fortsätter På dagens lektion kring rymden så har vi, istället för faktatexter som vi gjort tidigare, jobbat med argumenterande texter. I rymd-temat handlade det den här gången om ÅRSTIDER. Målen för dagen var: Men även då språkligt att eleverna: Vi läste, tittade på bilder och pratade om de olika årstiderna. Utifrån sina kunskaper kring årtiderna fick de sedan skriva på en lapp vilken årstid just jag tycker är den bästa. De fick hjälp av en mall eftersom de bara är andra gången som vi skriver den här texttypen: Målet är såklart att inte behöva använda mallen precis som det står i matrisen, se sista raden på bilden: Sedan fick de skriva sina texter på ett papper där de också skulle måla en bildtext till. Härliga texter blev resultatet!!

Western-backed resolution on Syria doomed? Published time: January 27, 2012 11:25 Edited time: January 28, 2012 08:39 The UN Security Council is due to consider a new resolution on Syria, which demands that the country’s authorities step down. Russia however has stated that the draft offered by the West and the Arab League has no chance of being passed as it is. ­"The UN Security Council will meet in closed consultations this Friday 3:00 pm in New York to discuss steps to take on the situation in Syria," France's UN mission Twitter page informed. The draft resolution was reportedly proposed by France and supported by the United States, the UK, Portugal, Germany and the Arab countries. According to the Itar-Tass news agency, the new draft will demand that the Syrian regime stop all violence in Syria, withdraw armed forces from inhabited areas and allow peaceful rallies. ­‘Fresh draft resolution unacceptable for Russia’ – top official “There are not even such elementary things as a reference to adherence to the UN Charter,” he said.

John Glenn's space capsule built at McDonnell Aircraft Corporation | By Casey Nolen St. Louis (KSDK) - There's a local piece of history that made John Glenn's historic flight possible. The Mercury space capsule that Glenn piloted around the earth was built right here in St. Louis at the McDonnell Aircraft Corporation which later became McDonnell Douglas and eventually Boeing. Not many people can flip through old photos from work and relive a piece of United States history. Earl Robb and Carl Baggett worked for the McDonnell Aircraft Corporation. Named the Mercury Project, the men first worked in secret, and then brought the spotlight to St. "I remember John Glenn getting in and he needed more feet room so kicked a couple electronic parts out of the way and we had to come back in and relocate them," said Carl Baggett. The men were watching when Glenn made it back to earth in their spacecraft. "It was like hallelujah," said Earl Robb They hope St.

Foliegubbar De här foliegubbarna var riktigt roliga att göra. Med relativt enkla medel kan man få till figurer som kan vara utgångspunkt till diskussioner i många olika riktningar. När man gör gubbarna är det lätt att tankarna går till Giacomettis verk. Själva "skulpterandet" - att skapa och få fram olika uttryck kan vara ett annat. Att studera skuggor kan vara ett mål i sig. Gubbarna gör man i helt vanlig aluminiumfolie. Armarna sätts fast genom att en remsa av folie surras ett varv runt kroppen: När man sedan har stommen är det bara att bygga på med folie och forma gubben på det sätt man vill. Sedan är det dags för skuggan. Ett annat alternativ (som jag gjort på gubben med blått papper) är att låta skuggan falla på ett svart papper.

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Comet ISON faded again | Human World UPDATE DECEMBER 6, 2013. As Comet ISON pulled away from its close encounter with the sun on November 28, it first brightened and then faded again. For a couple of days now, ISON has been missing in action – out of the field of view of NASA sun-observing spacecraft – and not yet visible to earthly observers, not even the Hubble Space Telescope. It is now believed that Comet ISON has become little more than a traveling field of debris in space, still following the path of the original comet. Scientists originally said that – if it had not fragmented, if it had maintained its solid nucleus or core – Comet ISON would become visible again in Earth’s skies beginning around December 3. That has not happened. Professional observers, who gathered on December 6 at Johns Hopkins University (home of the Hubble Space Telescope), say that observations with HST are planned for late December. A search for ISON remnants today at IRTF came up with nothing. Comet ISON was exciting, though.

Four Seasons Tree Craft With Template - Easy Peasy and Fun We have a wonderful four seasons tree craft template to share with you, this one can fold nicely into a 4 seasons book or you can assemble it together to stand on it’s own. Print our template, there are more versions, and have the kids get creative with their seasons. *this post contains affiliate links* We thought a nice little four seasons tree craft would be a nice addition to exploring and learning about the seasons of the year. This can be a fun four seasons craft for kindergarten, as well as for preschoolers although assistance from parent or teachers will be needed. There are many ways the kids can decorate this project, and there certainly is no need to limit yourself to markers, crayons or pens! We will talk about ideas for decorating the seasons a bit more in the tutorial itself (we’ve got quite a few for each of the season). Ready to make your own tree? How to Make the Four Seasons Tree Craft What you need: Optional: other materials like pom poms, scrap fabric, puffy paint… Spring

In Kabul, Afghan police sympathize with protesters angry over Koran burning “Afghans and the world’s Muslims should rise against the foreigners. We have no patience left,” said one police officer in central Kabul, who has worked at the same checkpoint since he joined the force seven months ago. He looked at his colleague, who stood next to him, nodding. “We both will attack the foreign military people.” Police officers interviewed at four posts in the Afghan capital voiced the anti-American sentiments on Thursday, the same day that two U.S. troops in eastern Afghanistan were fatally shot by a man wearing an Afghan army uniform. The killings were the latest apparent incident of fratricide aimed at Americans within a nominally united U.S. In the wake of the Koran burning that came to light Tuesday at the largest U.S. military base in Afghanistan, some uniformed Afghan officers have worked tirelessly to keep the peace through three days of demonstrations and riots. U.S. apologies dismissed With tensions still high, however, the U.S. Anger within Bagram base

Quantum Efficiency | PVEducation The "quantum efficiency" (Q.E.) is the ratio of the number of carriers collected by the solar cell to the number of photons of a given energy incident on the solar cell. The quantum efficiency may be given either as a function of wavelength or as energy. If all photons of a certain wavelength are absorbed and the resulting minority carriers are collected, then the quantum efficiency at that particular wavelength is unity. The quantum efficiency for photons with energy below the band gap is zero. A quantum efficiency curve for an ideal solar cell is shown below. The quantum efficiency of a silicon solar cell. While quantum efficiency ideally has the square shape shown above, the quantum efficiency for most solar cells is reduced due to recombination effects. The "external" quantum efficiency of a silicon solar cell includes the effect of optical losses such as transmission and reflection. Emitter diffusion length: 1 microns Front surface recombination velocity: 100 cm/s
