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Views - Google Maps

Views - Google Maps
Alright everyone. Despite my complete melt-down further up in this comments thread, I need to put something out there. Disclosure first: although I have access to certain sources, I (and my business) am independent of Google but have direct dealings with Google. I have NDAs that prohibit me from disclosing certain things. I will mind my manners and my NDAs in writing this. These are my words and should be taken as only that. August didn't go according to plan, completely. YouTube was very quick to adopt 360° video but YouTube is comparatively MUCH smaller than Google Maps and incorporating 360° video didn't require a major overhaul because it's still a niche and people are more forgiving of products that serve a niche. 360° photography, on the other hand, has moved from niche to mainstream and made the Street View brand (when tied directly and only to Maps) irrelevant very quickly. Transparency is crucial to Google's success.

Google maps ahora nos permite explorar el océano Hay un montón de cosas para hablar sobre Google Maps e iOS 6 en este momento, pero Google ha literalmente sumergido esa charla a fondo del océano por los momentos. El gigante de las búsquedas ha lanzado una nueva característica que trae imágenes bajo el agua para su servicio de Google Maps, permitiendo a los usuarios hacer submarinismo virtual en la Gran Barrera de Coral, Filipinas y Hawai. Me impresionó bastante cuando Google nos trajo imágenes de 360º panorámicas de la Antártida hace poco y, asimismo, la introducción de los mapas bajo el agua es uno de esos momentos en que Internet fue construido para permitir – a millones de personas tener un gusto personal de algunas de las vistas más espectaculares del mundo. El servicio está todavía en sus inicios, y relativamente limitados en cuanto a los lugares que son compatibles, pero se pueden contemplar las maravillas acuáticas siguientes, sin necesidad de tener que mojarnos: Os dejo un vídeo introductorio: 0Share

Google Maps Mania ニュースはスマホで読む時代。ニュースアプリまとめ8選 さいきん、日々のニュース閲覧の主力となりつつあるスマホ向けのニュースアプリ。 つい半年くらいまえまでは「ニュースはRSSリーダー最強!」...とか言ってたような気もしますが、Googleリーダーの終了とともにいっきに風向きが変わった感じです。 今回、TABROIDでレビューしているアプリの中でも、とくに人気のあるニュースアプリを集めてみました。すでに多くのアプリが登場していますが、ひとくちにニュースといっても、アプリごとにけっこう個性がありますね。 ビジュアルで魅せる! メイン画面に大きなグラフィックを並べるタイプ。 読みたいニュースを自動で選んでくれる 厳選されたニュースを、いちどに30個ほどおすすめしてくれるアプリ。 さらっと読みたい! ニュースを読む前に、200文字くらいの「要約」をチェックできるアプリ。 安心感のある大手ニュースサイト公式アプリ 大手ポータルサイトのニュースアプリ。 おまけ:RSSは死なず とにかく大量のニュースをチェックするなら、いまだにRSSにかなうツールはありません。 (TABROID編集部:金本太郎/元記事を読む) 2013年NEWモデル! SANYO NEW eneloop 急速充電器セット(単3形4個セット) N-TGR01AS三洋電機

Welcome to Glinkr Google Maps : le mode hors ligne disponible sur l'application iOS - PC INpact Il y a quelques jours, Google publiait une nouvelle version de Maps pour iOS avec, pour la première fois, un design spécial pour l'iPad. Alors que le géant du web n'évoque pas de mode hors ligne, cette fonctionnalité est bien présente au sein de l'application. Pour en profiter, il suffit de saisir les bons mots clefs dans la barre de recherche. Google est en train de complètement chambouler le design et les fonctionnalités de Maps, son logiciel de cartographie en ligne. Du côté des terminaux Android, le mode hors ligne est toujours de la partie, et un bouton dédié a même été ajouté à la demande des utilisateurs. Par la suite, l'application vous indiquera si la zone affichée provient ou non d'une carte sauvegardée sur votre terminal, mais il ne semble pas y avoir de menu permettant de consulter les zones qui disponibles en mode hors ligne. Comme toujours, pour télécharger et installer Google Maps pour iOS c'est par ici, ou bien en suivant le QR-Code suivant : Sébastien Gavois

Google ahora nos permite explorar la Antártida con imágenes panorámicas Desde el blog oficial de Google me llega una nueva noticia, esta vez dirigida a todos los que nos gusta explorar el mundo mediante imágenes panorámicas. En la nota Google recuerda que: En el invierno de 1913, un periódico británico publicó un anuncio para promover la última expedición a la Antártida imperial, al parecer colocado por el explorador polar Ernest Shackleton. Pues bien ahora no hace falta más que tener una conexión a Internet, ya que Google nos deja convertirnos en exploradores de la Antártida con imágenes panorámicas. Las imágenes panorámicas de los lugares históricos de la Antártida los tenemos en World Wonders site. Share

ArkGIS - Exploring the Arctic - トップ Web Designer Wall - Design Process of WDW Usually, I keep the sketches of every project I designed and use them as simple documentation. Sometime I might refer back to the old sketches for ideas and references. Here I would like to share my development process of Web Designer Wall with you. Concepting The design you see now is not my original concepts. Computer desk My initial concept was to have a computer desk with an iMac or G5, bookshelves, magazines, plants, sticky notes, and a pull-down tag cloud. Photoshop comp Here was my first comp of the wall concept. Another direction Later, I saw a flower sketch that I drew (for fun) long time ago and I thought it might work on my design. Final Finally, I decided to use the flower design and traced it in Illustrator.

Messages: Reporting unwanted messages sent from iMessage Languages If you're seeing unwanted iMessages (spam) in Messages app, you can report those to Apple. To report unwanted iMessage messages to Apple, please send an email with the following details to: Include a screenshot of the message you have received. To take a screenshot: To take a screenshot on your iOS device, press and release the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time. Note: Report unwanted ("spam") SMS and MMS type messages to your cellular provider. Look in the Messages conversation thread to determine if a message was sent via iMessage. Last Modified: Nov 4, 2013 One Moment Please Thanks for your feedback. Dive into the Great Barrier Reef with the first underwater panoramas in Google Maps Today we’re adding the very first underwater panoramic images to Google Maps, the next step in our quest to provide people with the most comprehensive, accurate and usable map of the world. With these vibrant and stunning photos you don’t have to be a scuba diver—or even know how to swim—to explore and experience six of the ocean’s most incredible living coral reefs. Now, anyone can become the next virtual Jacques Cousteau and dive with sea turtles, fish and manta rays in Australia, the Philippines and Hawaii. Get up close and personal with sea turtles at Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef Starting today, you can use Google Maps to find a sea turtle swimming among a school of fish, follow a manta ray and experience the reef at sunset—just as I did on my first dive in the Great Barrier Reef last year. You can also find out much more about this reef via the World Wonders Project, a website that brings modern and ancient world heritage sites online. Explore more underwater images

Prague - 34 Gigapixel Panorama Photo About this photo This panoramic photo of Prague, Czech Republic was created from 2600 individual photos. These images were stitched together into a single, seamless 360° image which is 260,000 x 130,000 pixels. If you printed this photo at 150 DPI (dots per inch), it would be 44 meters (130 feet) long! This image is therefore, as far as we can tell, the largest photograph of Prague ever made. To navigate the image, click and drag your mouse inside the image. The panorama was shot in May 2013 from the top of Petrin Tower, using a Canon 1-Dx. You can see our other world record gigapixel images we have made of Prague, London, and Tokyo. If you would like us to create a large gigapixel panorama like you see here, please contact 360Cities. Creative Commons This is the first-ever Creative Commons-licensed gigapixel image in the world. To download the entire panorama, use a BitTorrent client such as UTorrent, and then open the .torrent file. You mean, You're giving away this image for FREE? Press

» 120 Self Promotion Ideas for Graphic Designers & Freelance 120 Free (or Almost Free) Self Promotion Ideas for Graphic Designers & Freelancers (1) Give Away Freebies With Your Design Business’s Name and Contact Information. Go to where your target customers hang out and set up a booth or table. Give out some freebies and a flyer or leaflet as well. Some examples of freebies include free magnets, rubber bands, rulers, note pads, etc. All of these items should have your information printed on them. (2) Free Demonstrations of Your Services. (3) Where to get Free Coupons. (5) Speaking Engagements. Contact local schools and associations about classes, colleges, seminars, lectures that you can speak or teach at. (6) Go to Your Local Library or Book Store and Place Business Cards in Relevant Books. (7) Shave Your Logo into Your Hair or Get a Logo Tattoo. (6) Flyer / Business Card Exchanges. (7) Incorporate a Referral Incentive Program. (8) Hold a Contest. (9) Directory Listings. (10) Wear Your Business Information. (11) Magnet on Your Vehicle.
