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Pdftk - The PDF Toolkit
PDFtk - The PDF Toolkit PDFtk is a simple tool for doing everyday things with PDF documents. It comes in three flavors: PDFtk Free, PDFtk Pro, and our original command-line tool PDFtk Server. PDFtk PDFtk Free is our friendly graphical tool for quickly merging and splitting PDF documents and pages. Power Users: PDFtk Free comes with our command-line tool, PDFtk Server. Now available for Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8. Use PDFtk Pro to quickly split, merge, rotate, watermark, stamp and secure PDF pages and documents. Power Users: PDFtk Pro comes with our command-line tool, PDFtk Server. Only $3.99! Now available for Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8. PDFtk Server is our original command-line tool. Learn More About PDFtk Server About PDF Labs Our mission is to make PDF easier to use. PDF Labs is operated by Sid Steward, author of PDF Hacks (O’Reilly) and the popular PDF Toolkit. Please contact Sid Steward by email. About PDF Hacks About PDFtk

PDFJoin! - Join PDF files online for free. Piccolo Home Page A Structured 2D Graphics Framework Welcome to Piccolo! A revolutionary way to create robust, full-featured graphical applications in Java and C#, with striking visual effects such as zooming, animation and multiple representations. Piccolo is a toolkit that supports the development of 2D structured graphics programs, in general, and Zoomable User Interfaces (ZUIs), in particular. A ZUI is a new kind of interface that presents a huge canvas of information on a traditional computer display by letting the user smoothly zoom in, to get more detailed information, and zoom out for an overview. Why use Piccolo? What exactly is it?

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Python config file parser I needed a configuration file and did not want to write yet-another-parser for it and document the format. Instead of putting up with ConfigParser I decided to use the syntax and parser already available in Python, but restricted to a "safe" subset of the Python syntax: Assignments, bool, dict list, string, float, bool, and, or, xor, arithmetics, string expressions and if..then..else. The "unsafe" Python statements are deleted from the code by editing the Python parse tree. The configuration is passed to the parser as a string either from a file or a string constant containing the default values. Note: The source is actually in two parts: The configuration parser and the test script for it. PS: The difference between parser.suite and parser.expr is not quite clear to me.

boolopt is a Python module for optimizing propositional logic. boolopt is a Python module for optimizing propositional logic. It was written during my internship in Cape Town at NBN, South Africa’s National Bioinformatics Network; they used it for query optimization. The module provides a function optimize, which takes a disjunctive-normal formula (without intraclause contradictions and duplicates) and outputs an equivalent, minimal term. There is an existing implementation, but I couldn’t get it to work — that’s why I wrote my own. It’s worked instantaneously on all of the (small) examples I’ve thrown at it, but the method is NP-complete and involves building a truth-table — it’s EXPSPACE in the number of propositions. I release it here under the NewBSD license: you can do whatever you want with the code so long as you leave the license and copyright information at the top. New versions will be announced on the main site feed. Download Installation Open up the archive wherever; it will create its own directory boolopt-1.0. Examples Fun facts

rulecore Package Index > ruleCore > 1.1beta3 Not Logged In Status Nothing to report ruleCore 1.1beta3 Complex Event Pattern Detector The ruleCore Engine is an event-driven rule engine that manages and executes reaction rules. The ruleCore Engine provides capabilities for detection of complex patterns of events, called situations. The ruleCore Engine is fed with events through connectors. Downloads (All Versions): 0 downloads in the last day 0 downloads in the last week 0 downloads in the last month Website maintained by the Python community Real-time CDN by Fastly / hosting by Rackspace / design by Tim Parkin

plopmail 0.0 plopmail is a pure python MDA replacing procmail or maildrop The filter scripts are written in python, with a simple syntax to be able to acces any mail header and attribute. It automatically creates maildirs and notify the user by mail when it does. It only works with courier-imap for the moment, but support for other imap servers is planned. It also comes with plopmonitor, a gamin compatible daemon to monitor maildirs and execute script when needed (useful to reclassify mails). Downloads (All Versions): 0 downloads in the last day 0 downloads in the last week 0 downloads in the last month Author: David Guerizec Maintainer: David Guerizec Home Page:

Home | Pocoo pyTrix Last modified: 2011 Apr 24 License: MIT, unless otherwise specified in the source file. I started pyTrix (TM) on in August 2004 as a place for economists and other to store statistically and econometrically oriented Python utilities. Browse the code. This rest of this page is an idiosyncratic sampling of some Python resources for social scientists. As free and open source software, Python supports Claerbout's notion of really reproducible research. An article about computational science in a scientific publication is not the scholarship itself, it is merely advertising of the scholarship. IronPython is an open-source implementation of Python that is integrated with the .NET Framework. ironclad allows IronPython users to import and use compiled CPython extensions. Comments on parrallel Python: If you want to do computations in parallel, there are at least three alternatives. Python IDEs Spyder is a very interesting alternative. Dr. PythonToolKit (License: GPLv3) also appears well received.

webstemmer Package Index > webstemmer > 0.7.1 Not Logged In Status Nothing to report webstemmer 0.7.1 Web crawler and HTML layout analyzer Webstemmer is a web crawler and HTML layout analyzer that automatically extracts main text of a news site without having banners, ads and/or navigation links mixed up. Downloads (All Versions): 0 downloads in the last day 0 downloads in the last week 0 downloads in the last month Website maintained by the Python community Real-time CDN by Fastly / hosting by Rackspace / design by Tim Parkin

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