Jack Prelutsky
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Cynthia Rylant
Official Cynthia Leitich Smith and Home of Children's & YA Lit Resources
the Official Site for Kids
Kevin Henkes
Michael P. White -- Illustrated Books
The Library Dragon Written by Carmen Agra Deedy Illustrated by Michael P. White When Sunrise Elementary School advertised for a thick-skinned librarian with a burning love of books, Miss Lotta Scales knew she was perfect for the job. Who could guard books better than a REAL dragon? "She kept a fiery eye out to make sure no one removed any books from the shelves.... The very thought of sticky little fingerstouching and clutching, pawing and clawing, smearing and tearing her precious books just made her hot under the collar." The teachers, singed and scorched, formed a delegation. Fortunately, nearsighted Molly Rickmeyer stumbles into a copy of Snuff the Magic Dragon and reads the tale out loud.
Charles R. Smith, Jr., Children's Author & Photographer
Poetry 180 - Home Page
Welcome to Poetry 180. Poetry can and should be an important part of our daily lives. Poems can inspire and make us think about what it means to be a member of the human race. By just spending a few minutes reading a poem each day, new worlds can be revealed. Poetry 180 is designed to make it easy for students to hear or read a poem on each of the 180 days of the school year. Listening to poetry can encourage students and other learners to become members of the circle of readers for whom poetry is a vital source of pleasure. Billy Collins Former Poet Laureate of the United States Learn more about Billy Collins More Poet Laureate projects
Drahos Zak
Drahos Zak arrived in Australia from the Czech Republic in 1980 after completing a PhD in Illustration and Graphic Design at Charles University, Prague. In Australia Drahos has worked as an Illustrator for various newspapers and magazines, but it is his illustrations for children’s books that have gained him international recognition.