Networked Learning Design - Find out what people like Problem summary The challenge of producing learning experiences that learners will genuinely engage with is getting increasingly complex. As technology allows for learning resources to be ever more closely embedded into peoples’ lives, these experiences have to compete for attention directly. Discussion Adults learn when they want to – and generally don’t learn when they don’t want to. There is a strong connection between positive emotional experiences and the ability to recall information; Intrinsic motivation – motivation provided by the task in hand – encourages people to engage in new learning experiences, and to repeat these experiences; (this is what the computer games industry relies on so heavily); A person with a relaxed, positive frame of mind learns more effectively. There are a number of models of motivation from educational research, such as Victor Vroom’s Expectancy theory and John Keller’s ARCS model. If I work hard, can I the target I have been set? Recommendations
2011 LMS Award Winners plus a quick note on m-learning Initially I was going to provide a list of all my award winners including web conferencing, stand alone mobile learning, etc., but after much consideration, decided this week to focus only on the LMS sector. Before announcing the winners, I have seen a trend regarding mobile learning, that can easily mislead folks. Mobile Learning Two years ago there were some folks who believed that mobile learning where tools, etc. that you could not access via a LMS nor were available on a desktop or SaaS based solution. It was an interesting concept, but as we continue to move forward, I believe can no longer apply. What has been applying is the term mobile learning and how it it pitched to consumers in the e-learning sector, especially with LMS/LCMS/Learning platform vendors. Here are the spins Reality Mobile learning is not just seeing the LMS (or LCMS or platform) via a mobile browser. Even some of the folks who have an app in the Apple store or Android store, follows a similar pattern. Award Categories
Что говорят эксперты конкурса Courselab Вот, что говорят эксперты прошедшего конкурса на лучший курс, сделанный с помощью Courselab. Легко отметить, что профессиональные разработчики курсов стали более критичными чем в прошлые годы. Интересно - это связано с высокими ожиданиями непрерывного роста качества со стороны профессионалов или с раздражением от необходимости оценить 50 курсов :) Гришакова Наталия, Управляющий партнер компании «Амплуа», Руководитель центра аналитики и исследований Amplua Insights: «Мы с большим удовольствием приняли приглашение быть в составе жюри конкурса. Эксперты компании Amplua принимают участие в конкурсе каждый год, и мы не можем не отметить растущее качество e-курсов. Результаты нашего ежегодного бенчмаркинга Trainings Index показывают, что 2011 год можно смело назвать годом e-learning. Коллеги по электронному обучению часто говорят, что хороший е-курс продает сам себя. Момент второй. Дюсьмикеев Андрей Борисович, Руководитель холдинга компаний «МедиуМ».
Networked Learning Design - Make learners drive your design The learning problems that designers need to tackle are becoming more complex. As this happens, it is more important than ever for designers to get to the root of learning needs; to deeply understand the learners, their environment and what needs to change. And this focus on learner needs should be sustained throughout the learning design process, not just during an initial analysis phase. However, learning designers face a number of obstacles in getting to the root of learning needs, not least current practice. Discussion It is common practice in the e-learning industry to either carry out over-complex training needs analyses, or largely ignore learner needs. Traditional training needs analysis methods can be highly effective in situations where the substance of what needs to be learned is relatively stable and can be clearly defined. In less traditional environments, the opposite problem exists. Clients may obstruct access to learners as they are concerned that involving learners will:
Selecting a LMS: Which one is the right one for you? Find the right system is never easy, especially in today’s market. Terminology can be confusing, certain systems are geared towards certain verticals, while others are in the “throw it against the wall and whatever sticks” mentality. As a potential customer, selecting a system quickly, based on specific features is long gone. Welcome to the wild west of LMSs, where some see themselves as magic elixirs that can solve all your problems. Selection: Terminology When assessing which system is the right one for you, the first step is identifying it by its space. In the LMS space, the following are designated as: Corporate (inc. all size of businesses, associations, non-profits)Education – primary, secondary and higher education (inc. community college, technical college, for profit colleges, private) Corporate In the e-learning world, the size of the business is essential. Small business – 500 or less employees. There are hundreds of vendors who do not try for this space and that makes sense. K-12.
Ten Tips for Personalized Learning via Technology At Forest Lake Elementary School, in Columbia, South Carolina, the student population grows more diverse by the day. Income levels, ethnicities, family structures, first languages, interests, and abilities now vary so much, that a traditional teaching approach, with a uniform lesson targeted to the average-level student, just doesn't cut it. (Sound familiar to you educators out there?) To challenge and support each child at his or her own level, the Forest Lake teachers and staff are deploying a powerful array of widely available digital-technology tools. More important than the gadgets themselves, of course, is how the teachers use them to create personalized lessons and a productive environment where each child is engaged. 1. You now have at your fingertips far more than just the old standbys of words and still pictures. 2. Why wait days or weeks to deliver and grade a quiz to find out which kids missed important concepts? 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Networked Learning Design - Understand the context Problem summary Learning needs arise in specific contexts. So to truly understand a learning need, a learning designer needs to gain a deep understanding of the context in which the need arises. Discussion Theorists and practitioners of learning design are increasingly emphasising that learning needs, and the strategies required to address them, are embedded in specific contexts. Traditional instructional design methodologies regard the context of learning as a low priority. In many fields of design, it is regarded as critical for the designer to gain a deep understanding of the context in which the user functions. Recommendations Three methods of research are particularly relevant to understanding the learner’s context in learning design. Learner observation. Observing is, in many cases, more effective than interviewing as it is possible to see peoples’ emotional responses and their typical tactics for dealing with problems at first hand. Learner stories and anecdotes.
Викифицируй свой курс: Проектировка и реализация вики-сайта для Вашей среды обучения Вики-сайты помогают вовлечь учащихся в процесс обучения, обеспечивая между тем их социальное взаимодействие со сверстниками. Вики-сайт предназначен для того, чтобы предоставить учащимся возможность работать на концептуальном уровне понимания оригинальных проектов, где они могут решать проблемы, завязывать контакты, распознавать модели, а также развивать глубокое понимание информации. Как разъясняется в данной статье, в основе проекта вики-сайта заложено совместное приобретение знаний учащимися, опосредованное проектированием, инициированным пользователем. У современных учащихся возникает желание познакомиться со средой, которая может вовлечь их в процесс обучения, отражает их готовность к овладению техническими и прикладными науками, и предусматривает социальное взаимодействие со сверстниками в учебном процессе. После выбора платформы для вики её следует настроить. Проекты, рассчитанные на долгосрочную перспективу Эта сложная задача была обозначена как групповой проект. Ролевая игра
Конкурс 2011 - редактор электронных курсов CourseLab Подведены итоги ежегодного конкурса на лучший электронный курс, разработанный с помощью редактора Courselab. Конкурс проводится компанией Websoft, разработчиком программного продукта Courselab в четвертый раз (см. итоги конкурса 2010, итоги конкурса 2009, итоги конкурса 2008). Главная особенность этого конкурса в том, что в нем участвуют работы, созданные непосредственно в компаниях для обучения своих сотрудников, а не заказанные внешним разработчикам. Оценка работ проводилась как членами профессионального жюри, так и клиентами Websoft, а также пользователями портала На конкурс было представлено 50 электронных курсов, разработанных в 27 компаниях Вы можете познакомиться со всеми работами представленными на конкурс, а также с их разработчиками, перейдя по этой ссылке Оценка проводилась по ряду критериев: Корректность формулировки целей и задач курса Соответствие используемых приемов оформления достижению целей и задач курса. Эксперты конкурса Результаты в номинациях приведены ниже.
Networked Learning Design - Understand the constraints Problem summary Effective design in any discipline demands that a designer is skilled in identifying constraints, and comfortable with accommodating shifting constraints throughout the process. For various reasons – pragmatic, technological and philosophical – learning designers are being required to take into account ever more complex constraints. Well-established instructional design methodologies and processes tend to assume that design options are fairly limited, and constraints are clear. Discussion All design activities occur with boundaries set by constraints. A growing challenge for learning designers is that their working environment is rapidly changing: This could be seen as requiring a shift from an engineering way of thinking, in which all requirements are known and objectively stated at the outset, to a design mindset, in which constraints can only partially be understood at the outset, and emerge during the process. Recommendation: a model of learning design constraints
CogDogRoo - StoryTools 50 Web 2.0 Ways to Tell a Story (return) Note! 50+ Ways is no longer being updated here but over at the new site for 50+ Web 2.0 Ways to Tell a Story-- It has more organizational features and includes ways for you to add content to the site once you join the new wiki. Below you will find 50+ web tools you can use to create your own web-based story. Again, the mission is not to review or try every single one (that would be madness, I know), but pick one that sounds interesting and see if you can produce something. I have used each tool to produce an example of the original Dominoe story, plus links are provided, where available, to examples by other people. Slideshow Tools Generates content that allows linear playback of a series of images, some with ability to add audio. 2. Upload images from computer or flickr or upload PowerPoint files. 3. 4. "RockYou! 5. 6. 8. 9. pictobrowser 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 17. 19. 24.
Failure is an Option: Helping Students Learn from Mistakes May 16, 2011 By: John Orlando, PhD in Teaching and Learning Failure is one of the best teachers. But instead of using failure as a valuable teaching tool, education discourages it as, well, a sign of failure. One way to reverse this trend is by using gaming in education. We must also rethink the purpose of grading itself. I asked him how this could square with this reputation for toughness. This story proves wrong the view that low grades are a sign of rigor. We learn to write by making mistakes and correcting our mistakes. Consider how to incorporate failure into your teaching in order to generate success. Feedback As usual, I encourage your comments, criticisms, and cries of outrage on the blog Resources Vocab Sushi: A vocabulary builder that provides a great example of a game for higher education. Parade of games in PowerPoint: Dianne Jones’ wonderful collection of free game templates that can be used by any teacher. [...]
Networked Learning Design - Debate with your design Problem summary Good design is like a debate in which the designer “converses” with the thing they are designing. They try out ideas, see what works, shift positions and try new things, often in a fluid, messy, semi-conscious way. As it is this conversation that creates the value, any “efficient” processes that minimises conversation removes value. Rather like film writers and playwrights, learning designers face the problem that what they’re designing is primarily an experience, not a tangible product. Apart from in their imagination, they can’t see what it is that they’re designing, nor can they sample the experience that will result. So it can be difficult to engage in the kind of exploratory “discussion” that good designing usually requires. Discussion Effective design is not a linear process. This process of progressive experimentation – of "dialogue" with the design – is valuable because it simultaneously resolves some issues and reveals new ones. Recommendations