25 Best Websites for Teachers
1. Best for Young Readers: The Stacks At The Stacks, students can post book reviews, get reading recommendations, play games based on the latest series, watch "Meet the Author" videos, and more. It's like Facebook for reading and it's safe for school, too. 2. Best for Finding Books: Book Wizard Use Scholastic's Book Wizard to level your classroom library, find resources for the books you teach, and create reading lists with the click of a button. 3. With hundreds of lessons for every grade level, you're guaranteed to find a colorful idea for your class, such as the "Chinese Dragon Drum" for Chinese New Year or the "What Do You Love?" 4. Establish a morning routine with Scholastic's Daily Starters — fun, fast math and language arts prompts and questions, including Teachable Moments from history and Fun Facts, such as "Before erasers, people used a piece of bread!" 5. 6. 7. At the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives, you'll find activities for every area of math at every grade level.
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Complete Guide to educational and special needs apps, complete list at One Place for Special Needs
Complete guide to educational and special needs apps With over 300,000 apps it's easy to become overwhelmed by the number of app choices. It's also easy to spend a small fortune on a lot of useless apps.
Educational MetaSites
Metasites Ed's Oasis Treasure Zone--excellent resource site for K-12 teachers, great organization of links within subject area categories, and an interesting collection of websites. Education Sites and Resources Educational Hotlists --very comprehensive list of resources and web sites by the Franklin Institute for K-12 teachers and students. Engines for Education Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators
English for Kids, Games, Videos, Worksheets, Songs, Apps, For ESL Kids Lessons
A List of 16 Websites Every Teacher should Know about
1- Teachers Network Teachers Network provides lesson plans, classroom specials, teacher designed activities for different subjects and many other resources. 2- Smithsonian Education Smithsonian Education offers a wide variety of free resources for teachers, students and parents.
A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Global Classroom
Objectives and Goals of a Lesson Plan
Objectives, also known as goals, are the first step in writing a strong lesson plan. This article includes descriptions of the objectives of lesson plans, how to write them, examples, and tips. Goal-Writing Tips
41 Websites for Teachers to Integrate Tech into Your Classroom
Any cookies on my website are used to ensure normal website functions (for instance, Youtube videos won’t work without their own identifiers). These cookies cannot be switched off because the website wouldn’t work properly anymore. However, these identifiers do not store any personal data.
Practical Sites for Teachers-General Sites, Gateways, and Meta-sites
Gateways and Meta-sites About.com Education Lots of information, lesson plans, articles and the kitchen sink. Eduhound.com Features an up-to-date database of over 15,000 education related web sites and resources. ProTeacher.com
7 Assistive Communication Apps in the iPad App Store
Augmentative and Alternative Communication Augmentative communication (AAC for short) is an alternative way to help students and adults with language disorders use expressive language or receptive language. Augmentative communication can be accomplished through assistive technology devices such as computers or hand held devices. Twenty years ago if your child was non-verbal your resources where very limited. Advanced communication was limited to low technology such as picture communication systems and sign language. Fast forward to 2011 and the iPad has revolutionized the assistive communication world.
Lesson Plans
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