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10 Must Have Online Tools for Web Development There was a time when web development was an extremely tough and time consuming task – a developer had to spend days and nights to create a simple element as they had to create them from scratch all by themselves. Now times and techniques both have changed, new languages and tools have made web development quite easy and quick. These tools help a developer create really awesome stuff just in a few clicks and very quickly. So if you are a web developer looking for some really cool and glitch-free tools that will prove to be useful in your work then you are at the right place as today we are going to share a list of 10 Must Have Online Tools for Web Development. Here goes the list… Google Hosted Libraries Google Hosted Libraries provide you with a huge collection of the most amazing, popular and open-source JavaScript libraries which you can take advantage of while developing. ProCSSor – Advanced CSS Prettifier Tableizer CSS Typeset Frame Box Simpless FavIcon Generator CSS Generator

Flags of the world meaning and free images - country flags fer visible l'invisible...: FOTOGRAFIA I MEMÒRIA Exercici de reconstrucció del nostre passat de forma col·lectiva La iniciativa va sorgir de la classe de cultura audiovisual (primer de batxillerat), mentre tractàvem el tema dels pioners de la fotografia. Vam acordar que un exercici del curs seria portar la fotografia més antiga de la família i ens vam topar amb troballes com aquestes: Aquesta és una de les fotos més antigues que he trobat. En ella apareix un grup de soldats de la guerra de Cuba; no sé l'any exacte en que es va fer la foto, però hauria de ser entre el 1868 i el 1898. Un dels soldats que apareix a la fotografia és un parent llunyà meu, que pertany a la part de València de la família. Joseph Kennedy i Mary Shaw, 1880. La nena de la fotografia és la cosina del meu avi. Aquí teniu una mostra de les fotografies aportades per l'alumnat: Una activitat complementària ha estat la visita a l'arxiu històric de Tarragona amb l'alumnat de cultura audiovisual. La Maria, molt interessada en observar els daguerrotips

20 new data viz tools and resources of 2014 We continue our special posts with the best data viz related content of the year, with a useful list of new tools and resources that were made available throughout 2014. A pretty straightforward compilation that was much harder to produce than initially expected, we must say, since the number of mentions to include was way beyond our initial (poorly made) estimates. So many new options out there! So, we had a hard time gathering 20 of those new platforms, tools and resources – if you’re a frequent reader of our weekly Data Viz News posts, you’ll might recall several of the mentions in this list, -, and we deliberately left out the new releases, versions and updates of existing tools, such as CartoDB, Mapbox, Tableau, D3.js, RAW, and others. Of course, there’s always Visualising Data’s list of 250+ tools and resources for a much broader view of what’s available out there. For now, here are the new resources and tools that caught our attention in 2014: (image: Yby, by O EcoLab)

Dynatable.js - jQuery plugin for HTML5+JSON interactive tables and more 17 Excellent Feedback Tools For Web Designers Most of the developers avoid getting third-party feedback on their work, as they think it is frustrating and time consuming. However in actuality, feed-back is one of the most important part of a project and is the first step in improving your overall service and knowledge. This article includes some great feedback tools for web designers. When you organize and gather feedback from users and experienced web designers around the web, it helps you develop new ideas, validate design selections and remove issues. Getting a fresh outside perspective, acts as quality assurance that can bring your projects to the next level. There are different ways of getting feedback, from emailing back and forth to crowdsourcing, but they are very time consuming. Please Critique Me / Please Critique Me, a web resource provided by web development firm OnWired, works for both web design projects and print design projects. Five Second Test / UserTesting /

15 Great Symbol Resources There are a dizzying number of free icons available for download from the web - so where do you start? In this feature, we've gathered some of the best sites to help track down options that work for you. First, you need to know what you're looking for. The key to iconography is a consistent aesthetic (line weights, proportions, composition, amount of positive vs negative space used, etc) that displays a sense of competence and good decision-making in your design. Each individual icon needs to communicate clearly but relate to every other icon used on the site or design piece. Scalability In other words, you need to make sure the free icons you download are scalable. Understand what your needs are: the amount of room needed to display the icons, if the background is clean or complex, and so on. Understand that icons are more about being literal rather than symbolic. 01. iconmonstr The iconmonstr website is a great place to find black and white vector icons. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09.

Disseny de laberints Dels laberints sense bifurcacions treballarem el disseny de dos models diferents. Primer ens enfrontarem al model cretenc. Per dibuixar un laberint cretenc només hem de decidir prèviament de quants "circuits" el volem fer. (Podem comptar els "circuits" comptant els passadissos que es veuen des passadís més exterior per la part superior del laberint fins a l'immediatament anterior al centre) Si el volem fer una mica més gran hem d'augmentar 4 braços més. El següent model serà d'11 circuits i l'únic que torna a variar és el dibuix inicial El de 15 circuits repeteix el procés anterior És interessant estudiar l'ordre numèric en el que es passen els passadissos i buscar pautes per un laberint de qualsevol nombre de circuits.

Médialab Tools

il faut les ouvrir sous Illustrator ou Photoshop pour toute modification à faire.
il y'a des tutos sur le Net montrant comment changer la couleur des icones choisies, la taille, etc.
une petite recherche sur google avec tuto changer couleur illustrator photoshop (mots clés)
bon courage by abika Nov 24

Options pour changer la couleur de l'icone à sa guise by lesdocsetsup Nov 23

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